Hello Again - Returning to Dinoland

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Ciirian, Dec 15, 2018.

  1. Ciirian

    Ciirian Active Member

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    Hello again. After getting back into Warhammer with the Seraphon getting started box few years back (maybe 2?) I kinda lost intrest for a while and got into tons of other projects. Well after a successful trade on facebook im getting back into Seraphon painting / building. I will list all the items I have and maybe some of you could discuss with me the ideas im having.

    Army List:
    Lord Kroak, 2 Engine of the Gods / Stegadons, 1 Bastiladon with Lazers, 1 Trogladon, 1 Carnosaur (a Skink Chief is on it), 3 Ripperdactyls, 60 Skinks (old ones with bows) , 6 Khorne Dogs (the guy said he used them as Salamanders) and then unoppened box of Skinks, 2 more boxes Ripperdactls. I also already have 3 start collecting boxes (Im reassembling the Saurus warriors with Spears), with an Old blood and a Carnosaur. assembeled from it. Oh and an Old Slann I had being carried by some Temple Guards.

    1st Question: When painting do you paint your different dinos of different schemes? Right now I have my saurus painted Incubi darkness with purple scales - so far thats all i like. I was thinking perhaps I should do different color schemes for all the diff dinos (Skinks, troglodons, stegadons, bastiladons, cold ones etc) How you think think that would look? I'm thinking the shields would match whatever the stegadons are painted (shields gotta come from something tough right?)

    2nd question: How do you guys think old skinks look when painted mixed with the current models? Would they look strange compared to the skinks riding all the dinos? Should I maybe paint them almost as a 'different dino breed'? Was thinking of possiblly selling the old ones I got but dont am not sure (have a large amount of them could look good; (I wasnt planning on going all in on Seraphon but boom heres all these dinos lol)

    3rd question: What do you guys think of the colored sprays from games workshop? I was thinking to make things look more uniformed and the same shades I should get a couple colored sprays and use them to base the different guys.

    4: Basing -- No idea how to base my dinos, I plan on rebasing ALL of them.

    long winded question, hope could get some advice. Like I said, I kinda got the army by accident, when offered the army for army swap I kinda just said Sure cuz I like painting big models and I got a bunch in the lot.
    Warden and Scalenex like this.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the fourms!

    You are probably going to get more constructive criticism on this in the painting forum. My thought is the shields don't have to look like the hides of the beasts they came from. Nearly every culture on Earth that had shields occasionally painted their shields.

    There are so many ways to paint Lizardmen/Seraphon there is no right answer. If you like it, go for it. Me I got a handful of solo models that I used as guinea pigs. For instance I thought bright orange Skinks would look cool but I didn't care for it once I saw it, but I still keep Orangey around on my shelf and sometimes he goes off to battle.

    I don't know where the link is, but I believe some people still use a computer app where you can test color schemes on a magnified detailed 2D sketch of a Saurus and a Skink. I'd ask around the painting forums.

    I paint the Skinks that handle my Salamanders, ride my Stegadons and Terradons differently than my other Skinks. I say they are born marked for their caste. Also, I make my beast handlers noticeably darker than my other Skinks. This lets my colorful dinosaurs stand out a little more.

    I don't have a problem with mixing old and new models. Models are expensive, don't throw anything away. You need every model you can when you field 3000+ point armies. If you have models you like better than others, use those for your little games.

    I think hand applied primers look better than spray cans and are worth the extra time. That's just my opinion. I'm not married to GW paints, I like Vellajo primers. I'm sure the painting forum is full of more opinions.

    Not my bailiwick, as I barely started basing my own stuff, but we have lots of beautiful basers here who can give advice.

    Let us know if you have any other questions about gameplay, painting, fluff or anything else!
    Ciirian likes this.
  3. Ciirian

    Ciirian Active Member

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    Thanks man for your answers. I've been a member of forums a long time ago, and remembered about here recently. I'm excited to paint my dinos and amd still in a planning and building stage
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Welcome back! Things are almost the same now as ever, so you should already know we have a subforum dedicated to painting and building projects.
    Feel free to ask any question. :)
  5. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    I paint every unit a different color - it keeps things fun for me, makes it easy to refer to "my yellow Skink unit" as opposed to "my purple Skink unit", and it just makes me happy to field a kaleidoscope of different colors on the table. However, I try to keep equipment looking similar - I think this helps them look like each unit is its own spawning, but they're part of the same civilization, using the same technology and materials and such.

    For more discussion, I also recommend the painting forum!
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Sand painted like mud, with lots of plastic jungle plants from hobby stores!
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Welcome back!

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