Star Wars Controversy Meme - MAKE YOUR PICKS!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Oct 14, 2018.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    This was originally posted by @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl over here, but I thought it was so good that it deserved its own thread.

    Simply choose what you feel is most applicable for each category. There are no wrong answers (well... maybe... but we can discuss that below! ).

    Here is the template:

    And now on to my picks:

    Despised Character (dis)honorable mentions: Rose Tico, L3-37

    Favorite Movie honorable mentions: Return of the Jedi, A New Hope

    Despised Movie (dis)honorable mentions: Solo, The Last Jedi

    Despised Villain honorable mention: Rian Johnson

    Let the controversy begin! :rage:
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I had to give you a like for Kathleen Kennedy as Despised Villain! That is absolutely hilarious! :hilarious:

    Also, glad you liked my controversy meme idea! I had found one for Dreamworks a while back and today I just had a passing thought - I wonder if there’s one for Star Wars? And look what I’ve done! :p

    I’m surprised you still put Jar Jar as your despised character- I thought you hated Rose a lot more.

    I’m also surprised you put Episode II as your worst film - I thought you disliked Episode I and Solo more.

    I’m very surprised you didn’t put Vader as your favourite villain - you’re one of the biggest Vader fans I know!
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I could think of no one more fitting!

    I most definitely like it. Hopefully we can get some more people to participate. You should copy and past your selections into this thread. As expected, most of our choices are virtually the exact opposite from one another. Although we did agree on Boba Fett!

    I really dislike her as well. It was a coin toss. Jar Jar got the nod because Rose is more easily ignored. However, Episode IX might throw Rose into the very bottom of my ranking.

    Your memory is correct, but I re-watched the prequels and re-ordered my rankings. To be honest, my relative dislike (because overall I still enjoy it) of Episode I is driven by the huge amount of screen time occupied by Jar Jar. That said, Episode I has many redeeming features including Darth Maul (who I like better than Dooku), Qui-Gon Jinn (whose character I have always loved) and the best lightsaber fight of the entire franchise.

    Solo on the other hand is just forgettable. It doesn't really feel like a Star Wars movie to me. To use a food analogy, Solo would be the plain rice cake of the Star Wars franchise. It is not revolting but is ultimately bland and unmemorable. Besides L3 (who sucks), there is nothing particularly great or awful about it.

    Episode II finally landed in the bottom position because it is the cringiest of the franchise in my opinion. The romantic scenes between Anakin and Padme are nauseating and the dialogue is very poor. The lightsaber fight while decent, is not as good as those found in Episodes I or III.

    I really do like Vader and he is my favourite of the movie villains, but Darth Bane is BY FAR my favorite villain overall. I absolutely love his trilogy of novels.
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I'm actually hoping that this will be the case because while I'm not impressed by the sheer amount of Rose hate, at least it would direct the fire away from poor old Jar Jar. The thing is, while both did some silly things, Jar Jar is considerably less intelligent so you'd expect it of him to do those silly things. Rose on the other hand could have used her brain to do more intelligent things yet she doesn't.

    Glad to see my favourite Star Wars film has been redeemed! :D

    Your wish is my command!

    Completed Controversy Meme.PNG

    I'll give you all some reasons for my choices:

