KoW Salamanders of the Sunken Republic - Planning for future 2nd army.

Discussion in 'Salamanders Army Lists' started by gb2098, Jan 12, 2019.

  1. gb2098

    gb2098 Active Member

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    Currently i am getting into Kings of War via a Vikings Army for Kings of War Historical, which will double (with a few additions) as a loosely Norse themed Kingdoms of Men army. (considered Varangur but KoM required fewer compromises in the 'counts as' translation). i'm planning on fluffing my KoM army as being from clans of Northmen (related to the tribes that would become the varangur, but who sided with Primovantor), and i was actually thinking of sticking mine as a colony in the archipelago on the map labelled "the sunken republic", which i envision as a cross between the Aegean and the Caribbean. (i can share my intial army lists for these too if anyone is interested)

    but i would like to get into Salamanders next, in part because i used to play Lizardmen in WHFB and Salamanders scratch many of the same itches in terms of army style. (summed up as 'an army of dinosaurs riding dinosaurs, what's not to like?') and given the Salamander faction's oceanic expertise i figure there could easily be a Colony in the same area (opening up the option of using one or the other as allies in bigger games)

    since i had sold off my old lizardmen army years ago when i pursued my masters degree and found myself with no active community (and needing some extra money at the time), i'd be going into this with a clean slate, but i definitely would use lizardmen/seraphon models. thankfully i still have all my old bitz.

    looking at the "Start collecting: Seraphon" set, with its mix of warriors and riders, and of course that great carnosaur, i hit easyarmy.com and threw together what i'm calling an Arkosaur Raiding party. (since IMO Saurus work great as Arkosaurs, which are more reptilian than the quasi-amphibian Salamander race)

    so first i put in a Regiment of Kaisenor lancers. these would be the Cold One Riders, and using minimum model count (MMC) you could use 6 of them for it, might use all 8.

    then, looking to use the Saurus warriors, two Troops of Salamander Primes. a regiment would have had better nerve and save some points, but then the footprint of the army seems like it would be too small. as the army expands these can be enlarged by just ganging two troop bases together, obviously. 6 Saurus with shields and hand weapons make an ideal MMC Troop. These guys are probably going to be used mainly to screen enemies from the heavier hitters of this small force.

    and then the obvious support and commander unit, the Clan Lord on Fire Drake. tough, fast, Inspiring, and packing that extremely deadly Breath Weapon, this is definitely a potent unit and probably will dominate the lower point level games. of course it is also about a third of the points of this intro list, so it will definitely be a big target for your opponent. effectively, just your basic Oldblood on Carnosaur, only the carnosaur breathes fire. :D

    this came to 605 points, and i'd run out of non-character options from the set. with no more open list slots any additional characters that could be cobbled together from bitz (like using the foot oldblood body or the skink priest model i believe the carnosaur sprues have) were not an option.

    i considered some Tyrants, or some extra warriors, but in the end a mix of thrift and desire to make these more Salamander won out, and i decided to go with a Regiment of Fire Elementals. Reaper miniatures makes some nice translucent plastic Elementals in their Bones line, that are also fairly cheap. plus Elementals can't waver.. a regiment has -/14. which means until you can rout them entirely, they just keep coming. handy.
    this left 15 points, so i threw the Pipes of Terror Artifact onto the Kaisenor lancers to make them more effective in routing enemy units.

    so in the end, it was:
    185pts - Regiment Kaisenor lancers w/ Pipes of Terror
    130pts - Regiment of Fire Elementals
    100pts - Troop Salamander Primes
    100pts - Troop Salamander Primes
    235pts - Clan Lord on Fire Drake (Hero[Mon])

    expanding the army has a couple directions you could go from their. a more infantry focused force could expand the elementals to a horde and the Salamander primes to regiments, add a Battlecaptain on foot for extra inspiring, and then some more artifacts to get 1000pts.
    a more cavalry focused army could stick in a 2nd unit of Kaisenor lancers and a Battlecaptain on foot instead.
    or you could add in things like Tyrants, more elementals, Skyraiders, etc.
  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    I love the theme of your army and how well you thought it out. List seems good, I enjoy low point games a lot actually, they are really fun.

