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AoS Killer Angel's BatReps

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Killer Angel, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    We are cold-blooded reptiles. Emotions shouldn't cloud our judgement, it almost costed me the game. ;)
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Oh dear god, those opening moments were agonizing. I’m amazed you recovered, but I think that your mobility ended up keeping you alive to claim the objectives. Somethings we can learn
    1. Pyschology and abiliity to slog through is key.
    2. Never forget summoning
    3. Hold objectives as long as possible.
    LizardWizard and Killer Angel like this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, this match is the perfect demonstration that AoS is truly an objective based game. The mentality "just kill the opponent" is obsolete, if we look at the kill points of this match, I losed 2020 - 720!
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  4. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    perfect example of the dice gods.

    1) stegadon didnt kill the giant? with charge and reroll 1s ? thats really bad
    2) Dread with even reroll cant kill the thundertask? i see a lot of 1s in my mind and fell your pain :(
    3) forgot summoning .... shit happens and it will happen to everyone of us once
    looks like your shooting was not under the best moon too.
    with everything on one target and he survives? unlucky
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    triple 2 with the horns :p

    the target was a monster… i rerolled 1 for to hit and to wound. :confused:
    only 2 bites actually wounded, but no 5 or 6 to kick the double damage… the thundertusk needed a 6 to save, and on 2 saves it did one.
  6. jamierk

    jamierk Member

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    One the one hand I feel i learn so much from these batreps, they are roughly 1000% more interesting and helpful than any others i read/watch. On the other hand i am in so much awe of how well you respond to threats and changes during the game that i'm not sure i'd ever be able to repeat them myself. Here's hoping that more games = more experience = less mistakes!

    Thanks again, these are awesome reading!

  7. Wilhelm Stürmer

    Wilhelm Stürmer Well-Known Member

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  8. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    +1 to loving the format. The madden style doodles on your pictures make it super easy to follow.

    I’m so sad your dread went squish so quickly! It really looks imposing on the battlefield!
    LizardWizard and Killer Angel like this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    First of all, i would like to thank you all for the kind words.
    It requires somt time to do these BatRep, but I'm doing them for the community, so I'm glad they serve their purpose.
    Speaking of which...

    That's one of the goal of my BatReps.
    To use an army (especially one as our) requires experience, and it comes with:
    a) direct play. Nothing can substitute playing a game and learn from it
    b) observation. By seeing other games, you learn things, and maybe you can see some tactics or tricks you was not aware of. Plus, other games can show you there's always something you can do when a situation goes awry

    I cannot do nothing about point a), but at least i can help you a little with point b).
    And it works both ways, by being helped by all of you, with questions or suggestions.

    On a side note: guys, if you know or read some good and helpful BatRep, let me know, as I'm keeping an index of meaningful BatReps :)
  10. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Seraphon Vs Slaanesh (2500 pts)

    The last battle in this campaign


    For those of you who don't know it, basically there are 4 obj (2 on each side), that can be controlled ONLY by heroes.
    In the middle of the battlefield there is a Purple Sun which is immobile and cannot be moved, except by the player that controls more objectives

    Chained colossus.jpg

    We'll play in the Ream of Shyish.
    Interesting rules. nice spells and +1 to castings

    Army Lists

    SERAPHON (mortal real: Ghur)

    - Slann (general, Great rememberer)
    - Oldblood on Carno (gryph feather charm)
    - Astrolith bearer
    Thunderquake Starhost
    - EotG (incandescent rectrices)
    - Bastiladon (solar)
    - Bastiladon (solar)
    - 2 Razordons
    - 3 Handlers
    Shadowstrike Starhost
    - Skink Starpriest (light of dracothion)
    - 10 Skinks (shield, boltspliters)
    - 10 Skinks (shield, boltsplitters)
    - 6 Ripperdactyls

    - 10 Skinks (shield, javelin)
    - 10 Skinks (shield, javelin)

    Endless spell: quicksilver swords

    SLAANESH (mortal realm: Shysh)
    - Keeper of Secrets
    - Daemon Prince (general)
    - Daemon Prince
    - Daemon Prince
    - Infernal Enrapturess
    - Infernal Enrapturess
    - 30 Daemonettes
    - 30 Daemonettes
    - 30 Daemonettes
    - 10 Seekers
    - 10 Seekers
    - 5 Seekers
    - 5 Hellstriders of Slaanesh

    Daemon princes can always attack first, Infernal enrapturess got some nice shooting and abilities, Daemonettes and seekers can run and charge (seekers run 2d6). Lots of things that force stacking penalties to "to hit".