    • Favourite Character: Obi-Wan is just awesome. He's the suave, sophisticated True Jedi who upholds the code right to the very end. 'Nuff said.
    • Despised Character: As you probably know by now, Ahsoka just winds me up so much for the same reason I hate Wesley Crusher from Star Trek TNG. Both of them are only kids yet they get to save the day by finding out solutions that somehow none of the older and more intelligent characters could think of. It was bad writing that dragged both of these characters down in my view, made all the more bad by the fact both of these characters haven't been killed off yet.
    • Favourite Film: I was considering saying Rogue One as my favourite film, but it would reflect badly on the franchise if I said that a stand-alone film was better than any of the main Episodes on a controversy meme, so I chose my favourite Episode.
    • Despised Film: You know the samey story of Episode VII really annoys me, so we'll move on quickly.
    • Overrated Character:
      We certainly did - Boba is so overrated. He may have tonnes of lore to back him up but on film performance alone, Boba is just so pitiful in comparison to Jango. It's not even close.
    • Underrated Character: I'm surprised you said Thrawn, because in my view he's the complete opposite of underrated. He is so popular among the fanbase that he was resurrected by fans in Star Wars Rebels, making him, as far as I know, the only character created in the Expanded Universe to survive the transfer from EU to Disney Canon, yet from what I can make of him he's very similar to characters like Tarkin - an Imperial officer who relies on intimidation and tactics to wear down his enemy. But then, I've never read the Thrawn novels or comics so feel free to correct me on this. Baze on the other hand is a true example of an underrated character in my eyes, because while there are very few, if any, people who hate him, he's seen as simply a 'meh' character by so much of the fanbase, presumably because of his limited screen time in Rogue One (even with his moment of glory near the end), yet I just think he's a complete beast. I'm sure he could defeat Boba in a one-on-one fight. He's not just a guy with a big cannon, even though in the film he ends up being just this due to his limited screen time. If you want to see more of Baze, read Guardians of the Whills, a novel released soon after Rogue One. It is, in my view, a fantastic book that really develops Baze and Chirrut's characters beyond the film, especially Baze. It is set a year before Jyn and Cassian arrive on Jedha and charters Baze and Chirrut as they try to eke out a living in the Holy City under the Empire's steely gaze. It tells you how Baze got his repeater cannon, how they first met Saw Gerrera and his Partisans (as they first arrive on Jedha in the book) and even that Baze hates Tarine Tea (which Chirrut sometimes teases him about). Baze also gets to demonstrate how truly strong he is in the book, as according to the story he is able to lift an Imperial weapons crate that would take two Stormtroopers to lift (one on either end) above his head and place down on the ground as if it were a lightweight cardboard box. In addition, during a skirmish with Stormtroopers near the end of the novel, Baze is proven able to hold his cannon in one hand and the coolant tank in the other, yet still maintain an accurate rate of fire. Considering that his cannon is the Star Wars version of a Vickers machine gun, and considering how much recoil that thing would have, it is, in my view, a truly amazing feat which shows how physically powerful he is for a human.
    • Favourite Game: I can tell that you've never played Galaxy of Heroes as you haven't commented much on this forum's thread for it, but I think it's a pretty fun game, certainly the best Star Wars game on iOS nowadays. In fact there have been some later games for Marvel and DC that many think have ripped off Galaxy of Heroes' playstyle - basically you get to play teams of 5 Star Wars characters of your choice to try and defeat a series of encounters, fairly standard for an RPG. These characters have their own unique abilities that can be used alongside other characters' abilities to provide some powerful combos. Of course some characters are better than others and powercreep has become an issue with the game, but the developers (sometimes) give certain characters reworks that improve their abilities to make them competitive again. Of course the game does have its flaws (including the priority in which new characters have been released) but it's still good fun, especially with Star Wars music and sound effects enriching the experience. There was another game based on a tower-defence format called Star Wars Galactic Defence, but unfortunately it died a sad death as the developers just didn't care about it anymore and left it to perish. Interesting to see you put the Force Unleashed as your favourite - just wondering, what do you think of Kleef in the game? I've never played it but I've seen pics of Kleef and he looks a bit of a badass Gungan character, if a little creepy.
    • Despised Game: I haven't played that many Star Wars video games actually, so I'm going to try and play some more before I say which games are bad. I actually came close to buying Empire at War once but failed to buy it before my local Game Shops stopped selling PC games without Steam's evil monopoly on them. I'm surprised you've put the new Battlefront II as your despised game - in my view it looked an improvement over EA Battlefront 1 even if it won't match the glory of the original Battlefronts.
