AoS Escalation league batreps

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Tokek, Sep 8, 2018.

  1. Tokek
    Chameleon Skink

    Tokek Well-Known Member

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    Glad you like the reports.

    I believe the general opinion is that each summons creates a new independent unit. So with my 12 conjuration points on turn 2 I summoned two Razordons each forming its own unit. With 18 conjuration points that would be 3 units of one razordon each.

    It would be nice to have the option to summon larger units but it does not clearly say we have that option so I choose to play the most conservative interpretation of the rules.
    tfihsnz likes this.
  2. tfihsnz

    tfihsnz New Member

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    I agree. I think a good way around this may be for gw to put in a line that says you can summon a unit with more it just adds the points together as leaving it at 3 units of 1 could harm a player in a tournament with the one unit summon rule in play.

    But then again I'm fairly new to this so the current ruling might be balanced perfectly

    (Also awesome battle reports there a blast to read)

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