    The picture of the set-up has been taken from my opponent's side, as it's clearer.
    I named the various units: Daemon Princes (DP), Keeper of secrets (KoS) and so on.

    as you can see, i?ve created the usual Thunderquake castle with Slann and Astrolith bearer, screened by 2 units of skinks, and on the other side (the "weak" one), I've got the priest, the carnosaur and the 20 skinks of the Shadowstrike. I plan to support this side with the rippers.


    so many enemies…
    (the oval bases are models still on sprues)

    I end first, so i give the first turn to my opponent.

    The constellation gives me +1 to cast. Not bad, with the Astrolith and the rules of the terrain I've got a +3!

    Let's go!
    TrevBot, Lizerd and Nart like this.
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    SLAANESH's turn

    My opponent moves the heroes to place and shoot w. the Enrapturess, and runs with basically all the troops. Despite my cautious placements, 2 units of seekers are able to charge me. The third unit of Seekers is placed in conga line in the rearline, to negate the room for my teleports.

    The Big Heroes are divided into two groups, each one on an obj.
    The Command Group 1 is composed by a Enrapturess, a Daemon Prince, the General Daemon Prince
    in front of it: 5 Hellstriders, 30 Daemonettes and the advanced unit of 5 seekers.

    The Command Group 2 includes a Daemon Prince, the Keeper of Secrets and the 2nd Enrapturess.
    In front of it 2 x 30 daemonettes and 10 seekers


    Shooting kills 4 skinks, the 5 seekers on my left charge, my 10 skinks (reduced to 5) retreat with wary fighters.
    the 10 seekers on my right fail the charge

    SERAPHON's turn

    I need to erode the hordes that press me. I'm concerned especially by those daemonettes (they hurt like hell) but also the princes that can fly and got good speed can be a real threat if they come for my left obj.

    The engine rolls d6 MWs, that i send against the seekers, followed by the Quicksilver swords by the Slann.
    The Starpriest casts Summon Starlight on the seekers, to inflict MWs and give the -1 to further protect the Carno that will deal with them

    On my left: I move the skinks on to give room and shield the carno and shoot the seekers with the skinks and the carno. Only 2 survive.

    On my right: skinks and razordons shoot the Seekers (3 survive), the Bastiladons shoot the 2 units of Daemonettes, inflicting 9 and 18 casualties
    Rippers are placed in front of the the units on my left, I plan a double charge with them and the carno
    I collect 9 Conj pts (2 spells, 1 for the general and 2 from the Astrolith)


    I obviously elect the rippers to go first: despite the -1 to to hit, the 5 hellstriders are wiped away, and 18 daemonettes are killed. the remaining 12 kill 2 rippers
    the 2 seekers in melee with the carnosaur manage to inflict 2 wounds despite the -2 to hit (gryph charme and Starlight)! THen they are killed… my Carno can now run and charge!

    Now, the battleshock tests.
    My opponent spends his single command point to avoid the test for the daemonettes nearby the general (the ones in melee with the rippers)
    on my right, he must take the tests...
    the seekers roll a 1. 1 model turns back.
    the Daemonettes that took 18 casualties roll a 1. 6 daemonettes come back and are still 18
    The Daemonettes that took 9 casualties finally fail the test and only 16 remains.
    this was not a good battleshock turn…


    I was hoping in something more. If my enemy wins the roll i can be in a bad shape.
    He rolls a 4, but I roll a 6!
    I knew i would have been the first to take double turn, but having it now was exactly what i needed!


    i MUST exploit this as much as i can. Even with psychological warfare.