    • Favourite Show: Come on, the Clone Wars 2008 series is great, everyone knows it. I'm surprised you put the 2003 series there instead - it just looks too cartoonish and uses too much artistic licence in my view.
    • Despised Show: I was tempted to put Resistance like you did, but it has barely hit the screens yet, so while it looks awful, I'm at least going to give it a bit of a chance. Rebels on the other hand has finished now and I can safely say that it put me off watching it when it first came out.
    • Favourite Villain: It was a toss up between Dooku, Maul and Grievous here for me, but in the end I went with Dooku simply because he is so well acted. Sir Christopher Lee is one of my favourite actors of all time, and he is officially the most prolific - he first started out by playing small parts in old war films, usually German officers or guards, before he rose to fame in the 60s and 70s by playing many of the villains in the Hammer horror films, and then most recently he was able to wow the latest generations by playing Saruman in Middle Earth and Count Dooku in Star Wars. Lee does exceptionally well at playing Dooku's intimidating character, and really does a great job at capturing Dooku's elegance and sophistication. It makes you think how awesome it would have been to see Dooku as a young Jedi and Qui-Gon's master.
    • Despised Villain: Frankly I can't choose any character to fill this position because all the villains of Star Wars are so good - Maul, Dooku, Grievous, Palpatine, Vader, Tarkin, Krennic, Snoke, even Kylo Ren are all really compelling characters, and none deserve to be given such a title.
    • Favourite Couple: I honestly really love 'Obitine' as it's called colloquially (yeah, that's a bit of a fangirl term but who cares) because it was just portrayed so well. I loved how they gave Satine an English accent to match Obi-Wan's (made all the more impressive by her being played by an actress from the south of the US), and it really provides a dash of chivalric English romance that just hasn't been seen before in Star Wars, where you have Anakin and Padme's awkward teen romance, Han and Leia bickering at each other for no apparent reason, Kylo and Rey having a bit of a love/hate crisis that is rapidly going off the rails and Cassian and Jyn being blown up when they've only just given each other a big hug. Obi-Wan and Satine's relationship really fits the whole 'forbidden love' theme well, admittedly more so than Anakin and Padme's. It also really puts Obi-Wan's always-by-the-code character to the test, as he's always before been telling off Anakin for making romantic advances, and now that he's in the same spot, he's in quite a bit of a twitter on what to do. Of course Anakin is loving all this because Obi-Wan had been telling him off all the time before. The whole thing is just brilliant. Not only that, the whole Mandalorian campaign is such a great Clone Wars story arc, having the same feeling of underlying fear that Episodes I-III had. Of course it was so sad when Satine was killed by none other than Darth Maul, which really develops Obi-Wan's character even further in that you get a real sense of the vendetta between the two - first Maul kills Obi-Wan's master, then Obi-Wan chops Maul in half, then Maul murders Obi-Wan's love interest. It also shows how Obi-Wan is constantly being put to the test in terms of the fact that he can't use his anger against Maul due to his duty to the Order yet he so really wants to because of the atrocities Maul has committed.
    • Despised Couple:
      Heh, as you probably know by now, that's why I put Han and Leia in that spot. Notice how I didn't put a picture of them kissing and instead put a picture of them squabbling there? I just think that it's stupid to see two characters who squabble like magpies across one and a half films then just throw that out the window and have a good old snog. OK, so there's the theory of opposites attracting, but I'm a firm unbeliever of this theory. One reason for this is I've met a girl who is the complete opposite of me and I would honestly rather die a thousand deaths than enter a romantic relationship with her because she was just so contemptible. Imagine a younger version of the Mirror Universe Kira Nerys with longer hair, no Bajoran nose, a cackling laugh and a bit less of a fascination with daggers and that was pretty much what the girl was like. An absolutely abominable specimen. :sour:
    • Favourite Moment: I was always thinking you would choose the I am your father moment, but the thing is, that's now one of the worst-kept secrets in film history. I watched Toy Story 2 before I had ever seen Star Wars and of course the I am your father parody there spoilt the impact of the Empire scene before I had even watched Episodes I-III. I could have actually put Palpatine's betrayal as my favourite moment or the Episode I fight, but I just love the Obi-Wan and Grievous fight because it is just so thrilling - who doesn't love a chase scene? Who doesn't love giant lizards, especially on Lustria Online? Who doesn't love the 'Hello There' line? It's just great to see the suave Jedi Master duel the raging cyborg, with fortunes swinging back and forth until Obi-Wan finally wins with, ironically, a blaster. So Uncivilised! :hilarious:
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I was introduced to Thrawn in his trilogy of novels and he is absolutely captivating. I chose him for most underrated because while the hardcore fan base loves him, he is pretty much unknown to the general fan base (at least he was prior to Rebels, but even now his is not that well known/appreciated). The man is an intellect and a supreme strategist, which is something I don't really get from Tarkin or others.

