Hey guys! Today i need something from you Ark of Sotek Owners (you all are right? No one plays this bad and boring Laser right? ) Its about the mounting Sticks for the Laser, would need 1 or 2 Sets Also i need something from you Troglodon Owners 1 or 2 Sets of the Scar-Vet in Foot! (Have all parts besides the Body as i built Two Carnosaurs) Tell me your Price as my favorite Bitseller is out of stock
Pretty much this. Toothpicks also have the right size for the bars btw. I know because with my newest Bastiladon I made it convertible, but not only between the two weapons but also to a "wild" Bastiladon with no crew at all. The bars looked weird so my initial idea was to attach them to the Solar Engine and build own bars for the Ark. I ended up doing it differently but I did try toothpicks and they looked ok. The Y-shaped thingies were the bigger problem.