    Pay attention, because it's a little complicated but really important

    SERAPHON's turn

    Hero phase.
    EotG: free summon. I call 20 skinks and then proceed to move them with LoSaT: i need to heavily protect the left obj, that will be guarded by the Starpriest.
    Starpriest: casts Summon Starlight on the Carno… i roll a 4, but tnx to the old ones I've got a +3.
    Slann: casts 2 spells of shysh on the Oldblood: another -1 to hit the carno (for a grand total of -3) and also immunity to rend.
    I forego 1 spell.

    move phase:
    the carno run by 6 with a command point and is ready to attack the daemon prince general.
    i move the bloat toad nearby the other daemon prince and i predict a charge with the rippers once i will have killed the daemonettes with shooting.
    i move the skinks and the starpriest.
    I move a little my thunderquake.
    i summon a Skink Priest that i plan to teleport in another turn to help the Oldblood in its attack and also to seize the enemy's objective.

    on my left, 35 skinks and the oldblood's gauntlet shoot at the Daemonettes. 4 survives, my opponent picks as dead models the ones that are in melee with my rippers so they are now free to charge the Daemon Prince (he knows he would attack for first, easily killing my rippers, and thinks i forgot it)
    On my right, shooting by skinks and razordons kills the seekers.
    Shooting by Bastiladons erases the weaker unit of Daemonettes and kills 15 of the other one. only 3 survive.

    Impressive, but I'm not done yet...


    Charge phase.
    (i will use the same picture as before, 'cause i failed to take a pic. you'll see…)

    The Carno goes for the general, with 2 CPs spent to increase its Attacks (buffed also by the serpent's staff). i have a -2 to hit the DP.
    the rippers DON'T GO for the other Daemon Prince, as it would be a suicide. I don't care about the toad, i go for the 10 seekers in the rear.


    the rippers kill 8 seekers.
    the general attacks my Carno, but with a -3 can hit me only on a 6. still manages to deal 2 wounds.
    My heavily buffed carno suffers a lot the -2 to hit that Prince, but inflicts 9 wounds, killing the general.
    the survived 3+4 Daemonettes and 2 seekers all flee after the battleshock.

    we still control 2 obj each, but I've got a full army, while my opponent got only 5 heroes. The general is dead and all the troops are no more.
    That's the reason why i didn't took the picture: my opponent took away the remaining models before i could, conceding the game.

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2019
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Brief considerations

    There's not so much that can be said.

    i won in 2 rounds a 2500 pts match, almost wiping the enemy (albeit with a tailores list)

    Everything went almost perfectly, i rolled nicely, the combined buffs to casting were decisive (i would have failed all the spells in my 2nd turn), the list was made to counter a daemon army, and Slaanesh was still without the new battletome. The only positive thing for Slaanesh was that double 1 on battleshock in the first round.
    But i think i did everything right and an overwhelming victory like this one doesnt happen so frequently.
    Lizerd, IggyStarhost and TrevBot like this.
  13. TrevBot

    TrevBot Active Member

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    Holy crap, you annihilated them. :D

    Great batrep and congrats on the Major Victory!!!
    Killer Angel likes this.
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Very well done, and a fitting end for the campaign. That Oldblood on carno was legendary
    TrevBot and Killer Angel like this.
  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yep, a fully operational Thunderquake against daemons is the strongest thing we can field. 2 bastiladons that shoot rerolling all to hit and to wound, with each shot that kills 3 models and can be saved only by rolling 6?
    unless you don't roll poorly the number of attacks, you are going to shred to pieced those hordes of daemonettes. Their only chance is to get you ASAP.

    immune to rend, -3 to be hit, serpent's staff and +6 Attacks on the jaws?
    that's the wet dream of any seraphon's general. :D
  16. Wilhelm Stürmer