    I love that classically animated series. I recognize that it is highly stylized but I love it for that very reason. It was created by Genndy Tartakovsky, the man behind Samurai Jack! Plus you get to see the origin of Grevious' cough!

    Rebels is okay. It has some parts that I didn't really like and others that I really enjoyed.

    The I am your father moment is an absolute classic. Of course it is the worst-kept secret in film history today, but I can't punish it for its own success. When it first aired in theaters it was a very well kept secret and shocked audiences (unlike today where everything is leaked on the internet).

    While Grievous is really cool, I'm surprised that no Jedi (other than Mace in the original Clone Wars cartoon) ever thought to defeat him using the force rather than engage him in lightsaber combat. Grevious is a master of the lightsaber and has a very unorthodox style. Why fight him at his strength? On the other hand, he has ZERO force abilities and therefore has zero defense against them. I would have just started smashing him into walls without ever even drawing my lightsaber. He would have no response to it.
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    My main problem is time. I would make my own list, but I don't want to spend the time carrying together the pics and put them in there.

    And the second one is: I actually don't _despise_ any movie or character. Rose comes close but I don't have any really strong feelings for any movie. So I will replace "despised" by "least favourite" because I love all of Star Wars and I also think in context some things are a lot better than judged for themselves. Especially things/characters that are present in several movies/books/shows/games etc. Even Rose might be saved by Ep9, although I admit it is a major task and for some people it will be impossible.

    As for your choices: I am somewhere between the two of you. Some notes:

    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl I think you had the had the bad luck to be born at the wrong time. I was born in the first half of the eigthies and when I first watched Star Wars (despite it being some years old at that point, Ep5 was released in 1980, I saw it in 1990 I guess) I really didn't know about Vader. I was shocked. And so were most people who saw the movies. Information didn't travel like that back in the 80s.

    Plus, IIRC you watched the movies ordered by their numbers, did you?
    I don't know anybody who watched the episodes ordered by their numbers and likes the original trilogy. The movies are not meant to be watched that way, as EP1-3 spoils almost every single plot point of EP4-6.
    Ep1-3 were shot as prequels. The audiance was expected to know who Anakin/Vader, Obi-Wan, Yoda and Palpatine were, and you were expected to know that there were Clone Wars and that in the end Palpatine would be the Emperor. The original trilogy however played a _lot_ with the audience and especially their lack of knowledge about the universe. In many scenes the audience didn't know much more than Luke did. That was the wonder about them.

    If you are used to the new CGI, flashy fights, and to the more fluid way movies are shot since the 1990s then almost any movie of the 1980s or earlier is incredibly boring. That is some serious contrast. It is way easier to go from old to new than vice versa.

    So of course all that plays a role. I am nostalgic for both EP1 and the original trilogy. But I understand that it depends on many factors.

