AoS 2k Thunderquake, which artifacts?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by IggyStarhost, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Hi Guys,

    Finally a 2k tournament in the Netherlands.
    Im playing the list below. But not sure which artifacts to take on my Slann and EotG.

    I usually like Ignax Scales on my Slann in smaller games. But with the EotG now being very important for the battalion, I feel he needs some protection too.

    Good to know is that the 3 games will be played in Aqshy, Chamon and Ghur. So each has a spell which protects te caster.

    What do you feel is the most important piece to protect? Im leaning towards the EotG, because of buffs of the battalion. With that I think I will take an Ethereal Amulet on the EotG. Giving it 4+ rerollable. And then the Incandescent Retrices on the Slann. Does feel a bit flimsy, but I gues the best we can do. I do can give the Slann LoS and a screen. With rerolls in the shootingphase from the command abillity. But he does feel funerable for mortal wounds.

    Any advice?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. Aktanolt
    Cold One

    Aktanolt Well-Known Member

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    I think Ethereal amulet is really good , near op on Eotg from TQ. You are supposed to handle MW poke with d3 heal, unless you position bad then 4+ against mortal wont save you.
    Also yep Rectrices are good on slaan
    LizardWizard and IggyStarhost like this.
  3. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Ignax's Scales are only crucial against Arkhan, Thundertusk and other armies that can deal mortal wounds through a large distances. Gryph-Feather charm is probably best all around choice. Combined with summon starlight, it makes opponent think twice before attacking the bearer. Etherial Amulet is nice on EotG in TQ, as said above, but, unlike GFC, it debuffs enemy only when it has at least rend -1 or better.

    I don't like Rectrices, because it is random and allocated wounds are kept on the bearer. Let's say EotG is overkilled by 2 wounds. Even if you roll 3+ to active IR, there's a 30% chance that it still will die, because you roll 1 or 2 restored wounds. And if it is overkilled by 6 wounds, it is not even worth rolling. Preventing damage is generally better, than restoring it. The only case when IR shines are instand death Attacks, like hand of dust or impale.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! Incandescent retrices wasnt for the EotG but for the Slann.

    I got just back tournament reffs, and I cant use LoST on the same unit twice. So maybe will be taking Vast Intellect. So I can use SS for the -1 if needed. Or use Curse of faith for LoST or EotG for summoning. I know Great rememberer is very good, but would you still take it if you cant use it twice on the same unit?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Meh, another homeruling just because it "feels wrong", like they know GW intentions. I think, in general GR is still superior then VI, but since you want a better control over EotG, it is OK to take VI. In my experience, when I ran TQ at the last local tournament, it wasn't needed at all, becase spending +3 CCP for summoning directly is better, and the only possibility of two units teleporting per phase will force your opponent to think more about his moves.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  6. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    GR does still feel great. Although I really wanted to use it so I can teleport and charge with my Rippers to kill something important. With VI i can use curse of years on the LoST dice aswell, to have it on a 4+. And also +1 on the charge since Cures of years does its effect per phase. BUT losing 3CCP for it doenst feel consistant.

    Where do you use your teleports for?
    LizardWizard likes this.

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