    Wilhelm Stürmer Well-Known Member

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    Fantastic end to your campaign and, as usual, a great read. RNG really smiled on and you played very well.
  17. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Very enjoyable read! Congratz on the victory!
    I really liked how you had 3 major threats in your army, not only a TW, not only an extra SS. But also a buffed up Carno. Althouht they often dont carry their weight, with just the right combos you really knocked them on their ass!
    Killer Angel likes this.
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, leaving aside the specific scenario, the combo "gryph feather + Starlight" is easily available.
    Regarding potential offensive output, a carno can be already buffed by Serpent's staff and its own command ability, so i think it's better to increase its chances of survival, rather than give to it another weapon-artefact. A -2 to be hit is rather solid for a melee guy.
  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Here we are again.

    A friend of mine, which is a 40k expert, is starting aso AoS but, having just 7 games on his shoulders, he's not exactly an AoS expert.

    He wanted to do a game with me, playing Free People. Giving that i knew his list, i thought to bring a very strong list, but one that was also highly vulnerable to that particular list of Free People.

    Sadly, the battlefield was dark, and the free people models were still primed black. Hope the picture will be clear enough


    Seraphon (3 EotG) Vs Free People
    (2000 pts)



    You know it, at the beginning of the second turn an objective drops casually on the middle line, on the third turn 2 obj drop one in each part of the battlefield. Obj give a number of points which is equal to the number of the current turn, so their importance increases in the later turns.

    Army Lists

    SERAPHON (mortal real: Ghur)
    - Slann (general, Great Rememberer, Gryph-feather Charm)
    - EotG
    - EotG
    - EotG
    - ASTROLITH Bearer
    - 3 HANDLERS
    - 10 SKINKS (shield, bolt)
    - 10 SKINKS (shield, bolt)
    - 10 SKINKS (shield, bolt)
    Endless spell: Chronomantic Cogs

    The reasoning behind the list.
    there's very little reasoning.
    It's a massive summoning list, that plays around the triple Engine, plus a Slann w cogs and astrolith. multiple razors / sallies for target saturation.
    a lot of drops, so at least i can choose where to set my most precious units knowing my opponent's deployment
    I plan / hope to summon a Starpriest turn one, to buff the carno that i will teleport turn 2 to cause mayhem.

    (doing this BatRep, i noticed the list was illegal, as it was 2020 points. Playing it again, i would play 3 sallies, or no handlers)

    - General on Griffon (general, ???, ???)
    - Lord Ordinator
    - Gunmaster
    - Helblaster volley gun
    - Helstorm rocket battery
    - Helstorm rocket battery
    - 10 freeguild guards
    - 10 freeguild guards
    - 30 crossbowmen
    - 30 handgunners
    - 10 outriders

    a lot of light shooting and 3 strong pieces of artillery, that can shred my Engines to pieces, and he can choose who will have first turn.
    The general on griffon and the outriders can act as his fast units


    I place a unit of skinks + 3 razordons on my left, hidden behind a building
    then 10 skinks in the open
    then I place almost my entire army in central-right position.
    on the extrem right, there's just the carnosaur, hidden as good as i could

    The whole army of my opponent spreads all across his deploy zone, as you can see below, from left to right:
    30 xbows veiled by 10 guards
    Lord ordinator and gunmaster with the 3 artillery pieces
    the general on griffon
    30 handgunners veiled by 10 guards
    10 outriders


    As expected (and feared) my opponent takes the first turn.

    I roll the hunter constellation, so +1 to run and charge

    Let's go!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
    Warden, Nart, Aginor and 3 others like this.
  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    FREE PEOPLE's turn

    I'll be brief.
    the enemy army moves forward a little, then the artillery shoot.
    the rocket launcher and the volley gun outright kill one Engine.
    The other Volley gun takes down to 4 wounds the second Engine, but the long rifles fail to finish the job.
    So much for my triple engine, i won't have the luxury to test it.

    No need for pics here.

