Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One(100) - Artefact: Coronal Shield Skink Priest (80) - General - Priestly Trappings - Trait: Master of Star Rituals - Artefact: Talisman of Blinding Light Battleline 5 x Saurus Knights (90) - Lances 5 x Saurus Knights (90) - Lances 5 x Saurus Knights (90) - Blades Endless Spells Malevolent Maelstrom (20) Prismatic Palisade (30) Total: 500 / 500 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 41
I like the list. I would take a Skink Starpirest instead of Skink Priest. You have no way to cast spells with the reg priest. Also, Summon Starlight!
So the ordinary Skink Priest can’t drive the 20&30 Point spells around? What is the point of him then...what is he able to do? Thanks for the advice and tips so far; new and improved [?] List follows... I have one too many artifacts? And why does the Scroll builder spell it “artefact”? My chellspecker is having a big problem with that.
Take 2: 500 Point Escalation League Army Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Skink Starpriest (80) - General - Artefact: Talisman of Blinding Light Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100) - Artefact: Coronal Shield Battleline 10 x Saurus Knights (180) - Blades 5 x Saurus Knights (90) - Lances Endless Spells (with lizardy theming) Primitive Palisade —huge spikes of timber summoned forth from the ground (Prismatic Palisade) (30) Miasmic Maelstorm —a roving deadly swamp sinkhole (Malevolent Maelstrom) (20) Stats Total: 500 / 500 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 41
How are you getting two artifacts? You can still take the Command Trait of Master of Star Rituals. It allows the Starpriest to gain the regular priest prayer.
Yep, only one artefact. You would gain a second one if you bring a Starhost, which is not the case here.
[A:]I am just clicking drop downs in the Warscroll Builder. Click-click. Tap-tap. Star Rituals...see below...and thanks for suggesting. Starhosts/Battalions seem [very] cost prohibitive at this point level. Which one would be a good plan at the next level (1000 points)? Buried headline: this is for an escalation league, which hasn’t started yet. I’m just contemplating possibilities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New [improved?] idea for the command section: Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Skink Starpriest (80) - General - Trait: Master of Star Rituals Saurus Oldblood (120) - War Spear - Artefact: Blade of Realities Battleline Total: 200 / 500 Extra Command Points: 6 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 11 This ^ idea would give the Starpriest some company at Movespeed 5; Corrects the # of artefacts; and eliminates the Marlstrom Spell (that I don’t have a model for) because [the old blood is] 20 points more expensive. OTOH: I have a pretty good idea for a way to scratch build a Palisade Spell, and Swamp theme it as well...
What I meant to say is rules wise how are you able to take a second artifact? Each army is allowed one artifact. You then get a further additional artifact per warscroll battalion included. Never mind, just saw that you figured that part out. If you are allowed to take artifacts of the realms you might at well take the Relic Blade (Chamon) or the Dimensional Blade (Ulgu) for -3 rend instead of only add addition -1 rend.
The ordinary skink priest has his re-roll save bubble and that's it. It's a very good trick especially with priestly trappings,but with his mediocre statline & the seraphon lack of prayers, which priests of other factions do get, it is indeed a tad underwhelming. As for the Knights, I'd actually stick with 3 units of 5, it gives you more manouverability & since your opponent isn't going to field large units either you're going to have difficulty attacking a target with more than 5 Knights at a time anyway. Also, why does your last list only have 2 models and 6 command points but nothing good to spend those points on? At this point level I'd go for one of the following Knights based: Skink starpriest 80 Scar vet on cold one 100 3x 5 Knights 270 An endless spell of choice 450/500 + 50 left for the endless spell Probably the most rounded option. Guard based: Skink starpriest: 80 Skink priest with priestly trappings: 80 3x 5 guards: 270 Emerald swarm 60 490/500; Provided your opponent doesn't bring 500 points worth of mortal wounds this should be a fairly sturdy list with save re-rolls and healing. And the healing should mean mortal wounds shouldn't just decimate you. Razordon based: Skink (star)priest: 80 2x 10 skinks: 120 6 razordons in any unit size combination: 240 1x 3 skink handlers: 40 480/500 Some razordons could be salamanders, but I think at this point level razordons will probably be better due to the larger amount of attacks per model. Ripper based: Skink (star)priest: 80 2x 10 skinks: 120 2x 3 rippers: 280 480/500 Terradon based: Skink (star)priest: 80 2x 10 skinks: 120 2x 3 terradons: 240 440/500 60 points to spend on whatever. The skinks in these last 3 lists are pure tax though given that 10 skinks won't do jack against anything… so if you can figure out a way to swap em for actually usefull batteline that'd be briljant. There's also the option to go kroxigar based, but those shine against hordes so feels less appropriate here. Or to go for a big dinosaur, but that is going to end up with your dinosaur basicly being your entire army which isn't going to be a lot of fun to play… either your enemy kills the dinosaur or he doesn't and that's about all that the game will revolve around… edit: And why does my tekst look different again, this is the second or third time this has happenend for no apparent reason...
Honestly, at 500 MPP our most brutal option is a unit of Razodons. You can rip apart almost any other unit present in a 500 MPP game with them. If you have the models I recommend something like this: Allegiance: Seraphon - Mortal Realm: Ghur LEADERS: Skink Starpriest (80) - General - Command Trait : Master of Star Rituals - Artefact : Gryph-feather Charm UNITS: 3 x Razordons (120) 40 x Skinks (240) -Boltspitters & Star Bucklers 10 x Skinks (60) -Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers TOTAL: 500/500 This list will be shockingly tanky. Not due to the save characteristics, but it has something like 63 wounds. Killing off 63 wounds at 500MPP is no easy feat. Save your command points for auto passing any battleshock test on your Skink Blob. You will also have LoSaT at your dispossal to jump your Razordons and Skinks around allowing you to kill off enemy Heroes and glass cannons with Mass Shooting. I recommend keeping your 10 man Jav Skinks near your Starpriest for Look Out Sir. Otherwise play the objective and try to eliminate enemy heroes with your Blowpipes and Razordons. Avoid getting into combat range for as long as possible with your Razordons, but if a target of oppertunity arises they should be able to hold their own without worry of being overwhelmed provided you have sufficiently weakened the enemy with shooting. I hope this was helpful. Best of luck!
Yep, you still get it. A Slann is not required to use our allegiance ability. Only if you want to take the Great Remember trait.
Oh damn. This changes everything for me... Is that because "The Slann are able to bridge [...]" is not in bold? Don't see how I missed that to be honest..