    Anyway, here is my list. If you want you can make a picture out of it:
    • Favourite Character: Obi-Wan. For pretty much the same reasons as stated above. But I also like Luke (including Ep8!), Rey, Qui-Gon, and Anyone who isn't a Jedi but rocks nonetheless, like some Clone commanders (Cody for example), Tarkin, Han, Jango Fett (that dude rocks. He fights a Jedi Master 1on1 and isn't defeated in seconds), Chewbacca and some others.
    • Least favourite Character: Anakin, by a mile. Even his decent depiction in Clone Wars couldn't save the damage Ep2 and Ep3 did.
      Runners-up are
      - Rose (although she receives the benefit of not being finished yet, I think we can judge her better after EP9 and .
      - Boba Fett in Clone Wars. Basically I disliked all the episodes he was in.
      I actually kinda like JarJar. He might not be the best character, and he has cringe-worthy scenes, but yeah, not up with Anakin for me.
      Oh and btw, there are loads of cringe-worthy characters in Clone Wars and Rebels. But I probably dislike them because they are designed for children. Hondo being a prime example.
    • Favourite Film: Episode 4 I think. It introduced all my favourite characters. But then: In a trilogy it is sometimes hard to really make the split. Ep5 is also great.
    • Least favourite Film: Hmmm.... Ep2 because Anakin and Padme. The rest would be OK. Except if the Star Wars Holiday Special counts. That would take the lead by light years.
    • Overrated Character: Boba Fett is a good choice. Although some game characters qualify as well. For me also all the guys/gals in Rogue One.
    • Underrated Character: Pfff.... Chewie probably. He is always a sidekick, which is kinda sad. I liked that in Solo and Ep7/8 he is a bit more, sadly not much more. But there are many underrated, very interesting characters in Star Wars.
    • Favourite Game: Oh man I have played SO many of them. My favourite is probably Jedi Knight. But Empire at War, KotOR and X-Wing-Alliance are very cool, too.
    • Least favourite Game: Hmmm.... Surprisingly I didn't like the first X-Wing that much. I am a HUGE Wing Commander fan, that's probably why. But the top spot is taken by "Dark Forces". It wasn't _bad_ but Jedi Knight was _way_ better, because of the Force and lightsaber.
    • Favourite Show: I only know Clone Wars and Rebels, so Clone Wars it is.
    • Least favourite Show: See above. Clone Wars beats Rebels, but not by much, I liked both.
    • Favourite Villain: Maul I think, with Vader and Jabba on second and third place.
    • Least favourite Villain: Hmm.... Probably someone in a game? There are lots of bland villains. But from the well-known ones... I'd pick General Hux. He is just too much of a comic relief, which is sad.
    • Favourite Couple: Obi-Wan and Satine? I liked those two. Han and Leia are OK. Or maybe R2D2 and C3PO.
    • Least favourite Couple: Anakin and Padme. Nobody else even comes close. Although Rose+Finn has potential to be worse, we will see after Ep9. I doubt it though, as I really like Finn at least, and don't like Anakin or Padme. Lando and L3-37 (I am pretty sure they f***ed) are close, but I like Lando so all is forgiven.
    • Favourite Moment: Soooo many. Hard to tell. Probably Luke's first Lightsaber training. But the Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fight is also just brilliant.
  7. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I’m the same as @Aginor in that I would find it hard work to put images in all the boxes, and I don’t really despise any part of it so mine would be least favourite too. With that in mind, here are my choices:
    • Favourite Character: Kit Fisto. I’ve always found his personality and amphibious nature really cool, and he’s been a favourite of mine for a long time.
    • Least Favourite Character: I don’t really have any characters I really dislike as characters, so I think I’ll stick Pong Krell in here, in the same way you might stick a villain who would, say, shoot a puppy, not because they are necessarily a poor character, but because you nonetheless hate them for shooting that puppy. He’s just of the top of my head though, so don’t take it too seriously.
    • Favourite Film: Rogue One. Perhaps it was partially due to having all the Easter Eggs, or managing to get out of hospital to see a film I thought I’d have to wait a long time for, but as I’ve said before, Rogue One is my favourite.
    • Least Favourite Film: Possibly Attack of the Clones, as while I didn’t dislike it, all the others ranked higher for me I think. Or perhaps I should put that Caravan of Courage film. That looks utterly terrible.
    • Overrated Character: If you were to do it purely in the context of the films, Darth Maul. In terms of Episode I, all he really did was turn up, pull some fancy moves for a lightsaber fight and died. However, what they did with him in The Clone Wars and Rebels definitely redeemed him, so, perhaps for different reasons than you guys, I wouldn’t say he is overrated anymore. However, I don’t really have any others I feel to be overrated particularly.
    • Underrated Character: Embo (and Marrok), purely because they haven’t done more with them than they already have.
    • Favourite Game: Probably either Galaxy of Heroes or Battlefront II 2017 (yeah yeah yeah, EA, loot boxes, greed blah blah blah. They’ve fixed it now and I really enjoy it).
    • Least Favourite Game: No major feelings about this. Probably Lego Star Wars The Original Trilogy as it didn’t a: kickstart the series, b: contain the entire saga, c: have the fun game modes of the Clone Wars or d: have great graphics.
    • Favourite Show: Between Clone Wars and Rebels. Rebels might just take it, but it’s too close to call it definite.
    • Least Favourite Show: Again no major feelings about this. All I will say is that the Ewoks Show looks absolutely awful.
    • Favourite Villain: Thrawn. Personally I think he’s the best villain the franchise has. Perhaps not the ‘greatest’, if you consider best and greatest to be different things (that would have to be Vader), but at the very least he’s my favourite.
    • Least Favourite Villian: Once again, nothing major here so I’ll say Pong Krell to give an answer. I agree it was a shame they turned Hux into comic relief for VIII, as while I admit I found him funny, it did spoil his decent villain status in VII
    • Favourite Couple: Kanan and Hera, although I do also like Obi-Wan and Satine.
    • Least Favourite Couple: Anakin and Padmé, only due to the lack of any other couples I find to be ‘worse’.
    • Favourite Moment: Far too many to narrow it down, but to give a few less common ones, the hyperspace jump in VIII (who cares if it was apparently canon breaking, it was awesome), and the World Between Worlds and Epilogue of Rebels.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @ravagekitteh @Aginor : Agreed that General Hux is a pretty poor villain.

