8th Ed. Mini Tournament, 1300pts

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by livewaaaaagh, Mar 6, 2019.

  1. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    hi all,

    We're doing a mini-tournament here with friends at home. So that means small table (3x3), small points, small armies.
    The only rule being no lords allowed.
    My opponents: Dwarfs & Wood Elves
    How to describe the way they play: Dwarfs either bring a shooty list, or a dual Longbeard+ ironbreaker list making for two very strong groups.
    Wood Elves will either be all forest spirit, or a mix - but never full avoidance.

    I have 2 lists that I'm thinking of:

    List 1
    Tetto's list:

    1x Saurus Scar Vet on Cold One, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm + GW
    1x Tetto'eko

    29x Saurus Warriors HW/S, + FC
    21x Skink Cohort + FC (Tetto here)

    5x Chameleon Skinks
    5x Cold One riders, w/ FC + Spears
    1x Stegadon w/ Unstoppable Stampede

    Why this one? Tetto with loremaster at this points level is pretty nice. You'll notice I don't have Skink skirmishers and that's because I'm limited to 24 Skinks. So I would put Tetto in a cohor of 14, and then have 10 skirmishers, but wasn't sure if that was a good idea of only having him with 14.
    but no dispel scroll.

    Keep in mind max heroes is 325pts, so with tetto at 185, there's a finite amount of points to spend.

    List 2
    1x Scar Vet on Cold One, Sword of Striking, Charmed Shield
    1x Skink Priest lvl 2 - Heavens with dispel Scroll

    30x Saurus Warriors HW/S + Fc
    10x Skink Skirmishers

    1x Bastilodon, solar engine
    5x Cold One riders w/FC + Spears

    1x Ancient Stegadon, Engine of the Gods.

    Why this one? Well, the lvl 2 priest gives me a scroll, and with the engines, I have two additional spells to throw dice at.
    No Chameleons though on this one though.

    Available units to trade in: Troglodon, Scar Vet on Carnosaur, 30x Temple Guard, Scar Vet on foot
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Buy more Skinks. Buy more Skinks yesterday. If you have so few Skinks it limits your options in a 1300 point game, that's not enough Skinks.

    That being said, I like your Tetto list better. Tet is so powerful, he makes up for the lack of a dispel scroll.

    At 1300 points there isn't much I would change. Other than fewer Saurus, more Skinks, but that is not possible at the moment. I would strongly consider giving your Saurus Scar Veteran a BSB if you can scrape up the 25 points somewhere.

    At 1300 points, 29 Saurus would be a pretty formidable army center. You got five Chameleon Skinks and Tet's spells to take care of smaller units that the Saurus do not want to bother with. The Stegadon can provide a nice support for the 29 Saurus so they don't get surrounded. The Saurus Cavalry can "float." If there is lots of chaff, more than your Chamo Skinks and Tet can handle, the Saurus Cavalry can run down chaff. If they don't need to control the enemy chaff, they can flank charge whatever your Saurus block is fighting.

    The Cohort Skinks are not there to fight. They are there to provide a buffer against either Dwarfs or Elves shooting at Tet.

    Wood Elves, figure out if they have any archers that either ignore armor saves or units that ingore penalties to hit. The former will devestate your Saurus Cavalry. The latter will devestate your Chameleon Skinks. Adjust target priorities appropriately and keep your vulnerable units screened from archers that can virtually auto-kill them.

    Dwarfs should be fairly straight forward. March your Saurus up the board as quick as you can. Use Tet for support. Use your Chameleon Skinks to try to knock out a war machine. Your Saurus Cavalry can support your Saurus Infantry or charge a Dwarf missle unit as the situation calls for it.

    Against Ironbreakers or Longbeards (or any Dwarf infantry really), your Saurus warriors need help. Don't neglect Curse of the Midnight Wind and Harmonic Convergence. That will probably help you win more than if you try to whittle down the big infantry blocks with Uranon's Thunderbolt.

    Watch out for cannons (or probably singular cannon)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. livewaaaaagh

    livewaaaaagh Member

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    Great feedback as always.

    Re: Skinks - i know. Soon!
    Re: Scar Vet - I like the idea of BSB, but I also need to adhere to 25% heroes. So Tetto is 185, and a BSB Scar Vet on Cold one, with say a GW and light armour (10pts extra) puts me at 320, meaning only 5 more points to spare. So besides LA and GW, anything you would add for 15 points? Or do you keep the re-rollable saves?

    We're talkin about potentiallchanging the tournament to require 1 named Hero as the general for fun. So that likely would mean Drycha for the Wood Elves and maybe... Grim for the Dwarfs? Or we might open up Lords. We'll see!
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Well, Scar Veterans have zero options for heavy armor unless they are wearing magic heavy armor. Gamblers Armor is only 20 points. On a Cold One, the Scar Veteran will have a 1+ armor save and still have a hand free to take the great weapon. You get a 6+ Ward save too, but that rarely matters. That will fit under your 325 point cap on heroes, barely.

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