I imagine it would be a Battletome, Endless Spells and possibly some plastic Salamanders and Razordons and a plastic Slann/Kroak kit, as GW seem to be replacing everything finecast or metal with plastic now.
It’ll get pretty samey if every army has a scenery piece that keeps spamming reinforcements - LoN have gravesites, Gloomspite have the shrine and so on. Surely GW must try to be a bit more varied in the way armies are to act - I’m hoping that some won’t even need to rely on scenery pieces so that we get some armies who do and others who don’t.
Only things I had been hearing about Slaanesh were about the new Demons they were working on for the Wrath and Rapture set. Pretty sure Chaos Space marines will be getting new sculpts and there will be new noise marines (beyond just the holiday special sculpt). Those are the only mortal Slaanesh things in the works that I am aware of. On a speculative note, I would not be surprised if Slaanesh's return is the next chapter in the AoS storyline. At which point I assume SCE will get some new Chamber to combat him and Slaanesh might finally get some mortals. Or maybe the next chapter will be about Gordrakk and the Great Waaaaaagggghhh.
Most likely - all of the other Greater Daemons have had new models, so it'll only be a matter of time. But enough about Slaanesh - the Gobbos are the main focus here!
Maybe we could get a terrain piece that makes use of the priestly rites. Like a dias or star calendar. Some +'s to casting and Celestial Conjuration in an aura would be a nice feature. Hmmmm, bascially a terrain piece Saurus Astrolith Bearer. lol
I think it's now clear how things work in AoS. A new enemy appears, SCE get a new release to fight it. Then another new enemy appears, and new chambers are opened. Each time something is introduced or renewed, SCE get something to deal with it…
Stormcast are the main Protagonist. And frankly, they are on the back foot atm. It is understandable why people are frustrated over the amount of release attention they get. Fortunately in terms of tournament play they are pretty middle tier. That being said, the lore behind the Stormcast has come a long since its inception. Or at the very least the audience's perception has been broadened with the addition of more detailed information. Josh Reynolds is doing god's work with refining their fluff. The short stories from Malign Portence were particularly great. Showcasing that the SCE are flawed and losing their identities as well as the mortals of the realms tenuous relationships with their demigod patrons. I would love to see a reworking of the Free Guilds, the old Empire, and Ironweld lines. A new Humanity faction and Battletome would certainly grab my attention. I already have too much to paint at the moment though, so maybe it is for the best that hasn't happened.
From a business point of view it makes sense, as SCE are the starter army for AoS. When something is introduced, it tends to create new aspects of gameplay and lore, so they’ll want the starter army to be able to partake in that so new players can get involved (eg, SCE getting wizards to coincide with endless spells). At the end of the day they have to make money and be inclusive to new players, and for people who aren’t bitter about WHFB or haven’t been playing long enough to get bored, SCE are an interesting army that’s easy to paint, simple to play with, look good and have plenty of avenues for expansion. However, the downside of this is that they get a disproportionate amount of releases compared to other armies, and to us players of said armies it comes across pretty unfair. It sort of is, but understandably so in my opinion, and anyway, our army is more or less complete and the existence of this page shows they definitely aren’t abandoning the other factions either. It may be something to complain about, and I think it’s fair enough if you do, but hey, we’re a bunch of nerds, we can always find something to complain about - if it wasn’t this, it would just be some other reason why GW has RUINED IT FOREVER!!! (@LizardWizard managed to get in just as I was about to post it - sounds like we have similar thoughts on the subject)
Such creative story telling! They're the AoS equivalent of 40k's Space Marines. It can be viewed as a tried and true formula or as a dull and repetitive formula depending on your slant towards AoS.
That's the point. The good part is that i don't have to spend all my money on fresh releases They cannot really be compared imo. With SM (and imperial guards) you can relate... humans against the horrors of the galaxy. SCE are just a faction of god-blessed beings. That may be a good starting army, but that's it, they cannot have the same appeal
Exactly. I think it’s both Incorrect - Space Marines are genetically enhanced superhumans, Primaris Marines being the most genetically enhanced of all. I think it’s pretty similar to Sigmarines who are basically genetically enhanced with magic rather than science.
I disagree. SM are superhumans and so they are the Champions of mankind. SCE are the Champions of Sigmar and their sole purpose is to fight Sigmar's enemies. I know GW wants to have SCE cover the same role of SM, but i cannot see them in the same light. Am i the minority? Probably Yes.
If anything I think SCE are more relateable. They were once humans who lived full human lives until the time of their reforging. They had families, homes, positions of authority, & human responsibilities. They are then taken by Sigmar and crafted into demigods. Often times they are chosen because of what chaos has taken from them or for what they protect from choas. Stormcast retain their own soul and remember parts if not all of who they were. Their identity is based on their human experience. Space Marines on the other hand are taken at a very young age, surgically "enhanced", and brainwashed. Almost none of them care for the families they once had. And most them don't experience human like emotions. A Space Marine's identity is defined by their role as a Space Marine. Like the SCE they fight for Humanity, not as humanity. However, at least the SCE know through life experience what they are fighting to preserve.