Blog Trevorious Maximus the Thunder Lizards Paint blog

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Trevorious Maximus, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Trevorious Maximus

    Trevorious Maximus New Member

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    OK Starting up some stuff today, this is gonna be really bad as I am just beginning but hopefully I will be able to progress at some what of a decent rate! Ended up not getting around to painting but did go through about 35 old pots of paint that a friend gave me. Some were very dry and had no chance of saving, but the vast majority I have all saved now or at least soaking in some water the ones that were borderline. Hopefully I can get some started this weekend. I am thinking just some saurus warriors and will hopefully display them as they get going too. Figured the 30 or so paints I saved was worth the time investment today. Also for 40K, I have been reading a bit of the books, I am really thinking about getting into some Nurgle or DeathGuard so Will most likely post those as well if that is alright. Also other random models that I find super awesome or have given to me.
    Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Sounds good. It's always sad to do the old which of these old paints is still viable game. Look forward to seeing some work :D
  3. Trevorious Maximus

    Trevorious Maximus New Member

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    OK so not quite my minis yet, but here are some mini trees that I salvaged and potted up I do want to eventually use these for backdrops for my lizards and even some of my 40k guys that I have picked up.
    Hoping to get some saurus warriors done in the next few days with some different color schemes

    20180718_133257.jpg 20180718_133305.jpg 20180718_133310.jpg 20180718_133321.jpg 20180718_133325.jpg 20180718_133333.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
    Warden and tom ndege like this.
  4. Trevorious Maximus

    Trevorious Maximus New Member

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    OK finally got some stuff done tonight but I am a SUPER beginner so go easy on me. Did 7 different saurus warriors trying out color schemes of a sort so only just first coat but since I am a beginner it took a good couple hours just to get this far. Please if you see something I am doing wrong let me know!!

    The one on the left is red underneath with a bone scale and then did a black wash not looking super great need to try dry brushing and highlights
    The one on the right is a bone color on underneath thinking orange on top

    The one on the left is a lighter blue grey underneath going lighter on top
    The one on the right is gonna be very dark underneath, black/really dark grey and then a lighter up top maybe orange or something

    These two I did a flesh base on the left and an orange base gonna do darker black/grey on top here

    This one is all dark green and then I did a flesh belly.

    Attached Files:

    Warden and Crowsfoot like this.
  5. Nefertem
    Temple Guard

    Nefertem Well-Known Member

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    Hmm, I think you're going the right way insofar as you are evaluating different colour schemes. Personally, I'd stay with colours not too bright for battleline. Use the orange for salamanders, for example. I'd also suggest not to use black wash on warm colours, as it won't work according to my experience (ok, use it for metals or so).
    Trevorious Maximus and Crowsfoot like this.
  6. Trevorious Maximus

    Trevorious Maximus New Member

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    So then what wash for those bone colors then a brown? I was kind of hoping for a really dark almost black underneath the top scales part. I know its super terrible compared to everyone else posting. But figured everyone starts somewhwere.

    Maybe I am still not using enough water. Should I be coming up with a consistency of a basic wash? Or thicker than that. I have watched about a ton of tutorials and they all just paint so fast and it comes out so quickly for them. If I was twelve I would probably not be as discouraged but man it feels like this should be easier lol.
    Joshua Horchler likes this.
  7. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    Hey Trevorious, I'm at work right now but I'd be happy to give you some beginner tips. First tip, DON"T BE HARD ON YOURSELF. I could barely get paint off my brush when I first started. We all start like you.

    I'll circle back and give my beginner painter tips. You can either ignore

    In the meantime let me give you an amazing resource in regards to color :

    Pick a color and then click the Complementary and or spilt Complementary options. This is a great tool to determine what colors go well with each other.

    For example if you like a Darker green underbellow did you know you a deep red would look great with it? I love your orange one. You know what would look great with it? Purple and Blue/Teal!!! Color theory is awesome, and even using the very basics of an online color wheel can get you on the right path. Play around with it and see what you like! I honestly think an Orange base skin and then complementary colors on the scales and patterns on the scales would look amazing, But it's up to what you like!
  8. Nefertem
    Temple Guard

    Nefertem Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, go easy. You could use a dark brown and then drybrushing with a lighter colour and bring the colours together with a sepia wash, for example. Or have a look in the citadel paint app, they recommend trios of harmonizing colours, as hints. And be sure, it'll get easier with every model you finish.
  9. Trevorious Maximus

    Trevorious Maximus New Member

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    First off I want to thank you both very much. I am looking at those calculators now and trying to get an idea of what would work with those colors. For some reason I have really liked the idea of a Gila Monster type color scheme or almost volcano like guys. Any who hopefully in the next day or so I will get some done and I can post them and more critique can commence ! Please do send all the tutorial stuff you have it wont hurt my feelings at all.
    Joshua Horchler and Nefertem like this.

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