Help New to Seraphon - Paint Scheme Help

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Kitsune, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. Kitsune
    Jungle Swarm

    Kitsune New Member

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    This will be my first AoS army and i'm looking to take inspiration from the attached pictures to paint my start collecting boxes.
    If i used the GW paint guides for these colours do you think it would look OK?
    For the White bits - Bone white
    For the Orange bits - Orange
    For the Blue bits - Dark Blue/ Navy blue

    Any input on the main colours or other bits and bobs would be greatly appreciated,
    I look forward to sharing my progress with you all! :)

    Attached Files:

    Crowsfoot likes this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Best thing you can do is print off the pictures and go and look in your local store to compare the colours, it won't be exact but you will get close, if your buying over the internet just compare them on screen.

    What paints do you have at the moment?
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Also keep in mind that the model in those pictures is extremely high quality, in fact I'd say they are a good amount above what most of us here are capable of painting.
    If you are not a very good painter yet you might have to cut some corners and simplify the paint schemes a bit.

    That being said, here are my best guesses for the colors (note I am NOT a very good painter and don't use GW colors either):

    - Judging by the bright colors I'd suggest priming white.
    - Almost all shading in between scales seems to be quite dark, Nuln Oil I guess.
    - The gold parts could be Retributor Armor I guess, shaded with flesh shade (more reddish) or sepia (more brownish) and highlighted with either a very bright gold color or Stormhost Silver.
    - The blue part of the shield is probably Caledor Sky blue, shaded with nuln oil or drakenhof nightshade, and drybrushed/highlighted with Lothern Blue and/or Baharroth Blue.
    - The white is just Ceramite White or a very light grey, shaded with nuln oil and layered/drybrushed up to white again.
    - The purple is probably Xereus Purple, shaded Nuln Oil, followed by Genestealer Purple. Maybe even extreme highlights with Emperor's Children.
    - The black is probably Abaddon black, Dark Reaper, and Fenrisian Grey
    - The orange might be Jokaero Orange, followed by Troll Slayer Orange, and highlighted with Fire Dragon Bright

    - For the Jade weapon I'd try Waagh Flesh, Warpstone Glow, Moot Green and a little bit of white (White Scar for example).
    But you can also google Jade weapon and watch a YT video like these (I actually can't watch them now I just found it):
    For the Jade weapon:

    For many colors there are several ways to do them, so don't mindlessly go and buy colors like crazy. Many are very similar and you can do stuff like drybrush with colors not meant for drybrushing, highlight with base colors and so on. Don't take the words on the colors too seriously.

    And I can give you another tip:
    Get the Citadel Painting App, it is great. The model you want to paint might not be in the app, but just browse through others until you see a color that looks the one you like, and look up the recipe. That's what I did above. The Orange recipe is from the beard of a Vulkite Berserker for example.
    You can also have your paint inventory in the app which is nice because otherwise you might go and buy colors you already have (it happened to many of us).

    Hope this helps. :)
    tom ndege likes this.
  4. Nefertem
    Temple Guard

    Nefertem Well-Known Member

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    For a start I'd try the citadel paint app. It'll help choose base, highlight, and shading colours. So you can get an idea as what colours work together and which ones you'd like to paint your model.

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