So... is this malign portents business done yet? I was waiting to see if there were going to be any new models for warhammer undead, but... it looks like there are only four new story-arc character models and a bunch of repackages for the old vampire counts range? And a legions of nagash book, which seems to me like an updated way to use the end times undead army in AOS. No new unit models? No new undead monsters? No worldwide campaign event? Kind of a let down considering all the "hype," I was thinking it would be more interesting considering for how long this has been dragging on.
There is a worldwide campaign coming, and possibly new units. Lots of mentions of "desert tombs" and other Sandy adjectives in the malign portents book.
So new story is up... They do mention somewhere a ''Grining Skull-moon'' on the rise. Moonclan Grots? Would love to see a battletome for them, they're kind of a cool forgotten faction IMO!
I could be mistaken but I think that's also one of the six portents in the MP book. I agree though, Grots could use some love by GW.
We haven't talked about this in a while. There are three new stories on the MP Website, and another one is scheduled for Tuesday. Not sure yet what to think of Morathi but she sure brings some life into the story.
Man they almost churn out those stories more quickly than I can follow right now. Too much Lore... really a first world problem. I am happy how GW handles that. Now catching up with the stories, next one tomorrow!
Stories have been a highlight for 2018 for me, no questions about it. Always looking forward to the next one
I also really like how they highlight many of the factions, looking forward to the Seraphon being featured in one of the stories. They surely won't forget us.