AoS Sunstrike - Strength in numbers?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Chipotle, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. Chipotle

    Chipotle New Member

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    Hello my fellow cold-bloods,

    I am bored with my current Thunderquake-based Seraphon list and looking for a change.
    The list below will probably be used in a friendly tournament coming up.
    Shadowstrike bonuses plus double teleport from the Slann will make the list fast enough and threatening across the board.
    With 149 models, it's going to be challenging a lot of objectives. Especially if the mission has the "objective secured" rule for units of 20+ models.
    The main concerns are fatigue from moving all those 149 models each turn, and a lack of high rend attacks and/or mortal wounds. Whatever damage this list will bring, it will bring via masses of dice rolls.

    Do you see this list working?

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General

    Saurus Sunblood (120)

    Skink Starpriest (80)

    40 x Saurus Warriors (360)

    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)

    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)

    40 x Skinks (200)
    -Boltspitters & Moonstone Clubs

    40 x Skinks (200)
    -Boltspitters & Moonstone Clubs

    6 x Ripperdactyl Riders (280)

    Sunclaw Starhost (130)
    Shadowstrike Starhost (170)
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2018
    Crowsfoot and Buldi like this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Oh man that's a lot of wounds!
    Even the worst mortal wound spammers will have a problem with that. My main concern about that list would be that killing two heroes robs you of all your synergies. But that's true for most Seraphon lists.
  3. Chipotle

    Chipotle New Member

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    Yeah that's true. Once the Starpiest and the Slann are dead I don't get to reroll 1s to wound and hit for the Skinks and Rippers and no more dual teleport. But the idea is by the time my opponent kills them both, I will already be in a favourable position.

    Rippers will arrive within 3" of enemy units any time they want and they get reroll hit/wounds on their own. The Skinks will get a 2D6 move before the game starts, together with their 8" movement they should be able to get their target in range of their blowpipes by turn 1 and benefit from the Starpriest's rerolls at least once.

    As far as I know there's nothing stopping us from attempting to teleport the same unit twice using Great Rememberer. So once I teleport the 40 Sauruses (Sauri?) and maybe the Sunblood I don't get to lose so much from losing the Slann either.

    Sunclaw bonuses don't rely on the Sunblood so +1 attack with jaws/shields and -1 rend for celestial weapons will persist.

    Losing heroes can be a problem in the Duality of Death mission since I need them to score objective points, but I guess that's a problem most armies face in that mission.

    Against opponents that don't have a sniping mechanic to take out my heroes, I think the list will fare much better though. My worry is that with the most rend I have being -1 and found on the weapons of the Sunclaw units, how will I fare against heavily armoured opponents like Stormcast or Slaves to Darkness, etc? I can imagine one Lord-Celestant on Dracoth with the Staunch Defender trait and the buff from a Lord-Castellant holding off my entire army :(
    crazyeye45, Crowsfoot and Buldi like this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    That Lord Celestant on Dracoth.... You can't do much against him, except try putting mortal wounds on him using arcane bolt or so.

    OR maybe you can do this:
    In one of my last games I faced a LC on Draco and all I had was skeletons. So what I did was: CHARGE!! with a group of 20+ skeletons. And then stand around him doing nothing at all. Attacking him only kills your guys so don't. The LC couldn't move so he couldn't. kill other units of mine. He couldn't kill the Skeletons either because there were just too many of them. Meanwhile my other units managed to kill something, basically ignoring the general.

    I don't say it has to work but it may.
  5. Chipotle

    Chipotle New Member

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    Yeah ignoring him seems like the best option.

  6. claymore36

    claymore36 Active Member

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    I actually managed to kill a LC on dracoth with a buffed block of saurus warriors. Granted I also put a couple mortal wounds on him with arcane bolt but most of the damage came from my blob of warriors. That said I had some lucky rolls but only in that one part of the battle. Everywhere else the dice were against me.
    Aginor likes this.
  7. crazyeye45

    crazyeye45 Member

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    It seems like the dice are always against me as well. everything that could go wrong does. All i need to do is not roll a six for Kroak *rolls a six*. I would like to roll to change the stars, hope I don't roll a one *rolls a one*, I need to make this last Lord of Space and Time just, just don't roll a 1 *rolls 1*

    It always happens.
  8. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    I've played with a list like this before and even with movement trays it gets boring moving that many models fast!

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