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Blog Lord Skal'terakk's army blog (Sotek's Bite)

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Lord Skal'terakk, May 30, 2019.

  1. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Hey everyone! This is a continuation/remake of this other thread I made a few months ago (http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/lord-skalterakks-army.22401/#post-266437), I started painting on late December and even though I haven't been very consistent I do have a LOT of fun! I wanted to show you guys what I have been doing to get some feedback about it :) Tips and critics more than welcome, I want to improve! Love the forum, have a good one!​

  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    That’s a great looking army!
    Lord Skal'terakk likes this.
  3. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Lord Skal'terakk. In the Old World, he was known as a specially agressive warrior. During Clan Pestilens attack to Lustria, the Slann that ruled his temple perished, and he intuitively took the mantle of leader, forming a group of two saurus, two skinks, a kroxigor and himself to take all the decisions. It worked fairly well, but eventually a new Slann came to them with an army of his own to take control. Even though the Slann's wisdom was, of course, deeply recognized and respected, the shift of leadership did take its toll on the troops performance. Lord Skal'terakk sacrificed himself to let his Slann superior escape to the stars during the End Times, and he was remembered into existence as soon as the Seraphon got the power to do so.
    In his new body, after ages of fighting chaos and leading Seraphon armies, his body ascended into the Sunblood state, becoming outstandingly powerful and earning the right to take independant decisions and to travel with his own company.

  4. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Starpriest Al'terakk. One of the five Lizardmen chosen by Skal'terakk to assist his ruling, Al'terakk was and still is his left hand and main advisor. He has always studied the skies in the Old World and was able to escape the End Times with his Slann master in time. He perished during the trip, however, due to lack of resources, like many others, but he helped immensely his brothers using his last energies to help the priests decipher the power of the stars, being one of the first Starpriests. Ever since being remembered into existence, he has always stayed at Lord's side to advice and assist with his magic.

  5. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Oldblood Kit'trik. Another member of the Group of Five, Kit'trik was always recognized for his abilities as a beast tamer. He was able to subdue any beasts he would encounter. The one that gave him the most trouble was the grey carnosaur that was known as King K ages ago, by the local Dark Elves in Lustria. Now he travels through the stars with his loyal mount, seving his two masters with the ferocity of two apex predators.


  6. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Oversser Tzekel Khan. The Slann embody Order like no other beings, and the one from this army is no different. It was no easy task to rebuild the status quo once the Group of Five was taken down by the priest's authority, but in the end the troops proved loyalty and enlightment, like all Lizardmen did at the time. The End Times was a big hit, but thanks to the information and technology their race had gathered from the Old Ones, they barely managed to escape and travel to another sky. Up until that point, some members of the Lizardmen thought that some day the Old Ones might show up, but after the end of the world it was obvious that this would be very unlikely. The time of deciphering the Great Plan has ended, but the information gathered from the blueprints of the world was enough to start working on a new one. One that would be planned by the Slann. So was that Tzekel Khan spawned into existence the most capable servants she ever had to continue their seemingly eternal war against Chaos.

    Lizerd, Imrahil and Aginor like this.
  7. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    The priesthood and a razordon from ebay. Unlike Al'terakk, all the other priest and starpriests from the army follow only their Slann master. They all work hard to ascend into a Starseer, but none have achieved this at the moment. There's also a razordon from ebay.

    Lizerd, Imrahil and Aginor like this.
  8. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    The warriors. There are two (finished) units of warriors in Sotek's Bite. The first one is known ad the Forked Tongue, and the second one as Kit'trik's Pale Faces. The latter is Oldblood Kit'trik's personal unit, although the units are rarely seend without the other nearby. Finally, there's the captain of the Serpent's Maw, a 40 men unit of spears that is still a WIP.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  9. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Oldblood Alnadetl, the purple lizard. The second Saurus of the Group of Five, he led Sotek's bite on the ground, accompanying the troops to where the fight was the hardest. He was murdered by Skaven troops after single-handedly killing hundreds of them, but being outnumbered in the end. Bringed back to kick some rat ass once again.

    Joshua Horchler, Lizerd and Imrahil like this.
  10. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice job!

    He has a nice hat!

    Same for the Slann. Nice use of Bastiladon parts! :)
    Lizerd and Lord Skal'terakk like this.
  11. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    The skinks in all the glory. What can I say about them? Gotta love them. This was my first unit, so I didn't go too crazy, but no doubt I'll experiment more with future units!

    Lizerd, ravagekitteh and Imrahil like this.
  12. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    The Troglodon. I think this one's my favorite for now, but I did put love into everything I made. I was not sure about the color but I turned out satisfied! What do you guys think of my army? What should I do better? Is there anything you specially liked? It would make my ego happy to know it! Thanks for everything, have a nice day!

    Lizerd, Imrahil and ravagekitteh like this.
  13. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    You know your bits! Haha, thanks man glad you like it :)
    Lizerd, Imrahil and Aginor like this.
  14. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man!!
    Lizerd likes this.
  15. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I love the backstory you’ve added for them - really makes them come alive!
    Lizerd and Lord Skal'terakk like this.
  16. Just A Skink
    Skink Chief

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Looks cool! And I like your character names/backstories. What models did you use to make the razordon?
    Lizerd and Lord Skal'terakk like this.
  17. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Amazing army with an great background story!!

    Gr, Imrahil
    Lizerd and Lord Skal'terakk like this.
  18. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Excellent army! Those paint jobs are really really well done. The carnosaur in particular looks excellent (I swear I am not biased)!
    If it’s alright in me asking, what do you do for the baes? The rocks and desert structure looks excellent and I would really be excited to know how you did them.
    Imrahil likes this.
  19. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Much love, thank you everyone, I'm glad you all like them!

    It does! I'm a roleplayer above everything, I reeeeeally hope the new battletome will explain how Seraphon think and feel and live for us. It's hard to roleplay a being that's written as a mysterious NPC.

    Thanks man, the razordon is from ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/4x-Serapho...943684?hash=item2cea265cc4:g:~zMAAOSw6Ulcj1ir. I don't know if it gets to the US, though, check it out!

    Thanks a lot <3

    Glad you like it! It isn't hard at all!

    1. Get some miliput to add little dunes and volume, if you want to. Not necessary, but I like the result.
    2. Go outside with a bag you don't mind getting dirty and pick up some small rocks. Clean them, dust makes glue not work!
    3. Superglue the rocks on the base.
    4. Armageddon Dunes all over the base (except the rocks, if you put some on the rocks just follow the next instructions on that part so that it just looks like natural sand on them). Let it dry a few hours.
    5. Seraphym Sepia shade everywhere. Let it dry a few hours.
    6. Zamesi Desert good dry brush. No fear of overpainting.
    7. Tyrant Skull very good dry brush. Even less fear.
    8. Superglue some herb and you're done!
    Vedras, Just A Skink and Lizerd like this.
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    I know what I am doing this weekend.
    Lord Skal'terakk likes this.

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