I would be okay with a proper Deathrattle-themed faction. Bring back Krell as the Mortarch of the Bones, make some new Khemri-ish Skeleton Archers, some chariots, a new Deathrattle artillery piece (Screaming Skull Catapults, anyone?) and so forth.
I would like to have the artillery and the Skeleton archers. Or a bone giant. Or a huge skeleton snake like it was mentioned in the Malign Portents story. But then.... right now the Deathrattle part is basically covered by the Legion of Sacrament and the Grand Host of Nagash. I somehow cannot see another army that uses Skeletons as their backbone. (Pun intended)
You could have a different nation of skeletons under a different mortarch, who doesn't follow Nagash religiously like Arkhan but still fights in his allegiance. I would honestly love to see a new Skeleton design aesthetic, as I just don't like the ex-Vampire-Counts classic horror skeletons.
Ah, ok. Understandable then. For me it is the other way round, I like the current Skellies a lot. I don't know though... will GW make another set of Skeletons? Well... maybe.
By the way there's a skink in the GW video for the new contrast paint range : Sisters of Battle confi.. err.. sorry, relapsing again..
According to a buddy at warhammer fest in the aos seminar, they announced a (one) new battletome per grand alliance for this year.. So either they counted obsolete battletomes in 'everyone will get their battletome by the end of the year', or they changed their plans. There was also some warcry stuff but that's a different beast, not seraphon related - at least no mention of us. He'd have told me already if seraphon were in the mix so unless they keep some for tomorrow it's not just yet we'll get info on our faction. Incidentally we were also not.mentioned for bloodbowl (next up are halflings and wood elves, who share big guys and star players).
I had heard the one new tome per grand alliance before this. They might be referring more to like gloomspite gitz and hedonites of slanesh level releases tho? We've seen new/revamped books for skaven, khorne and slanesh in the chaos grand alliance alone this year. We'll have to wait and see. Hold onto your tails people.
This was worse than I had even imagined in a worst case scenario. I don't count warcry as AoS so nothing besides generals handbook which we knew was coming anyway. Not even a hint of the next time except a disheartening comment about just 1 more for each grand alliance this year... Seraph on seems much less likely now.
Well if we get no new battletome, I say we protest by unleashing a tide of lizards into their hq. I’m sick of waiting for a new battletome that we desperately need.
Didn't GW annoucne that every alliance gets AT LEAST ONE battletome earlier? If we discount Sylvaneth, there are two factions in order GA that have outdated battletomes - Seraphon and Kharadron. Since the last is the newer faction that GW is willing to promote, I feel like they have better chances to get one. Or they can give a battletome to Aelves or Free Peoples. At least, I hope, Seraphon will get more allegience abilities in GHB2019. We could get our own lore at last.
Sylvaneth already had their allegience in the book, and yet one of the first to get updated book. Clearly, it doesn't matter, how badly a faction needs an update - GW have their own plans.
I really don't think anything has changed there's been what 1 destruction 3 chaos 1 death and 2 order battletomes this year. The one battletome a year thing was being said back when carrion empire was coming out. I would not expect a big update to our range endless spells and a new book are likely coming at some point. I've seen your paint blogs a bunch of you desperately need that contrast paint So lets get out there and paint some lizards!
I'd be happy with spell lore and endless spells, and then I could wait. Maybe a nice 1 drop battalion that is actually competitive
Alright, here is the plan. If we just keep spamming them on Facebook they will eventually have to give in and give us a new battletome.