Really like your work, you should start you own blog so I can keep up with what your doing more easily
Needs to go here, amazing Lizardmen army done for an armies on parade event: Cliff Dwelling Lizardmen (I found it on this link, but if anyone knows who the actual painter is let me know!) Immediately made me think of the lore provided by @Tlac'Natai the Observer and his Lizardmen
Certainly not a complete army but this is my total painted collection so far. I hope to collect and paint all the Lizardmen one day.
Along with this terrain piece found at the Guard Tower, I came across this beautiful warband of lizards: My hat is off to you, lizard painter!
My army is (finally) at the point where I feel happy posting the whole thing here in the Itza Gallery! Mayan Lizardmen of the Jade Host: Some closer ups: Noticed there wasn't a "coatl" page on the gallery so I will leave this guy here! The Lizardmen facing off against my other collection, the Bretonnian Kingdom of Jeruga: Mayan Lizardmen Army photos (JUN19) Lustrian Bretonnian Army photos (JUN19)
That is Insanely awesome. Amazing work! the models just fit in with the base so well. you should be very proud of your work!
Found this randomly on youtube, but it is Sir @wappellious army on youtube! Amazing stuff, my hat is off to you good sir. Edit: LINK to his blog, lots of great lizards here too!
Armies on Parade today. I present to you Rumble in the Jungle. Wood Elves defend the Oak of Ages from the Lizardmen, who have deemed Ariel's chaos corruption a threat to the Great Plan! Lord Kroak has had enough of Dryads This Wood Elf got stomped on This unfortunate Skink got petrified by the Spellsinger Orion and Gor-Rok face off Araloth commands the Glade Guard to attack, though is caught unawares as the Terradon Riders swoop in from above. Unfortunately I ran out of time to paint these guys up to the standard I wanted. They still need a lot of higlighting. The decapitated Carnosaur head represents our first battle, where I was sorely disappointed when my freshly painted Carnosaur was decapitated by Durthu's 6 damage Sword of Daith EDIT: Got third
Love the narrative and the creativity of using models to portray petrified or killed units. Really great stuff.