    The funny thing is if we include the Star Wars Holiday Special, it is the worst Star Wars "thing" by a long shot. It is worse that Jar Jar, Rose, L3, Anakin-Padme romance, Ewoks, Star Wars Resistance, Kathleen Kennedy, etc, etc. I don't even think that Disney's SJW/NPC nonsense can reach that level of low! :confused:
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Maybe I was born too late, but my opinion still stands.

    I certainly did! And may I tell you, I don't regret it one bit. One of the worst things watching the OT is that it spoils the secret of Palpatine being the villain - certainly this was a surprise when I first saw Episodes I-III and his deception is excellently done there. Certainly realising that the bad guy is your local friendly Supreme Chancellor is a lot more of a surprise for the whole galaxy than the I am your father scene, which affects Luke but nobody else.

    I actually like some old 80s films - the Ray Harryhausen films are great, especially the Sinbad ones, and in my view are actually better than the Original Trilogy effects-wise. Similarly I prefer the old 1953 War of the Worlds film to the pretty poor Tom Cruise 2005 remake, because even though both are stand-out inaccurate to the book, the 1953 version has more similarities and has a lot of suspense in it, as well as some interesting new scenes like when they investigated the Martian probe to experiment with the three-colour sight the Martians had. Also the music is pretty creepy in places which fits nicely (of course it's likely that the upcoming BBC series will blow both of these out of the water as it's going to be the first adaptation that actually gets the setting right, but until then the 1953 version is the best).

    I agree with most of those, but Rey is pretty badly done in my eyes. She is well-acted but has very little originality about her. They could have done a lot better with the main protagonist of the Sequel Trilogy.

    Seriously? These characters are some of the most underrated in my view because they are given relatively less screen time than others yet I just loved them all. Surely you could feel some appreciation for Chirrut or K2!

    Meh, I like Chewie (I mean who doesn't?) but I wouldn't say he's underrated by any rate - he's extremely popular with virtually every Star Wars fan (at least any Star Wars fan worth their salt).


  10. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I am not a sufficiently knowledgeable or motivated fan/critic of Star Wars to be bothered with this. :penguin:

    Skimmed some prior responses . . .

    • Who is Kathleen Kennedy and what has she to do with Star Wars?
    • “Hyperspace jump in VIII” huh, wha? They hyperjump in all the movies, all the time, ...someone explain why one particular one is notable. (And no, I don’t have the plots/events indexed in my memory by Roman Numeral...I’m gonna need more) Use a spoiler tag if needs be.
  11. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Same! :p

    Would Star Wars the Clone Wars count as the most favorite show?

    pretty much the only thing i watched that was Star Wars related
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    To answer your questions:
    • Kathleen Kennedy is the current president of Lucasfilm. @NIGHTBRINGER is convinced she is a Sith Lord.
    • I'm presuming @ravagekitteh means when Holdo destroys the Supremacy by jumping the Raddus into Hyperspace so that it smashes right through it.

