AoS 2k-No Kroak-Take All Comers

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Lorrec, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. Lorrec

    Lorrec Active Member

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    Kai Itza Mundi’s Tuatara
    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Mortal Realm: Hysh

    Kai Itza Mundi “The Eternal Shadow” - Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Trait: Vast Intellect
    - Artefact: Lens of Refraction

    Gor-Roq - Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    - Artefact: Mirrored Cuirass
    Itzi-Bitzi - Skink Priest (80)
    - Priestly Trappings
    Char-Boq Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices

    10 x Saurus Guard (180)
    10 x Saurus Guard (180)
    5 x Saurus Guard (90)
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    3 x Razordons (120)
    3 x Razordons (120)
    3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (140)

    Eternal Starhost (150)
    Shadowstrike Starhost (180)

    Endless Spells
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 96

    A typical castle list with 25 Guard forming the main line. All 3 units remain within 5” of the Eternity Warden for 2+ saves and +1 attack. The Slann keeps within 6” of the guard, warden, Astrolith and Razordons to protect them with Lens of Refraction, reducing several spells to little or no damage. The Eternity Warden will take any mortal wounds from the Slann and wounds that the Slann does not save (4+ armor, +1 for Balewind, +1 for cover and potential rerolls could stop a lot of rend - or -1 before needing to be passed on). The Eternity Warden ignores mortal wounds on 5+ and passes on mortal wounds on a 6+ thanks to the mirrored cuirass. Astrolith Bearer extends spell range, grants the deadly guard and Razordons rerolls to hit and generates his extra D3 celestial conjuration points. The Slann will aim to cast Balewind turn 1, then Curse of fates on the skink priest to help celestial rites go off on a 3+ for rerolls. Even if the priest fails, the Slann uses his command ability every turn to reroll armor saves vs shooting. The Slann will then generate 6 celestial conjuration points, +1 for general and an average of 2 from the Astrolith comes out to ~9 per turn. In the second movement phase the Slann will summon an EoTG for 18 points (huge value). And further turns the EoTG can summon 3 more rippers or 20 skinks (worth 12 CP) for a potential net gain of 30 celestial points after only spending 18 on the EoTG.
    The Razordons provide volume of fire to deal with hordes, ghosts and incoming chargers. While the skinks fan out and take objectives or screen for enemy redeployments. The Geminids provide a 2d3 mortal wound output per unit passed while also debuffing enemy units with -1 attack and -1 to hit. And the Rippers hit enemy artillery, wizards, and ranged units while also generating a Bloat Toad for future rippers. Through summoning and tough defense the list is designed to win the scenario objectives and not to table opponents in two turns. Although the list can also hit like a truck against the right opponents.

    Comments and critique welcome!
    (Also I play the Rippers as only generating one extra attack.)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Sounds playable. Your artefact choices mitigate the vulnerability to mortal wounds and you have enough mobile/ranged units to have some board control.

    I might try something similar myself some time, the idea of "Eternal Shadow" lists has been around for a while but I think it has become more viable with AoS2
    Lorrec likes this.
  3. Lorrec

    Lorrec Active Member

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    Yeah the Eternal Shadow has always been my go to, and I think the new artifacts have opened the door for their return. I originally had a Bastilladon in the list for some mortal wound output. But I wanted to add the Geminids for narrative reasons. And by dropping the Bastilladon I was able to add Geminids and 6 Razordons, and I think that’s an acceptable trade.
    Aginor likes this.

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