AoS Kroak eternal 2k

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by SoyIsNotMilk, Jul 28, 2018.

  1. SoyIsNotMilk
    Jungle Swarm

    SoyIsNotMilk New Member

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    Hello there.
    I'm quite new to sigmar, so I was wondering if I could get some feedback on this 2k list.

    Kroak 450 - General
    Astrolith 160
    Eternity warden w/retries 140
    Skink priest w/trappings 80
    Oldblood on Carno w/retrices 260
    Scar vet on carno 240

    10 Guard 180
    10 Guard 180
    5 Guard 90
    10 Skinks w/bucklers & javelins 60

    Eternal star host 150

    Total 1990

    The idea is to have a double threat: a Kroak deathball, and a double carnosaur hammer. The plan is to summon a second skink priest on turn one, for the re-roll and survivability, move the kroak ball up in to the middle of the table, and go monster and expensive infantry hunting with the carnos (using the extra command points kroak generates to set off ancient warlord multiple times a turn). I am worried about being vulnerable to mortal wounds though, this list only has 86 wounds, and I tend to play against armies that shit them out something chronic.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Now that Kroak has been nerfed by the latest FAQ it isn't that easy anymore.
    But let's look at the list...

    The cool thing about the new Kroak is that you can indeed use his command ability to get some additional command points to use with your Carnosaurs.
    The "Kroak bomb" tactic, will not work as well as it did anymore, but I think it could still work with this list.
    If you advance Kroak together with his troops. And of course you need a bit more luck than before to pull the spells off.
    Either way, what you need to do is:
    Try and kill units that can cause mortal wounds as quickly as possible. As you already mentioned yourself, Saurus Guard are strong, especially with that Starhost, but they will still melt away if the enemy uses mortal wounds.
    A Starpriest is a must, and I would probably even use it right at the beginning and summon the Skink Priest later. The Starpriest gives you another unbind, another spell slot (that you should probably use for Starlight, and debuff enemy units that spit out mortal wounds on 6+ or something), and the Serpent Staff buff is ideal for your Carnosaurs.
    If you used a normal Slann you could use that spell with the Slann, but Kroak cannot pick a command trait. be honest I think you should consider playing a regular Slann instead of Kroak. The Slann has the following avantages:
    - Can use command traits, so you can get Starlight and Curse of Fates for example
    - Much cheaper (so you can get additional command points and/or Endless Spells to help you, or an Astrolith Bearer)
    - allows save rerolls in the shooting phase and flying carnosaurs with his command ability
    - Constellations are useful buffs

    For the Artefacts you should probably consider picking Ulgu. If you attack with both Carnos at the same time you can ensure that you go twice before your opponent can activate a unit. That way the Carnos can annihilate whole units at full strength.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  3. SoyIsNotMilk
    Jungle Swarm

    SoyIsNotMilk New Member

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    Thanks for the reply, Aginor, your advice was very helpful. Inbetween posting my initial message and receiving your reply, I read about using Curse of fates to help with teleport. I also saw just how hard the last errata nerfed Kroak. RIP. A few days later I played a game against Spider fang riders, and, like you suggested, I used a normal slann with vast intellect. I also dropped the guard in favour of three engines and some chaff. I also had a oldblood carno. Turn two I used Curse of fates on the carno, increased the four I rolled to a five, teleport the carno near my opponent's big scary spider, and nuked it off the board in one combat round. My friend's expression when he realised what was happening was priceless.
    I didn't have a star priest so no serpent stuff goodness, but I did use my slann to stop a unit of buffed spider riders from being able to get off their mortal wounds. That spell will also be super useful against the blightkings my other friend likes to play.
    When you say pick uglu as your artifact, does that mean you can exchange picking an artifact for picking a mortal realm?
    Thanks again
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    113, I guess I phrased that weirdly.
    What I meant was:
    You should pick Ulgu as the Realm your list hails from. That means you can choose your two artefacts from the Seraphon artefact list and the Ulgu artefact list. More choice, and those Ulgu artefacts are pretty cool.
  5. SoyIsNotMilk
    Jungle Swarm

    SoyIsNotMilk New Member

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    Ah okay, thanks mate
  6. gmoney

    gmoney Member

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    @Aginor what do you suggest to help mitigate mortal wounds?
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    - The obvious one is unbinding. Kroak or a Slann is an advantage there as they can unbind several spells, and they can do so on the whole table.
    - the Malevolent Maelstrom (an Endless Spell) steals spell energy from wizards. That's also an idea to shut down magic, which is a major source for mortal wounds.
    - If you are fighting units with abilities that deal mortal wounds on hit rolls of 6+ then the Starpriest spell "Summon Starlight" is very effective. Put it on a unit that attacks your Guard
    - Curse of Fates can also help with that, as you can either lower a hit or wound roll, or reduce incoming mortal wounds by one
    - make enemy units that can cause mortal wounds your primary target
    - play units with many wounds, like for example big, cheap hordes of Skinks or Saurus Warriors

    Unfortunately that's pretty much it I think.

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