we have entered the fifth week of the dread solstice, and it's starting to look dire. In other news, Khul's big world thingy got shot by a death laser, and the Seraphon, and other demonic entities, showed up to fight for the orb infernia. Malign Portens
They made a time gun, fired it at the realm of fire, and it reversed khorgas khuls victories for khorne on that plane. It could be used as a desire ex machina to bring back some semblance of Warhammer fantasy Or the tomb kings for that matter
They are coming back into the AoS world... If you can have space Lizardmen, then why not space Tomb Kings?
Apparently there is some new spell marker crap on the way. One on the community adepticon update looks like a large purple skull
With Dread Solstice nearing its end, I'm intrigued; has anyone been voting on it and if so, for what?
What, Mike Tomlin? Sorry I was unable to resist. More quality content by me soon, I am still in shock about not being able to post for three days.