    By all means that counts - it's my favourite (assuming you're talking about the 2008 version).
  13. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Names of the ships beyond Millenium Falcon are not known to me.o_O

    Was Supremacy the bigger, than big, super-ultra-gigantic triangular ship that was bigger than any Star Destroyer Evaaaar, (But not as big as a Death Star)?

    And someone kamikaze attacked it with a cruiser?

    And how would an event in a movie be not-canon?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    She is (unfortunately) the current president of Lucasfilm, but I most definitely DO NOT consider her to be a Sith Lord (I cannot express this strongly enough). She is a glitchy NPC / SJW.

    And in the process introducing an unstoppable super weapon that undercuts all previous and future space battles (until they try to patch it with some sort of limitation). It makes no sense at all.
    While Rogue One is a good movie, I don't really care for any of the characters either (except for K2).
    When they all die at the end, it doesn't evoke any sort of emotion (except for K2).
    . Chirrut is merely okay in my opinion. The characters are definitely the weak point of the movie.

    Unfortunately all movie events are canon.
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Sorry, I didn't mean any offence with this - I meant it as a joking way comparing her to Palpatine being discovered as a Sith Lord in Episode III judging by your hatred of her.

    That's why I say they're underrated in my view. Relatively few people care for them (for reasons I cannot understand), yet I think they're great. I don't care about 'character development', I don't care about acting, as long as they are not portrayed as happy-go-lucky goons who somehow wangle their way out of every situation virtually unscathed like Flash Gordon. I'm sorry but seeing them die evoked more emotion for me than the whole of the OT did.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Hahaha... fair enough. However, no matter how evil Palpatine was and no matter what kind of despicable acts he performed, at the end of the day you could still respect him. The same cannot be said for Kathleen Kennedy! :p

    A legitimate reason to label them as underrated from your point of view...


    ...just remember that I have the high ground! ;)

    Well I guess that explains most of the Star Wars disagreements then!

    Fair enough, to each their own. You are entitled to your unique opinion. :cool:
  17. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Indeed - at least Palpatine tried to create and maintain some sort of order (albeit a corrupt and tyrannical one). People like Kathleen on the other hand evidently seem to just want to cause chaos for everyone who doesn’t support their beliefs. ;)

    I have to admit that I didn’t know what you meant by SJW until I looked it up, and now I understand perfectly who they are. In Britain, at least in my family, we call them “Left-wingers” because they support left-wing PC thinking, and it’s people like them who have ravaged some of my childhood favourite TV programmes.

    To be honest, now that I think about it, those individuals are worse than the Sith...

    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl
    Don't get me wrong, I do kinda like Rogue One, but for me it mainly lived from viewer nostalgia for the original trilogy, and to me the characters were so weak that I have to look up their names when discussing the movie despite having seen it multiple times.
    The cool ones are Chirrut (although he is _so_ full of the asian blind monk trope that I wonder if he was just included as a token asian to grab some more money from the Chinese audience watching the movie.) and K-2 (I like Droids.)

    In contrast to that: I can remember quite some of the names from the Solo movie.

    OK, before reding that rest of my post: It sounds like a rant but it really isn't. I don't want to change your opinion, just politely explain why I think that it isn't adviseable to people to watch Star Wars in that order because it is highly detrimental to viewing pleasure, and why I think it is even possible to prove that, based on the structure of the movies with a few examples.
    I am really happy that you managed to become a Star Wars fan, _despite_ watching the movies in the wrong order, not _because_ of that. That alone tells me that you are a true follower of Star Wars, I really respect your views.

    Ok, let's go:

    How could anyone see Ep1-3 and NOT know that Palpatine is evil? I have to check the English version, but at least in the German version Darth Sidious is even recognizable by his voice. He also does stuff like telling Darth Maul (as Sidious) that he has blocked the senate with questions about procedures or something like that, and shortly after that (IIRC) there is a scene in which (as Palpatine) he uses a very similar wording to tell Padme about those problems and how he hopes to overcome them.

