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Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Acrocanth, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Well done on painting these guys!
    Acrocanth likes this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Agree, nice work on those Kroxigors.
    Acrocanth likes this.
  3. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, guys. I'm retouching some skinks to make them match my kroxigors and my stegadon. Pics when I'm done highlighting the yellow.
  4. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Reworked these javalin skinks that I did back in the old days. Turned all the green scales and fins yellow, dry brush the shields and black stripe down the crest to match my stegadon skinks (well these are bluer but still). These days I'd work these over more if I was painting them from scratch (I'd also have cleaned up some of the sprue bits a little more) but as a quick touch up to match the rest of my more recent army models its not a bad job.

    20190215_104704.jpg 20190215_110516.jpg

    Speaking of army, I dragged them all out and this is most of my newer Lizards that I've worked over in the last 3 years that I've been around the site :). Not a bad little force.

    I also realized I never really showed off my mutoid vermin with their finished mars bases so here have a look. I'm getting more and more comfortable playing around with these textured paints. (My non crackle paint mars recipe stirland mud, covered almost entirely in deathclaw brown then shade with reikland fleshshade and then dry brush cadian flesh tone to taste).

    Happy painting one and all!
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2019
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  5. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    I've been playing with this little kit bash.
    I don't know that I can get it carried and I don't know if I really want to find lizard to mount it on so for the moment I'm considering this back up of at least giving the appearance of being moved into position as a palanquin. I have a second bastilladon which I think will give me 2 more excess crew for the ballista team. Maybe a spotter or a standard bearing signal lizard... See what you think maybe it will inspire others to raid their bitz boxes.

    I also have one of those big roots from the arachnarok spider for my carnosaur. Doing a few minor mods on the rider but up the two left arms in the kit to get the armored pauldron but remove the gauntlet for the shield. Shield should hide some imperfections in the arm. I also spliced the two spears together. Those tiny spears will never hit anyone on the ground without an elongation. Pinned it and I wish it was slightly straighter and maybe a little thicker by the handle. Oh well still worth it :). Haven't picked a head yet tho...

    Warden, Aginor, Imrahil and 1 other person like this.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Still loving how you painted these skinks.

    And am looking forward to that giant bow when it is done.
    Acrocanth likes this.
  7. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, I've been working on some poxwalkers and KT rogue trader stuff while i figure out what to do with the crew. Might steal one of the big crested skinks from the skink skirmishers set to lead them. You can make a pretty nice pose with the forward thrusting javalin arm, maybe he can be calling the shots for the crew...
  8. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    So, recent projects continue to be lizard thin, but lets see what I have to show off.

    I realise I never showed off some of my more recent experiments in power weapon/ glowing weapon effects. Did these up when I was finishing my goliaths. Super happy with the ax, a bit less happy with the hammer, the rusted one came out good though. Going to keep playing around with these effects when they come up since their a lot of fun. :)
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    Finished off my voidsmen for my Rogue trader kill team which just leaves Elucia Vhane to tackle. I made the voidsmen coats a brighter blue then the Gw ones to taste and better pull them into the blues on the other models in the group. Obviously i need to keep using the bronze for her armour but I'm trying to come up with a way to tie the brilliant blue teal colours in with some red tones to help her bring the group together. Side note I love scorpion brass, didn't use it on these models cause I didn't have it at the time, but I really love it and will use it more going forward.

    Lastly my poxwalkers have been my project for the week and a half. I have 3 left to finish then I will slap on the ruddy earth tone I used on my gellerpox vermine. I actually went into this thinking they would be more deathly pale but along the way i get this swampy brown/green skin with purple and red tones. It's actually kind of funny how each one fell into place with the last three paints, nurgle rot for the boils, blood on the sores weapons and tentacle and bloodletter over the eyes for a red demonic glow. They've been surprisingly fun to paint and since they have no unit cohesion in colours i can play around a bit if I want from model to model. A good project while I ruminate on other ones.


    Still doing some kitbashing on the side not pictured, I mixed in some cawdor gang bits to some chaos cultists as a second gang/ source of hive scum. Terradons have been slowed cause I bought that battleforce over xmas and I would like to work on 2 kits together so I need to build those. Also finished up the eyestinger swarms one of my favourite sets of models recently. I love the little life cycle story they tell its really inspired. Unfortunately the cat is on my lap and I don't have any photos on me. So maybe another time.
  9. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    So april projects.

