I have been playing 8th edition since my friends got me into it over a year ago and we have been promising ourselves we will try AOS despite our reservations (don’t like what little we’ve seen). But realistically I am clueless. What do we need to know? Can we easily play on square bases? Do we need books/warscrolls just to try it?
to learn the game square bases are fine, warscrolls and the rules are available from GW website and are free. Points values can be had by using warscroll builder to build your lists so you don't need to buy anything to try the game. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Warhammer-Age-of-Sigmar-Rules https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/
Thank you for that information Do the rules state models must be on round bases? Or is it purely for measuring purposes?
Well, tournaments actually are likely to require round bases, but other than that square bases works fine.
The main thing you need to know for experimenting is that AoS is an objective based game. You can pretty easily get a feel for the flavor of AoS though just a couple low point murder host games. However, most of the balancing happens via the battleplans. If you are looking for 8th ed Herohammer and/or Murderhammer that is pretty much gone. I really miss the world of WHFB. Although, Sigmar is on its way to being a better developed world. The rule system imho is better than WHFB's though.
they have an official base size in the last FAQ for everything. just for learning playing at your LGS wont matter, but to participate in anything official the FAQ base size is required.
I didn't mean to suggest that Sigmar was on its way to being better developed than WHFB. Just better than it's inceptions. Which was admittedly not a difficult task.
And also dwarfs with all their mighty strenght, not that pityful bunch of survivors that are still hanging around. And not even united as a single faction, because obviously dwarfs gunners share companionship with humans, not other dawi… Is it really so much better than a discontinued army? I suppose yes, but it still leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth...
Glad to see we’re all being helpful by explaining how much better the old system was, and how terrible the new armies are! Honestly, assuming the option is available to you, I think the best thing to do is go into one of the Warhammer stores and see if you can get yourself a trial game. Certainly for all the ones I’ve been to, the managers are extremely engaging and can really bring it alive for you, along with explaining how it all works and what’s new. It’s how I got into AoS (and Warhammer in general) and if you can, I’d recommend it for you too.
True, we have been unhelpful... @Karnus , AoS is a great game, very tactical... only in a different way. Oldhammer was mostly about tactical placement and planning through turns, AoS is all about movement and ability to immediately exploit minimal openings in your opponent line of defence. I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
If people have the right to put forth an opinion/statement that is in line with yours, others have the right to express the opposite. This is now the second rant post you have made today on the subject. If you have difficulty facing opinions and ideas that contrast your own, then I humbly suggest that the internet may not the best place for you. I'm not trying to insult you but I genuinely feel that if it upsets you this much then maybe it is better not to interact with it and simply ignore it. P.S. the Liam Neeson lightersaber meme is just a joke, I'm not actually implying that your opinion is invalid (just to set the record straight)
@NIGHTBRINGER I disagree. Not with your general statement about the right to express your opinion, but on this specific debate. The op asked for help about AoS and we were derailing the thread. In this specific case we should not discuss about our tastes snd opinions, but help the op.
While I acknowledge your point, I'd like to highlight that the sarcastic response made @ravagekitteh is probably not the best way to go about things. A simple "getting back on track.... blah blah blah" (or anything else in a similar vein) would have better sufficed. In any event, I shall heed your wisdom and retire from this thread (until the time that my services are once again required).
Just reinforcing my reservations! Ha Popping into my closest games workshop (sorry, “warhammer” shop) with my Lizardmen army might be beneficial
I hope so!. Seraphon are a truly fun-to-play army in AoS. Our Battlescroll are terribly outdated and we really rely on synergies to function at a good level, but the abilities we received with the General's handbook, make us one of the most versatile and mobile armies in all AoS. Plenty of gaming-styles.