The big winter update is here, and here are 2 nerfs for some seraphon units. Most notable is the Astrolith bearer reroll to hits nerf.
Astrolith no longer has to plant his banner, but now you have to be wholly within 12 to reroll hits. Not sure how I feel about that change... Might need to start bringing 2 banners.
that one word (whoelly) is a huge effing nerf.... I can understand the not summoned into hiding... but that whoelly hurts big time.
One small consolation is that he can move now and the range is a little bigger 12 vs 10. This boy mostly was standing up front with my guard or Bastilladon. Seems like something to work with. The camoskinks, well we all saw that comming.
If you used the Astrolith to buff bastis and razordons you're prolly fine, but if you used it to give any kind of substantial unit (40 saurus or skinks) it's a real pain in the butt.
This only makes summoning game even more convenient than attrition/battle game. Seraphon is an army made of terrible units relying on powerful mechanics.
I think the continued errata and removal of the GA: Order battalions is another sign that a Seraphon battletome is coming in 2019
Also worth noting that the wording says "you can re-reroll failed hit rolls" and does not state "failed hit rolls" so this should allow us to re-roll even when we have hit debuffs.
I did a few measurements and noticed that the way I play it the Astrolith change wouldn't have changed anything for me in most games. Even the 40 Skinks blob would fit in nicely in most cases. Now, for Saurus armies this sucks obviously. The bataillons.... I have never played either of those so... meh. But still it is always sad to see content leaving the game.
Whoa... You are right. It says you can reroll hit rolls. Doesn't say anything about failed hit rolls. Will Def help get more hits in against modifiers
Am I missing something here or can you now cast celestial deliverance more than once a turn? Not that it would come up often but hey, options are nice