    I painted up my chameleon skinks having already done Oxyotl a few years ago,I wasn't feeling boxed into copying those colours exactly. I wanted to do something a little different instead of the drab camo green kind of skinks so I went looking at photos of actual chameleons. I came across this image here https://flchams.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Jethro1-510x462.jpg , which reminded me of something I heard a tau enthusiast say how they enjoyed painting their Kroot by flipping the colours of their fire warriors.

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    This is what I came up with after flipping the turquoise and yellows of my normal skinks. I was a bit worried about having brightly coloured frogs giving them a real clashing clown explosion look but I think it works with the limited frog pallet I stuck to. As they have the shifting chameleon skin I varied up how much blue went on each skink a little.

    Other projects of less interest to the lustria crowd, I sat down and painted Elucia Vhane today. Waiting on the shade to dry on the base while I work this post up. She stands out a bit in with the rest of her starstriders but I think by trying to use the same turquoise blues and recurring whites and bronzes they manage to still look a bit coherent as a group.

    I don't know what the next project is. Kind of want to steal the tealblue and yellow for my new carnosaur. I have a bunch of options. My Escher crew some cultists terradons skink hunting teams... I dunno.

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  10. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    So what have i done in the last 10 days.... lots of primeing and I've been working on finishing my rogue trader box set with the gellerpox.
    My finished vox shamblers.

    And my work in progress hullbreakers.

    There's something really relaxing about painting nurgle and I enjoy the practice in doing more worn/bloodied look.
    Warden and Aginor like this.
  11. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    And all finished. I think they came out well, just 2 more to go!

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  12. Just A Skink
    Skink Chief

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Hi @Acrocanth. I wanted to ask if you remember what teal colors you used for the saurus & skink skin? Thank you!
    Acrocanth likes this.
  13. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Sure, I'm going to assume you mean my newer skinks and saurus and not some of the old 4th ed ones.

    I use the basic GW teal colours actually , sotek green, colea green shade and temple guard blue (TG). Kind of a boring answer I know.

    Usually I paint them all sotek green then hit them with the shade. I'm probably overdoing the shade a little but its worked for me so far considering try a more toned down shade on a future project (1:1 media?). Then depending on how dark I want an area or how much time I'm putting into a model I will sometimes mix a 1:1 sotek templeguard mid tone to bring the skin back up without making things too stark yet. Then highlight with temple guard. Sometimes I'll use a tip highlight of baharoth or templeguard with a touch of which scar again depending on how much work I'm putting into a model.

    This is how all my recent hero saurus, the saurus unit I did back at the start of the blog and the riders on the ripperdactyls and bastiladon. The darker back scales on the ripper skinks are mostly highlighted with that sotek TG midtone with just an edge of TG down the ridge.

    If anyone has any paint questions or if you had a particular model in mind, I'm happy to answer :)
    Just A Skink likes this.
  14. Just A Skink
    Skink Chief

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Thank you @Acrocanth. That's what I wanted to know .
    Acrocanth likes this.
  15. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    All done with the gellerpox.

    It took a couple tries to get the skin right on Mr Tickles and then the transition on the tentacles. But after that the last one I did a bit more paint by numbers and they've all come together.
    If I can just finish the terrain I can call this box set all painted.... just 3 or 4 more to go. :/

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    brainxigor, Warden and Aginor like this.
  16. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Absolutely disgusting, great job!
    Imrahil and Acrocanth like this.
  17. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, my non hobby friends will be thankful these are the last nurgle guys I'll be working on for a bit. :p
    Aginor likes this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Eww gross! :wtf::D

    Also great chameleon skinks, still really like how those turned out.
    Acrocanth likes this.
  19. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Ok I havn't done any lizards lately but here's a few things I've worked on.

    I had picked up a couple lots of cultists on a whim and started chopping them up. Here is the first half painted while I figure out the bases. I wanted to practice painting orange a colour I hadn't played with much and it seemed like an Autumn halloween colour palette would give me some nice undivided cultists. They're about 3/4 done at this point.

    For my fiancee I painted up a lovely tidecaller.

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    Fun little mini spent a day working on it and I think it turned out pretty well :).

    With all the cultists running around my desk it has attracted the attention of the inquisition.... 20190526_190901.jpg
    Pretty sure there's a WIP photo somewhere earlier on the conversion work since the lot this one came with was damaged and missing pieces.

    That's a few of the more interesting things I've been working on anyway, so until next time remember always lock your workstation.

  20. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice work indeed! :)
    Acrocanth likes this.

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