How taste lizard's blood ?

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by vg11k, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. vg11k

    vg11k Member

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    Hello everyone.

    I'm vg11k, not a bot but a french guy who just discovered this place.

    I started warhammer 7-8 years ago and i am playing vampire counts. Got a bit more than two hundreds minis today, still trying to get them all painted. But this last years, it's been hard to find time and pleasure on battlefield. So i searched for new things and started to write stories with some friends on the french vampire forum and my personnal blog. I even started to translate one of them in Shakespeare language, but it's a hard and slow process for me (i'm also posting them on

    Why i am coming here... well, your fluff & arts section seems pretty big and active. I like it. Months ago i started a novel about a custom lizardmens city, forgotten and deserted. I was enjoying it, but had few answers i needed but no one to answer them (the french lizardmens are a bit... deserted...). It would be a pleasure to - try to - translate them and i was hoping you could answer me about my question.

    Here it goes : when they spawn from the pool, i know they already know how to do what they are supposed to do. War, hunt, scrib, craft, architecture... I also remember from the book army skinks can learn lots of words while saurus can learn about an hundred. To this, we can add all the body language (posture, breathing, peak color...). But, in fact, when they spawn, did they already know all this ? I mean, i can understand they instinctively learn the body language. But the speaking and words, do they already know it when spawning or did they need to learn from a "teacher" ?

    I've already take a look at you spawning pool section in the lustriapedia - an amazing thing you have build here. But i haven't found this answer. Also, as an active member of the french forum of vampires, i have already suggested to set up similar things as your lustriapedia and month-motival post. Please don't torn me appart for stealing your ideas :D

    Sooo... i think that's all for a first post. I hope my english didn't peel your eyes too much !
    Warden, Captaniser, Crowsfoot and 2 others like this.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    Let me try to answer your questions. But first...


    Not everyone follows that Lizardmen emerge from the spawning pools as fully educated adults.. Me I figure they know how to talk and they know what the Old Ones are and what they are, but they still have to learn their trade (a Saurus can come out of a pool and beat monsters to death, but everyone else needs some training). So basically I see newly spawned Lizardmen as skipping infancy and childhood, not going STRAIGHT to adulthood. Though, there first few months out of the spawning pool they learn new things MUCH faster than humans do.

    Also, when I say they are spawned knowing how to talk, I mean they can communicate things like "I'm hungry!" but if they need to be taught more vocabulary and communication skills if they want to say or understand "The Empire's economy is based an agriculture primarily focused on staple crops which are predominantly high starch grains. Most agricultural workers are low born peasants who support a smaller group of craftsmen and soldier who support a smaller group of aristocrats."

    That's what the book says, but me and most writers on the forum have decided to make Saurus warriors a bit more mentally sophisticated than that because they are more interesting characters that way.

    How does lizard blood taste? There are no official sources on this, in my fluff pieces I figured most vampires can live off of Lizardmen blood but they don't like the taste. A Lizardmen vampire can get by on warmblooded blood but prefers to drink from cold blooded creatures.
    Warden, Captaniser and Crowsfoot like this.
  3. vg11k

    vg11k Member

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    Thanks. For both the greetings and the explanations :)

    By memory, i would say cold-one blood is like poison, but skinks and saurus are consumable. Just like you highlight it, not very tasty.
    In my stories i already got a vampire elves, but i never thought about a reptilian one... if that's even possible. It would be pretty badass !
    Warden, Captaniser and Crowsfoot like this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Oh you have to write a story about a Lizardman becoming a vampire that is so cool.

    @Scalenex write a story as well ;)
    Warden likes this.
  5. vg11k

    vg11k Member

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    Well, i already have soo many stories on the stove, including the start of a lizard story i think i'll translate and share here... vampire lizardmen could be cool indeed, but not for now. Later maybe.
    Aginor, Captaniser and Crowsfoot like this.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    To flagrantly advertise myself.

    My secondary army is Undeath/Vampire Counts and I did convert a modest number of models into undead Lizardmen and I have some Lustrian undead fluff.

    The purple fluff pieces include undead/Lustrian vampires as side characters. The red ones are almost exclusively about vampires.

    After the Death of Sigmar, Merestar the Slann tries to take a more active hand in guiding humanity
    The Fall of Turochlitan (~5 pages)

    A pair of outcast vampires journey to Lustria with the goal of drinking a Slann's blood
    Count Renliss' Journey to Lustria (~21 pages)

    Klodorex is in disarray after the Slann disappear forcing an unlikely hero to unite the city
    The Orphaned Temple City (~39 pages)

    A party of Skinks is sent on a mysterious quest.
    Divided We Fall (~45 pages)

    Southlands Dwarves and Lizardmen unite against Skaven and Daemons
    New Alliances (~43 pages)

    An unusual Skink priest finds his destined entwined with a cursed Human
    Legacies. a novella (~61 pages)

    Lord Renliss battles the Grand Commodore Harkon of the Vampire Coast for supremacy of Lustria's undead
    Dead Water (~25 pages)

    Brief History of the Burn Face Tribe of Savage Orcs (~1 page)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
    Crowsfoot and Warden like this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Welcome aboard, we have a nice group of Seraphon / Lizardmen players, that actively play Death armies. ;)
  8. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Welcome home.

    Yes our fluff, art, and painting sections are top tier

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