    About other "spoilers":
    Palpatine is one "spoiler", and you are right, so are Anakin being Vader and the fact that Obi-Wan will live through the experience and become a Jedi Master and a few other (IMO minor) points.
    But I can tell you that it really doesn't take away from Ep1-3 if you know who Palpatine is. I did know (people were supposed to know, there was even merchandise toys in Corn Flakes boxes, little plastic figures that had a piece of paper in them, revealing information about the characters. Palpatine was among them) and I did enjoy the movies. And so did many other people. EP1-3 almost doesn't rely on surprises at all. It is about watching the heroes struggle.

    It just is a little bit different of an experience. Like the difference between a crime fiction in which the audience knows who the murderer was (but the characters don't) and one in which the audience doesn't know. Both are completely valid ways of crime storytelling. But one is basically destroyed if the reader knows the end, and the other isn't. And that's one of the main differences between the two trilogies.

    Ep1-3 basically spoils _all_ key scenes of the original trilogy. It spoils who Yoda is for example. EP5 has that fun scene in which Luke meets the funny little green man on Dagobah while searching for a powerful Jedi Master, and both him and the audience don't know he is Yoda. That scene is a bit silly, and for an EP1-3 viewer it is completely pointless and beyond silly, because they know who Yoda is and how he behaved 20 years earlier.
    And shortly thereafter the audience for the first time sees how powerful the Force can be. Yoda can lift the X-Wing from the swamp! Again a boring scene for someone who watched the prequels first, because you know what the Force is capable of. Someone watching the OT first hasn't seen a lot from the Force at that point. Seeing stuff close to you without looking at it, having quick reaction times, mind tricks on weak-minded people, becoming a ghost, and some simple telekinesis (including choking people. That wasn't a Force power of its own back then). That's all you know about the Force at that point. It is marvelous to see what is possible!

    Same for Obi-Wan. You are not supposed to know the old guy is Obi-Wan, a Jedi Master. Even Leia's message only said that he fought in the Clone Wars, not that he is a Jedi. But if you saw EP1-3 you instantly recognize that the guy is wearing a Jedi cloak. You don't recognize the actor but you know it is Obi-Wan.
    Also Luke and Leia are siblings. That should be a surprise.
    The fact that the Emperor is a Sith Lord (ok,ok, the world Sith was invented later) is a surprise. Viewers of the OT asked themselves what that guy might be capable of, why he is so powerful that Vader accepts orders from him and even from his subordinates (Tarkin gives Vader orders for example). The audience even doubted the Emperor is a Force user, because Tarkin outright tells Vader in Ep4 that he is all that is left of that old religion.
    If you know Palpatine from Ep3 it is also really disappointing to see him in Ep6 because in Ep3 he uses a Lightsaber (pretty well to boot) while in Ep6 he doesn't even have one.

    Ep4-6 is a story about a farm boy whose father was a pilot, fighting the evil empire against all odds.
    Since you don't know that his father is one of the most powerful Jedi ever (only overshadowed by very few people, including Luke himself) you can almost feel his hopelessness and excitedly follow his struggle to find allies and to beat those powerful evil guys.
    The message that Vader is Luke's father isn't just important for Luke, it is important for the whole galaxy. It means that Luke might be able to beat Vader and the Emperor. And that he might be the only one who can. All is at stake. And that "I am your father" scene is not only iconic because of its personal implications.

    Thanks for reading. :)
  19. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I don’t think it’s fair to use the term “Left-winger” for that. That’s not left wing in general I’d say for our country. I think a more apt term is “Crazy PC Maniacs”
    Aginor likes this.
  20. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Same here in Germany. I can't stand the fact that "left-wing" and "liberal" have become negatively connotated for many people. That has to stop.
    For starters: what those crazy people do is _not_ what liberal means (quite the opposite) it is _not_ fighting for social justice (although some people think that), and while it might be an aspect of being left-wing (it has its source in left-wing ideology) it is a perverted form of the original thought.

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