    As for expanding, turning the Saurus into regiments is a must, also in the new Clash of Kings supplement there is a formation involving two Regiments of Ancients and a Clan Lord that you will want to use trust me, give the Lord a Kaisenor and you are set for one of the best cores for an army you can get.

    As you said upping the FE into a Horde is also a must if points go up, and consider a Mage-Priest with Martyr's Prayer too. I love Tyrants as well but FE and far cheaper to buy (model wise) specially if using Reaper.

    All in all, good start and again Welcome!
  3. gb2098

    gb2098 Active Member

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    Since my Viking army is still completely un-assembled it might be a bit before i can start this one (if i don't commit to working on just one at a time i'll never get done), though it is on the to-do list.
    at the moment i don't have any of the CoK books, sadly. but i was planning to get some GWTemple Guard/Ancients eventually anyway, so i'll look into it.
    When considering Tyrants i'd considered buying Reaper dinomen figures.. like the Thunderfoot Defender and the Blacktooth Savage. I'd also looked at that gatormen set from Hordes. but the elementals were just a better deal all round. Especially since they help establish the Salamander feel better.
    Captaniser likes this.
  4. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    You don't have to use Temple Guard as Ancients, in fact those would be more suited for Ceremonial Guard. Ancients are just older Primes so you can use regular Saurus, as long as there is no confusion possible with other units you are good to go and if you use the formation there is no need for Primes anymore, so job done.
  5. gb2098

    gb2098 Active Member

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    perhaps. It just seems like you'd want some sort of visual representation that they aren't standard Primes or unblooded.

    I'll probably end up more Infantry based in the end (Hordes being some of the best ways to unlock stuff, and being good anvils and bulwarks) but definitely want to explore some of the less mundane units. my old Lizardmen army was pretty infantry heavy*, and while effective**, it was also fairly dull in terms of interesting units.
    *my 2011 ardboyz army, which was about the only real test of it before i had to stop playing, was a Slann with iirc ~20 temple guard, three blocks of 20 saurus w/ spears, 14 cold one riders, an oldblood on cold one, and two engines of the gods.
    ** I managed to fight Rob Henderson's Demon Army to a draw. as Rob Henderson went on to be the Ardboyz champion for 2011, and that was the only time he didn't win a game outright, i think my army did OK. :) as it was, it was a very tight game.. if i'd maneuvered things a little better his Bloodcrushers wouldn't have been able to roll up my flank, and the Engine's of the Gods and the spells of the Slann would have been able to finish obliterating his massive block of bloodletters, which would have gotten me the points for a win.

    what do the formations of the Salamanders do in terms of advantages? i know the one centered on Firebrand gives the pistol armed Corsairs better accuracy (which combined with that character's special rules making the corsair's fearless, would make for a really nasty combo.. thus why lots of people seem to be discussing it)
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
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  6. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Corsair Formation is EXCELLENT ad it also gives them +1 nerve, The Ancients one gives them Inspiring and the Clan Lord gets Fearless and Rallying (1), so they are a SOLID core choice and frees up space as you don't need to take any more Inspiring sources.

    There is a Tyrant one consisting in a Horde plus two Regiments that gets Strider, but I realy don't like Regiments of Tyrants and also Strider with speed 5 is very situational.
  7. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    I built list around combo of corsair and ancient formations, as Itepixcauh said, its solid core. Then to 2000 pts I added kaisenor mount to CL, priest with heal and shroud, horde skyriders with jar, horde ancients on rhinos, horde kaisenor cav and skylord with beastslayer.

    Idea is simple - concentrate pistol fire, suported by skyraiders, with second line chargers, but its only theory for now, because first game I will play at end of january and then at our mini tournment in my city.
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  8. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Love that list, it's very much my own style. Keep us informed !
  9. gb2098

    gb2098 Active Member

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    Sounds like i should get the CoK2018 and 2019 books then. i was actually thinking of using Corsairs in larger lists.. since the Salamanders don't have much in the way of non monster ranged fire. odds are i'd use the mantic figures for those, they look like they could be modified to hold guns a bit easier than the GW figures.

