Help Help with Saurus Knights!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by TrevBot, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    Brand new Seraphon & AoS player! I got really into the faction playing Total War 2 and really wanted to get some Dinos onto the table.

    I've purchased the Start Collecting box and put together my 12 Saurus Warriors without too much trouble. But... I am having no end of frustration with the knights. I'm wondering honestly if my box was sitting out for too long or something and the models are warped.

    I'm running into a lot of problems trying to fit the saddles onto the cold ones, and furthermore fitting hands onto my riders as well. This was really rough with the drummer, to the point that I kinda just drowned the thing in glue and hoped for the best. It ended up working.

    My next problem child is the banner though. I cannot for the life of me fit the banner onto my rider's torso at all. The cold one is ALWAYS in the way, and while I can partially fit it on, it results in the lower part of the arm just not being totally connected (near the armpit).

    Does anyone have any advice here? I still really love the army, but to be honest I'm just so frustrated here.

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  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria!

    I would get some green stuff and fill in the gap. That is best advice I have. Or give that one a regular arm and find a saurus knights that fits with the banner better. You could also reglue the torso at an angle that would accommodate the banner. If you are using a standard super glue try putting the mini in the freezer for a day. This will cause the glue to become very brittle and you should be able to break it apart.
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  3. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    Hi @LizardWizard

    Thank you very much for the welcome!

    I'm VERY new to the hobby, is this the green stuff that you mean?

    I really, really appreciate the advice. I did manage to get him removed from the cold one without any damage, but I'm using the Citadel Plastic glue. I feel like the torso might be doomed to be stuck forever. >_< I'm totally gonna try and freeze it tho, and see if that helps!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2019
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  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Yes, there are many brands, but when someone says "green stuff." They usually mean the yellow/blue stuff. You mix it the yellow and blue together with your fingers and you get a malleable, fairly slow drying clay you can work with.

    Some people who are far better sculptors than I would tell you not to use a 1:1 ratio when mixing blue and yellow all the time. You get slightly different properties if you change the ratio, but for what you are describing you probably don't need to get that detailed.

    There is also "liquid green stuff" which not everyone is a fan of. It's normally in a jar. It is not nearly as a sculptable but it's good for filling small cracks. I also like using it to make texture for slime, puss, and other gross things for my zombies, but 19 times out of 20, blue/yellow green stuff is the better tool
    LizardWizard and TrevBot like this.
  5. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Welcome to the forums!

    It is not just your box. the Knights in general are harder to fit.
    About the arm with the standard: the torso of the knights fits in the loins like ball in a socket(hinge), you can move it around a bit so it will fit better.

    I, myself, did not glue the saddle to the cold one, but use magnets(mostly for easier transport)

    Good luck modeling about,
    ask away if you have more questions

    Gr, Imrahil
  6. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I agree with Imrahil, that it's not your box. It seems like Saurus Knights are just a pain to put together. If it's of any help to you, here are some very basic lessons I learned putting together the saurus knights.
    1. BE PATIENT! These are the most fiddly minis I've tried to put together yet.
    2. You should probably assemble the cold one first, and match the saddle & legs to the body before you glue together the saddle. Possibly a better fit?
    3. Watch how you position the bodies in the saddle/legs because it WILL affect the weapon arms and shields (the shields just seem to not want to go right). I guess make them as upright as possible?
    4. Watch your weapon arm positions so they don't bump into the cold one's body or head (probably just with spears and the standard).
    5. The drummer's left arm should probably be in a raised position b/c the feather on the bottom of his drum stick will interfere with drum placement (I found out that the hard way...).
    6. I can't find a good/secure placement for those silly drums. :mad:
    . . . . . . . . . .

    I agree that it's not a bad idea to magnetize the rider to the cold one, if you want to go the extra mile. That way you may not have to worry as much about gluing down the rider. I also wouldn't attach the shield arm until after painting the rider & cold one (but that's just me). I found that positioning the knight's body more "upright" made it a little easier to get the weapons in place without interfering with the cold one. But you're right about the standard bearer just being difficult. I think the shield arms fit so that the shield hand (or the spot just behind it) rests on the saddle pommel... I think. Good luck!
    TrevBot, Imrahil and LizardWizard like this.
  7. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    Thank you very much for the advice!

    Messed with it this morning after leaving him in the freezer all night. I managed to bend the torso up a bit more upright and kinda dry-fit (is this the word?) the banner on successfully! Disaster averted!

    I'm following the guide on here for the Start Collecting Box, next up will be trying to get the Scar Veteran fit onto one of the saddles. Also really considering either using poster putty (as someone else mentioned on this site) or POSSIBLY magnets to mount the saddles. I'm just really worried about trying to drill or mount the magnets themselves.

    I'm really blown away by the support here! Thank you again so much for the warm welcome!
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  8. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    So glad you like it here. I fell in love with Lustria right away.
  9. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    "It's not that bad... Well, I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely."
    -Westley (referring to the Fire Swamp), The Princess Bride
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    All the advice here seems pretty solid, as said above I would try to use a minimal amount of glue and make sure you know where all the body parts are going and their positions before gluing , another tip: try to keep all the weapons in a unit the same, if your interested in playing on the table with your models you will want them to all have the same tools as affects thier stats
    TrevBot and LizardWizard like this.

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