AoS Anti Gristlegore Fangs- Triple Dragon

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by WarheadsByLink, Apr 28, 2019.

  1. WarheadsByLink

    WarheadsByLink New Member

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    Hi guys, I just recently managed to win against a FEC gristlegore with a fangs list that I came up with and had a lot of fun with it and thought that I would share it.

    First and foremost it isn't competitive, it's an alpha strike list that any competent opponent who analyses the list should be able to stop. That doesn't stop it being fun and a doing a whopping amount of damage though.

    Originally I'd planned to play in a small local tournament but due to drop outs there was only 3 of us so not exactly testing conditions.However I had to plan to beat a gristlegore, a Skaven army, Stormcast shootcast list and a Khorne list at least. I wanted a list that could potentially alpha strike 3 zombie dragons/terrogheists off the table or to leave them crippled. Here's what I ended up with-

    Triple Dragon
    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Great Rememberer
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (260)
    - Artefact : Doppelganger Cloak
    Saurus Sunblood (120)
    - Artefact : Dimensional Blade
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100)
    - Artefact : Sword of Judgement
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)
    Skink Priest (80)
    - Priestly Trappings

    40 x Saurus Warriors (360)
    - Spears
    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    10 x Saurus Warriors (100)
    - Clubs
    3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (140)

    Sunclaw Starhost (130)
    Fangs of Sotek (70)

    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    1940/2000 points

    The ideal is to get the carnosaur into the enemy general and the sunblood and scar vet into the other dragons. Then you pop the doppelganger cloak to stop the enemy general from fighting first and then you start with the scar vet or the sunblood. With fangs and cogs you're getting +5 to move on turn 1, +2 charge. If the skink priest succeeds then you've got re-rollable charges. The Slann can give flying to help get around obstacles with his command point and his constellation will either mean cogs is more likely to go off or getting another +1 to charge or re-rolling hits of 1.

    Turn 1 you will have 5 command points (2 battalions, Fangs bonus, +1 from start of turn, +1 from having 50 points free). You then activate the Oldblood's command ability as many times as you can. You might need to save a point to re-roll a charge if the skink prayer failed or use a point on the slann to give flying to help jump past chaff. Since you're a one drop list you control who goes first so you can either try to get into combat immediately or let the enemy get a bit closer depending on where they set up. If you get to burn all 5 points on the Carnosaur then you get the following-

    Scar vet on cold one- 13 attacks 3/3s -1 rend 1 damage. However this is with the sword of judgement so 13 chances to roll a 6 and do D6 mortals a piece, then on a 4+ you can do it again, then a 6+ you do it one last time.

    Sunblood- 15 attacks, 3/3s -3 rend 1 damage. With that much rend (thanks dimensional blade) you're bypassing armour saves so dealing D3 mortals for wound rolls of 6 on top of the normal attacks.

    Carnosaur- 15 jaw attacks, 4/3's -1 rend 3 damage. The ideal is to run the astrolith bearer and keep him in range of the carnosaur and another hero so in this scenario you're damage goes way up by re-rolling those unreliable 4's. With doppelganger cloak the carnosaur should attack freely.

    Then you have a 40 block of saurus all getting +1 to hit, +1 attack characteristic to both attacks and -1 rend on their spears. I try to send the 40 block and the rippers at the same target to make the opponent choose between them.

    The Slann slows down the cogs round 2 and goes into summoning mode, trying to get razordons to help throw further wounds into any surviving dragons and skinks to cap objectives.

    If I was to optimise it further I'd downgrade the 40 block of saurus into a 10 man with clubs and see if I could squeeze in a second carnosaur or more rippers/razordons but I had the 40 that I wanted to get some use out of.

    I managed to table a Skaven and the Gristlegore (zombie dragons were all dead in round 2). I'd recommend trying it if you fancy something different and have a need to alpha strike without a shadowstrike or need to wipe out something with high armour saves, something that rippers can struggle with due to their lack of rend.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Nice list. Doppelganger Cloak has so much value with FeC release and Slaanesh on the way.
  3. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Please forgive my ignorance and lack playing knowledge, but I have a couple of questions. I thought you could only activate a command ability once per round? And, what do people mean by "drops"?

    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    You can activate command abilities equal to the number of command points you have available. Some command abilities have been Errat'ed to only be once per turn or once per target. Those specific command abilities will be found in their faction's FAQ.

    Drops are the number of deployments you have in your army during setup. Fangs of Sotek is a super battalion. This means you can place everything in the army in a single drop. Units in a battalion may be deployed in any number of drops at any deployment selection.
    Aginor and Just A Skink like this.
  5. Wilhelm Stürmer

    Wilhelm Stürmer Well-Known Member

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    This list looks super fun!
    LizardWizard likes this.
  6. SeraphonArmy

    SeraphonArmy New Member

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    If the hability of repeat attacks with scar vet on cold one says that when you finish the attack with celestite roll a dice and with a 4+ you repeat celestite attacks this means that if you change the celestite weapon with a sword of judgment then you cant use the hability to repeat attacks i think...

    And you dont have 13 chances to get a 6, you have 3+8 attacks (thanks to the command hability)
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  7. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    You still get the 6+ to hit dealing D6 MW on the ScV CO. The rolling a dice after attacks is not part of the attack sequence. You don't lose the Celestial Weapon profile. You merely add the SoJ affect to the weapon. SoJ doesn't have it's own weapon profile.
    Slikus Vaw likes this.
  8. WarheadsByLink

    WarheadsByLink New Member

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    You start with 5 cp so the example of 13 attacks is based on this (3 base attacks + 10 bonus attacks).

    Also I don't see how the SoJ wouldn't get the effect as the SoJ abilities just get added to a chosen weapon profile?
    LizardWizard likes this.

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