Blog TheCrux: Advice for a first timer

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by TheCrux, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. TheCrux

    TheCrux Member

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    Hi all, I'm pretty new to this whole game and looking to start painting my models soon. I don't own any paints yet, but i have a Medium base, small layer, medium shade and medium dry brush.

    I really love this colour scheme for the skinks and wanted to carry it over to my warriors and knights etc. Does anyone know what colours I should buy to get this look below?

    Skink Colours.png

    I undertstand the straight lines on the shields may be a bit beyond me at the moment, But I can come up with a different design!

    Any tips would be great. I've been watching lots of youtube videos on how to paint, but I'm struggling to find how to get the colours I want.
    generatorss, Warden and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    First of get the GW painting app it has loads of models in it with the colours explained.

    The Skinks above are a very standard colour scheme for GW and the main colours are as follows, I will explain the colours then after I will give you a process to paint the model.

    Light blue

    Base Temple guard green
    Wash Coelia greenshade
    Layer Temple guard green
    Layer Lothern blue

    Dark blue

    Kantor blue + Lahmian medium (this is too thin the paint water will do)


    Brass scorpion
    Wash Agrax earthshade
    Layer Runefang steel

    Ok so that's the 3 main colours covered on that model, now being a beginner you won't want to tackle Layers yet so we will use Drybrushing

    Step 1

    Prime the model black, use a automotive spray primer or paint it black with a brush you want a nice even coat, thin coats are best so you may need 2 coats with a brush to get a consistent coverage.

    Step 2

    Paint the full model Temple guard blue, all the skin and scales, again 2 thin coats are best.

    Step 3

    Wash all the temple guard blue with Coelia greenshade, don't apply so much that it creates puddles just enough to colour the model, let it dry for about 30 mins.

    Step 4

    Drybrush the skin, scales Lothern blue, Drybrushing is when you apply paint to the brush then remove most of it on a tissue so when you run the brush over your hand it leaves no trace, work the brush against the contours of the model so arms, legs go side to side, scale go up and down.

    Step 5

    Mix a near equal measure of kantor blue and lahmian medium (or water) go 60/40 and apply this just over the scales, don't let it puddle or run so apply small amounts and do 2 coats if needed.

    For the gold just use the same methods as above, when you drybrush use an old brush or a dedicated drybrush, they are flat ended, GW ones are quite good.

    Now you want to paint 5 at a time as this will ensure you get a consistent looking army, don't panic and take your time and we are always here if you get stuck.

    **** I say this to all new painters do not be afraid to make mistakes ****

    Good luck and get cracking ;)
    Aginor and tom ndege like this.
  3. TheCrux

    TheCrux Member

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    Wow thanks Crowsfoot! That's extremely helpful. I'll let you know how I get on. Hoping to get started over this weekend assembling them.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Here to help, especially new painters
  5. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    I would recommend basecoating any gold parts in a brown before applying the brass.

    This will allow even a thin coat of brass to get good coverage.

    I would suggest Rust-Oleum black spray primer if you are in the US. It coats better than krylon or the Walmart $1 stuff.

    I can also suggest extra tools and brushes to expand your "toolbox" if requested.

    If you need anything, please ask myself, @Crowsfoot, or anyone else and we will be happy to help.

    I would also suggest a blog so we can follow your progress and have a central thread to base discussion in.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I will adapt this thread into a blog for you @TheCrux
  7. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Boom. You are awesome @Crowsfoot .

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