It's a long shot, but it would be splendid. Imagine the glory of the Tomb Kings on this forum.... with all the beautiful custom art!
I don't think the art would be released for wallpapers. None of the others have been. But I'd still LOVE to see what the forum would look like Tomb King themed... even if only for a day.
You could still take a screenshot of the greatness using the ever-useful Snipping Tool. Count me in too - I would love to see a Tomb Kings takeover, especially if we were all given portraits of mummified versions of our Avatars.
That really is the most brilliant program of all time. Excellent. So those in favour of a Tomb King figure are as follows: @Lord-Marcus , @Killer Angel , @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl , @NIGHTBRINGER
No, Win7 and upward bring a small program named "snipping tool", which is a screenshot tool that you can use to draw a box on your screen and make a JPG out of that, or just click on one window, so no need to crop it in paint.
it is in the start menu, in tools or something. But you can also open it by using Win+R and type snippingtool The program itself is located in %windir%\system32\SnippingTool.exe
I sense a Tomb King revolution brewing!! This is the snipping tool icon which I captured using the snipping tool As for finding the program... @Aginor has described it.
Hahaha oh wow, great effort! Though honestly I can't see any lizardman NOT fighting to the death against chaos, instead of surrendering like some damn warmblood