    SERAPHON's turn

    In the hero phase I cast Cogs (setting it for an additional spell), then i forego the casting.
    I use my command point to give rerolls to saves in the shooting phase
    I roll for the wounded engine (2 dices) plus the additional dice granted by the Slann. triple 5, so no matter what dice i want to discard, it's a 10. No effect.
    The full EotG summon a trio of ripperdactyls
    with the move by my opponent, a see some room behind his lines… Lord of Space and Time
    on a group of razordons… i roll a 5 so i can move them.

    I move my main block forward and move the razors ready to charge the crews of the 2 rocket launchers.
    I move forward also a unit of skinks on my left, to shoot also the crossbowmen… a weak move, that leaves those skinks in a highly vulnerable point… i did it just to put some pressure on that side and to trick my opponent into mantaining a defensive position.
    I roll a 2 for the conj points granted by the astrolith, for a grand total of 12, so i summon a starpriest


    Shooting phase:
    left skinks: not a single casualty
    the right skinks and the razors shoot the 30 handgunners, killing 11 of them.

    I need a 11 with the rippers but fail
    the razors charges the crews: one crew is reduced to a single model (so the rocket will do only d3 damage instead of d6) but the other one does 2 saves at 5+, so it's still full.
    But 'til my razors are there, they won't be able to shoot.

    Now, the battleshock tests.
    the handgunners roll 2 dices, keeping the lowest one, which is a 1 and (by the rules of the unit) they don't flee.



    the first obj falls on my left.
    We roll, but no double turn for me.

    FREE PEOPLE's turn

    There's little move, basically just the general and the outriders. As hoped, the guys on my left stand where they are, so the laft obj remains unguarded.

    the crossbows on my letf obliterate the skinks
    the volleygun rolls 3 dices for the number of shots, but two of them give the same result so it jams and cannot shoot.
    the outriders and the handgunners concentrate their fire upon the razors. with a save 4+ (rerollable tnx to the previous Slann's command ability), i hope to keep them alive, but my opponent manages to do exactly the 9 needed wounds.
    the 2 rocket launchers are so able to shoot; one of them kills the wounded Engine, while the one with only 1 crew incflicts 2 wounds on the rippers.


    SERAPHON's turn

    the Starpriest buffs the carnosaur with serpent's staff and starlight
    LoSaT on carno to press the enemy on my left. I roll a 4, so i need the bonus to charge… i set the cogs on +2 to run & charge (basically +3, tnx to the constellation)
    LoSaT on the 2nd unit of razordons (another 4), i place them in cover ready to support the Carno.

    I roll the Engine. 18.
    OK, this breaks the game, i would shred them.
    In a tournament i would use it no doubt, and i would use it also in a friendly game against a different opponent, BUT this is almost a test match, so we agreed to roll again the Engine, to play a more "standard" game.
    I roll again and inflict 4 MWs to the line of guards that shield the handgunners.

    Move phase
    the skinks which were left behind run forward and seize the left obj.
    i move the rippers at 3" from the enemy's line
    i move my main block, followed by the starpriest
    I collect 11 Conj points

    the razors inflict some damage to the crossbows
    i shoot 1 sally to the wounded guards (that die) and 3 sallies to the handgunners, killing only 7 of them.


    CHarge + combat:

    the Carnosaur charges the Lord ordinator (crossbowmen cannot shoot it), and with the pile-in enters within range of the crossbowmen… i attack the crossbows with everything, but only the Oldblood manages to kill someone

    rippers charge, but i roll poorly… i reroll with a command point, but again it's a poor result. no way i can charge the helblaster's crew without triggering the handgunners preventive shoot. Oh well… the shooting leaves only a single ripper alive… which will be enought to kill the crew.
    Then i also charge the handgunners with the sallies:


    after i took the pic, my opponent realizes that he forgot to shoot with the sniper of the handgunners. I let him shoot and also the survived ripper dies. The crew is safe.

    The sallies kill some handgunners, but both the handgunners and the crossbowmen roll a 1 on their battleshock, and stand.
    My carno rolls a 1 with the roar, so no additional fleeing.

    I took the objective, so: 2-0 points for Seraphon
    Warden, Aginor, Lizerd and 1 other person like this.

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