    I'll probably reuse my old Lizardmen colors, since they would fit Salamanders. Orange bodied saurus, with dark red scales (drybrushed). then given a strong tone quickshade wash. (i tried the dip method on a single but it proved.. a bit strong. so used the brush on method.) turned out pretty good.
    the Cold Ones never got paint, sadly (i'd only gotten the warriors painted up.. well, and the Slann, but i'd outsourced that to a friend who could do it professionally.), so will have to figure that out this time around.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
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  10. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    You don't need the CoK 18 book, just the CoK 19. Each book completely replaces the previous one.
  11. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    Man (lizard), it is your list;). I used it in times of without my own creative ideas, because they are best.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
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  12. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    I am, in painting, continuing in my WFB theme - Army of Pahuax, city of Ash. Skinks, Sauruses, Kroxigors (Geekos, Salamanders ant Tyrants) are all grey, but older unit is in darker tone (Ancients are nearly black). A colour of scales is different - infantry red, waterguys (tyrants, old razordons and handlers) green, skyraiders blue, ankylodon and komodon riders (stegy and basty) have yellow. Heroes have different colours, but all are in light colours with sacred white. Beasts are in bright colours of flame and jungle.

    My idea of corsairs:

    I will use the classic saurus, but without shield and with hand weapon. The will be light grey, with oceanic green scales. Then i put on them lot trinkets bits (from new terradon set for example) and colourful feathers. A pistol was really hard nut, because I don’t want classic iron pipe in wooden frame (really no fluff). I buy some tyranid devourer pistols from gaunts and I will paint them in black with bronze scales and fire heating (OSL technique) from barrel and others holes. But now, I only in phase of collecting if pieces.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
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  13. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Nice! Both schemes sound amazing guys. Mine as you know are Sotek blessed Skinks, PRAISE SOTEK! So teal bodies with dark blue scales and bright Red crests. For my Kroxigors I opted for a very dark turquoise with bright red heads.

    My monsters are all painted in a unique colour, all very bright and different so they look like different animals (as they are) so for my Cold Ones I went for purple, the Terrados are a very yellow green, the Salamanders painted bright yellow and so on.

    A very important thing when doing such bright and colourful armies is have elements to tie them all together, mine are the feathers, metal, and the eyes of the monsters. All eyes are bright teal like the Skinks, all matera is dark gold and the feathers yellow with green stripes.

    I would love to see some pictures of both your armies as they come together.
    Labarna likes this.
  14. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Also for corsairs you could use instead of pistols the javelin throwing looking arms from the Saurus Cavalry and argument that their strength will make them extra Piercing.
    Labarna likes this.
  15. gb2098

    gb2098 Active Member

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    if i use Saurus for them, i'd probably use my extra kroot arm bitz, and cut down the kroot rifles to make blunderbuses. the main thing seperating pistols from full sized handcannon/muskets in the system seems to be range, so short ranged guns like blunderbusses (which were a very piratical weapon in general) would seem a reasonable compromise.

    and CoK2019 reprints what carries over from the 2018 edition?
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
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  16. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Yes CoK 2019 completely overrides the past issue, sometimes copying content, and other modifying it but also omitting what is not going to be playable this season.

    So in short CoK 2019 is all you need.
  17. Labarna

    Labarna Member

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    Hey, this is perfect idea! Throwing arm, skinks shield and its something like thracian peltast. Pirate look thanks feathers and trinkets.
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  18. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Yeah, I think it can work very well.
    Labarna likes this.
  19. gb2098

    gb2098 Active Member

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    Meta-setting file.. right now i only have the background for the Kingdoms of Men Army/Historicals Viking army typed up, but this gives an intro to the setting building going on, which the future slamander's army will fit into. (they're actually already on the map)
    i'm working with the assumption given by several of the KoW developers.. that while the map looks like Europe and the Mediterranean, it is almost certainly larger than that, since there is so much in it.


    interestingly, i realized that a lot of the stuff i liked about Lustria worked its way into this setting without me realizing it. mysterious jungles, lizardmen, a viking colony.. heck, i even started thinking on how to fit in an undead army of pirates. Pirates of the Caribbean was obviously an inspiration.. but then i remembered i used to really like the idea of Luthor Harkkon's undead fleet.
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  20. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Amazing man!

    Also there are already pirate Undead on Mantica, they are from the Empire of Dust. Well not sure if pirates but at least Undead sailors and that is enough for me, they even have a living legend unit called the Restless Souls of the Raia.

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