I disagree, I think if you added ranged artillery units the Death wizards, Dragons, Morghasts etc would not be as special in fact if you added ranged artillery you could say Death would be OP. Death have loads of flying troops that more than makes up for not having ranged troops but from a theme point of view and if you were just sticking to Deathrattle yes they need something, but if you have Arkhan he can cause havoc.
That's in fact my point of critique: Right now it feels like if you not take Arkhan, Nagash, or Prince Volemort (named characters) you are screwed.
But that's what I love about Death your using the big boys to enhance and lead your Army, the only one that I'm disappointed with is Nagash he just seems too easy to kill, maybe if you play him in an elite list he might shine more. Deathrattle played with Wightkings and Necromancers can do well but they are lacking at higher point games as there isn't enough variety to the army. Do you mix and match or stick to pure Deathrattle?
No experience with the new book yet (although I own it, I just haven't played), but before that: I WANT to play Deathrattle. But they suck too much so I played mixed Death. Mostly Deathrattle (Double Necro, Wight King with Axe and Wight King with Standard (general), a few Black Knights and a lot of Skeletons) with a VLoZD as the hard hitter. Now with the book... Dunno. I haven't built my Morghasts yet and I don't have Nagash or a Mortarch but I might try both Sacrament or Grand Host of Nagash in the future. I am building toward one of the Deathrattle bataillons right now (3x Skellies 1x Grave Guard).
I just read the new story (from today) on the Malign Portents website, and I have a question: I assume we have Morathi and her son (who is apparently a god?) talking to each other, and they mention twins. Can anyone explain me who those twins are? It have the feeling that I am missing something because I don't know the old WHFB lore that well.
I believe she is talking to Malerion, who is the God of Shadows in Ulgu. He was Malekith in the old world, and he fused with his mount to become Malerion. He was Morathi's son, hence why he calls her mother. And the twins are Teclis and Tyrion.
Twins are the gods og light, teclis and Tyrion. Teclis attempted to create a race of elves in the shape of the heroes of old. That project failed and became the idoneth deepkin
Yeah, it even states it's them in the story. They never fused, that is a rumor 4chan put out. We also get some insight in the dynamics of a larger ploy that the Elves are doing. Apparently the gladiatarium that Malekith gifted Sigmar, have a secret purpose. The Elves take souls from somewhere. The results from the previous Dread solstice choice are also mentioned.
I'm testing them right now, and they seems worthwhile. My buffed skeleton warriors shredded to pieces Goddrakk... But usually you cannot count on them alone, bring some heavy weight as a terrorgheist.
I like that the Terrorgheist and Zombie Dragon are now compatible with all armies. I made mine convertible so I can use it as everything between Vordhrai, a VLoZD, GKoTG, ZD or TG.
The last chapter of the Dread Solstice campaign has been concluded, and Drake won the vote in the end. So we didn't stop Nagash, but we freed heroes of ages past. I dunno about you guys, but this sound like an opportune moment to bring back some of the old, now dead, Warhammer characters. Especially the part where they mention an ice-hearted queen, Sigmar touched hero and disgraced vampire aristocrat. Maybe i'm just having some wishful thinking, but those sound like the Ice queen of Kislev, Karl Franz and Vlad von Carstein.