Hello everyone, I read a lot about summoning on this forum, but I don't see the advantage of summoning because a unit costs as much points as it normaly would. So what are the advantages?
It is mostly about fun, and being able to do it. There is hardly any good reason to cast copies of stuff. Except perhaps if you have one part that you need 50 times, and it is only available in some big box of stuff that you never need. Then it might be worth it.
It’s good for bases (small details) like plants, critters, symbols etc - so that you don’t have to go through the process of making them from scratch every time, it’s also good for basic body shapes such as ogre size creatures (say you wanted to make a unit of 6 rat ogres) it would be much easier with 6x preset mid sections that you then add to - rather than creating from scratch again.
Oooooo lol. Summoning is powerful - but some armies are tough as nails (high saves / lowered hit rates etc) so you can switch from summoning to spells (Kroak pumps out mortal wounds that annialate elite troops) slaan/priests can buff your troops - increase durability so they don’t get squashed by hard hitters etc, though ya present summoning is defo a priority - it’s just too hard to ignore having some extra units for free!
Ah, OK, summoning. @Deed525 pretty much said it all. It is a powerful tool because it can both give you more stuff and gives you the ability to react to what you see on the table and counter it.
But you need reiforcement points for sommoning right? So they cost as much points as setting units up normally.
Reinforcement points are not in the game anymore, since the second edition of Age of Sigmar. We also don't use spells for summoning anymore, but spend spell slots on Slann generals to gain summoning points (or use an EotG).
The new Summoning for Seraphon is gained by your Slann General swapping a spell cast for Conjuration points. Your Slann General gains 3 CP for every spell slot he converts, you get 1 CP for having a Slann general every Hero phase, if you have an Astrolith bearer you gain D3 CP every Hero phase.
summoning wont cost you anymore any reserve points and so its great engine of god summoning is great to have horde of skinks slaan summoning gives you the choice of any units, so you can adapt yourself to the situation by example in my last games, i had several scenarios where we need to have a hero with artifact or a wizard to capture objectives, so quickly i summoned a starpriest then teleported him on an objective so with both here what you can do in a turn : summon 20 skinks with eog, then summon a razordon with slaan just at 3" behind results are that you have a blocking lines, enemy will have to charge it and so take a shot from razordon, all free.
As said above I tend to go for a carno or dread Saurian for round 2-3 (using Kroak and a bearer) purely for the look on the opponents face ;P
did a battle sunday against a tzeentch players he did killed quickly my slaan, and the astro, so not that much summoning there. hopefully had a carno in my roster, which wiped out his big skyfire unit. Was really close to chain with the lord of change, but he got lucky on the save. all that to say that i prefer to have carno directly on the table then summon optionnal units
same against an ironjaw which charged me from 30" turn 1, only the carno could stop it, with the help of a lot of knights even with carno, requested 2 turns to kill it, he did a waagh
Oh hell yeah you defo don’t just take a slaan/bearer without protection! (I have two carnos in my list and a unit of 20 guards+warden + a little razor to guard slaan from smaller folk ;P
My current list; Kroak EOTG Scar-vet + carno Scar-vet + carno Astrolith bearer Eternity warden 20x saurus guards 10x skink 10x skink 1x razodon Soul shackles -skink/don/bearer and EoTg stay with kroaky as walls + soul shackles as a deterant/blocker. -carnos and guards eat through anything that runs fast and act as a moving wall of pain. -kroak can use 1x spell and with the bearer only scoring 1s he has 39-45 cp for round 3 (providing you don’t need to use his spell power (which is fine if that’s what you want to do) simply summon a basti round 2 instead - turn 3 though - bang goes the dread Saurian drop (opponents face goes red, usually there’s swearing+’this is why I hate seraphon’ and you win lol
yes it was really fun after having killed gordrakk, i quickly killed orruk megaboss too, and started to chain kill his troops. sadly lost it because we hadnt time to do one more turn, and his pigs were able to grab one more objective