In Dire Need of Help

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Slannta's Little Helper, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Slannta's Little Helper

    Slannta's Little Helper Well-Known Member

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    Dear all our heating system works well but our house looses all the heat we can't get our rooms above 17degrees atm with the exception of a tiny toilet room that got to 19 degrees maybe more. We need to get the thermostat looked at because it is in a hallway by the door, surely it should read lower temperatures due to the drafts etc, my neighbour seems to think it may be on top of a heating pipe itself but even with the heating off it'll read the wrong temperature. We really needed someone electronically clued in to come take a look at it if a forum member is near Swansea wales with the skills I'll pay your petrol costs and a lizardman bonus if you could look at it for us. We are getting a lot of condensation mold because of single pain windows and lack of ventilation in the property and temperatures of 9.9degrees and mostly 12 degrees see the relative humidity levels at 70% and over. Our landlord has refused to deal with the mold and with our baby we can't live here anymore because of excess cold and mold. I've been for chest xrays due to a cough from before Christmas when this all started happening due to the cold temperatures. By talking to the neigbours we know previous tennats have moved out because of the cold one being a police officer and the other being a father with a disabled girl. Our landlord and agent are beyond a joke, we have loose floorboards into the bedroom and they just slid them back and said fixed when the handyman said they were short which they are and the thingy that separates rooms like those metal strip things is off. Our main concern is as a plumber the landlord may have tampered with the thermostat as he blamed us for not using it right. It's set to manual so the desired temp flashes for 5 secs then it shows the temp.

    50770422_2252294604821126_858288234159931392_o.jpg 50833831_2252294591487794_3919039185222107136_o.jpg

    Will add more pictures shortly.


    To show rads heat up so heating is working.

    IMG_20190122_001908 (1).jpg

    Inside the thermostat any can someone annotate this to show me what i'm looking at?
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2019
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  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Best of luck:(
  3. Slannta's Little Helper

    Slannta's Little Helper Well-Known Member

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    @JamJar Tagging you because of your work on the sound carnosaur
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    What does your tenancy agreement say?, your landlord is breaking the law but it is a tricky situation as you can't go in all guns blazing, go back to the letting agent and tell them your going to the CAB (Citizen Advice Bureau)

    Could you offer a compromise to the Agent/Landlord, ask them to change the thermostat and if it solves the problem fine if not you will pay for it?

    Have you phoned Drayton technical support?

    In the mean time can you move the thermostat and see if that changes anything?

    We had a similar problem with our thermostat it was coming on at times that were not set on the program, turns out as it is wireless it was picking up a signal from elsewhere so our plumber changed the frequency and it's been fine.

    Also as a last resort get some polythene sheeting and put it inside you windows, keep curtains closed.

    Sorry I can't be more help. :(
  5. Slannta's Little Helper

    Slannta's Little Helper Well-Known Member

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    @Crowsfoot yeah it says:

    "Sections 1114 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended) apply to the agreement. These require the Landlord to keep in repair the structure and exterior of the Premises and keep in repair and proper working order the installations in the Premises for the supply of water, gas, electricity, sanitation and for space and water heating."

    I've been looking up about implied stuff too in tenancy because it implies for him to keep in good order a lot more too.

    Which the space heating isn't working because of the property not keeping the heat and the repair with regards to mold is disgraceful - we had to throw our babies cot out due to mold, and he's put that in a list of things he'll clear the rubbish out the back (which is all the stuff that went moldy) (We don't drive so we've put it outside for now and asked them to clear it) He's sort of accepting liability by clearing it and not challenging us on this though right?

    No good idea on the technical support I'll give them a shout :) it's wall mounted and wired up to the boiler I don't know how i'd move it :p

    Thanks for all your help
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Situations like this are stressful, ring technical get as much information as possible, write it down then phone your letting agent and explain firmly but calmly what you want to happen.

    Be polite but be firm, always keep calm and keep reinforcing what you want to happen, don't threaten but do mention you have considered getting expert advice etc etc.

    9 time out of 10 they back down.

    (I worked as a volunteer for the CAB for 2 years)
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  7. Slannta's Little Helper

    Slannta's Little Helper Well-Known Member

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    Doubt he will back down the garden fence blew over before we moved in and they tried to blame the neighbour for it saying they had cctv of it. They're con men pure and simple. I'm on with the CAB (well shelter cymru) who are helping me I rang CAB and they said they'd just refer me to shelter cymru because its their speciality. I've just been booked in for a bit of legal advice in Feb so that will help. He's been giving me general advice too. I've been asking for the survey report of the property that was done shorlty after we moved as they said about lack of ventilation and that. but as first time renters we didn't know what this would mean long term combined with the cold. But the agency guy was like. "Regarding a survey report. Please can you clarify this. I have sent an inventory report when you moved in March 2018." I had asked for the property survey once or twice before this response, he was trying to pretend he didn't know what I was asking for as a letting agent not knowing what a survey of a property is, is a pretty silly position to adopt. but then once I explained what it was to him all of a sudden he knew the landlord had at least one: "The survey report is for the landlord when he bought the property. This would have cost him a great deal of monies, and therefore I have no obligation to send this to you." So he knows they cost abit and knew the landlord had one when he got the property 3 years ago.

    It was odd when he first entered the home he stated that he owned the property (the letting agent), but I think he said that because he thinks he's more equipped to talk to us about the issues the landlord seemed extremely usless. (Landlord wanted to put a radiator in attic instead of insulation xd)

    Ah there's so many little details their horrible people.
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  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Sounds like you need to move as soon as possible which again is a stressful situation, when you moved in did you have to pay a bond and did that go into a Tenancy protection scheme (assured shorthold tenancy)?
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  9. Slannta's Little Helper

    Slannta's Little Helper Well-Known Member

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    Yeah we paid 450 and yeah stressful and costly for us to move handed our months notice already just worried they will say condensation was our fault to keep our deposit. Moving back to my mums as a stop gap but only as guests because there isn't enough room with the baby etc and its not permeant.

    It's predicted snow where we are atm so going to stay there afew days if we can atm too
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