I think the main reason GW is changing is to make things more copywrite friendly. "Daughters of kain" is easier to copywrite than "dark aelves". But things like Skaven and seraphon are pretty unique to GW as far as copywrites, so I dont see them being phased out or "redone" into new armies.
Bingo. I was just going to chime in that GW is doing the renamings for Copyright reasons. Protect the brand. Now.. who wants to go through copyright applications to see what they have applied for in the last year+? The Pokemon folks monitor the applications from that company to various govt offices quite frequently. Just a thought for the dataminers and researchers.
Empire bretonnians and classic elves/dwarves are also by far the least Original races. Hence the change from generic elves to sylvaneth, deepkin and daughters of darkness. They're easier to copyright. And I think that in that sense the seraphon/lizardmen are already relativly Original so there's no need to change em for copyright's sake.
I agree with the comments above mentioning that Seraphon is already pretty unique. A lot of races have evolved and left back the old generic names to become more unique and protect the bussines. In my opinion, we are just going to get a simple update: Probably a hero, terrain and spells... But I am really hesitant about getting something more (fingers crossed), but who knows. We actually have a nice model range, even though some of them look a bit outdated (chameleon, salamanders, cold one riders...) so that is another argument no to have a big release... But you know guys, this is all our thoughts, let's hope they amaze us
In one of the videos this shadow appears. People are even pointing that it could be Tomb Kings lel...
The headgear and halo thing he/she/it wears is too spikey and chaos-y. The only thing tomb-kings like is that it appears to be wielding weapons that resemble a kopesh but could easily be scythes, in fact they're far too curved for a kopesh, a scythe would be more sensible.
So gw have a seraphon paint set up for pre order along with a khorne one. Khorne is the next book. Maybe we wont be far behind
Possibly but its back up for pre order. Just seems odd that we hear a rumour about seraphon coming in march now we got a paint set. Amd the other paint set is khorne who we know are coming. Fingers crossed
And Nurgle rubbish Surely that doesn’t mean Nurgle will be after Khorne and Seraphon? There are so many more armies that deserve to be updated before Nurgle.
I think it's just a re-release of a bunch of existing paintbundles, or possibly they swapped out some colours. I'm fairly certain I've seen all of those bundles before.
Its just seperate paints though packaged in one bundle right? Not a specific box? So theere must be a reason also we got the battle force box.
What I ment was that its not like its a box that say seraphon paint set. So its not something they still had in stock and thought they would pop out for order again. I believe they are gearing up for our release. Look at the xmas battle forces. Idoneth and Dok both released last year. Slaves are due this year with darkoath. It stands to reason we are getting something and soon