Contest April - May 2019 L-O Art Competition (WIP Thread)

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by spawning of Bob, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    In the depths of the void, the Old One's finger crooks. Who can resist his urgent summons?

    We Honour the Old One Aartzifartzi with sacrifices of fresh art.

    Will he / she / it be pleased with your offering?
    Deep contemplations - deeper even than usual - have revealed the true meaning of Glyph Forty-Three on Plaque Twelve of the Third Chamber of the Sacred Archives of Oyxl. The themes for the next L-O Art Competition shall be Doom and/or Destruction. Let fear cause the sudden evacuation of the bowels of the warmbloods / the undead / chaos-spawned in all iterations of the universe!

    Any similarity in theme to another competition or competitions is pure coincidence. However, following some subliminally inserted links may lead you to somewhere, which by pure chance may afford you some inspiration. Praise be to Aartzifartzi!

    Entries Will Close 31 May 2019.
    Lustria Online's previous visual art competitions were a stunning success, mostly for @pendrake who can draw straight lines freehand in ink, first time, every time. Never liked him / her / it.

    The Rules...
    ... are as follows, but please be reminded that they are subject to alteration in future comps. The purpose of the comp is to encourage participation at all levels of ability, not to impede potential artists.

    • The contest is not anonymous.
    • The work should be able to be able to be contained on an A4 page with reasonable resolution. This will allow for short graphic stories but not multi page stories. The emphasis is the art rather than an amazing plot.
    • The artist may include speech and thought bubbles, but the words should constitute less than one quarter of the page.
    • Animations are to be of less than 30 seconds.
    • Animated / static 3D Sculpts are fine.
    • The artist may include a title and/or a caption of up two lines long after the image.
    • Include a description of the method / medium with your entry (e.g. pencil on paper watercolour on skaven-hide, computer and mouse with MS paint, tablet and finger) If you don't, I will make something up that you might regret.
    • The image must involve Lizardmen (or Seraphon or Salamanders)
    • The image must stick roughly within the theme options.
    • The image must be new. No recycling and re-purposing old images.
    • Photoshop art IS OK but the final image should be have at least half of the image as original work. i.e. The back ground could be from Leonardo Da Google and be less than 50% of the image. OR the background could be an originally taken photograph of a Mayan pyramid taken by the entrant and be larger than 50%. This rule links to the next one.
    • Wherever the image components come from, please acknowledge the attribution of other people's work. Your entry should include the web addresses of any images that you have enhanced by pasting lizardmen all over them. This is polite and possibly, you know, legal.
    • Only one entry allowed per person / collaboration.
    • Having said that, collaborative entries by multiple entrants are fine. Check what @details and @n810 did in the first comp and you will agree that this is a good thing. Also n810+details, n810+Bob and n810+Scolenex would all be eligible entries - one per collaboration.

    • You must send your image to Spawning of Bob by the End Times Midnight Pago Pago time (just google it) on May 31, 2019.
    • You can paste the image in a PM to me, PM the image using a "direct link" on image hosting software such as photobucket or imageshack, or just email the .jpeg, .png or .bmp or whatever to

    • Voting will be open until the end of June 15. Discussion with / about the artists is OK during the voting period. The number of votes for each voter will be one for each three entries (rounded down).
    • There is a tiny chance that voters will consider adherence to the theme.
    The NOT-Rules...
    • This thread is the official get inspiration / get help / just enjoy being creative together thread.
    • There are some other threads worth looking at for inspiration, advice and technological know how. These include the previous comp WIP thread and this even less complete than usual tutorial thread.
    • Please please please retain WIP stages of your project. We can all learn from / sympathise with the challenges you surmount on your journey. The rising tide floats all boats, and your experience will encourage others to contribute in future.
    • Please don't pretend you are dead if I contact you to write a tutorial about your chosen medium.
    • Ask for help with electronica if it isn't your thing. We can advise about free tablet drawing software, image hosting and posting, and free software which does post-scanner enhancement of pencil and paper art. @n810 knows his way around Photoshop. @Hyperborean is a gun with Paint Tool SAI. MS Paint probably won't kill you for simple image editing - get the help you need to bring your image to life.
    • No inspiration? Read the April - May short story comp entries - by some strange chance, they may help you. Feel free to do an illustration for someone else's story (or your own).
    • Be bold and experimental. If the voting is as random as the process of hosting this comp, the votes may fall in your favour.

    I acknowledge the champions of forum comps, our own @Scalenex and Ratty Gnawtail of the foul Under-Empire Forum. It is mere coincidence that their tawdry comps so closely resemble mine. I mean "ours".

    You have until 31 May.
    Aginor, n810, thedarkfourth and 3 others like this.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have tagged, stickied and indexed this contest. I have sent Bob the single entry we had from the previous attempt at an art contest (my fault for trying to run an art contest without Bob).
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    The first step on the path to redemption is to admit the error of one's ways :)

    (I should have done one a lot sooner)

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Umm, so did this contest die right after it's inception?
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I didn’t draw anything in time. I drew a map of FíndisLâirn Island yesterday...

    ...forgot all about this really.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I think so, I tried to run an art contest and it also fizzled. Bob hasn't contacted me in weeks.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Well that's sad.
    I guess I'll just have to post my entry on my scribbling lines thread then.
    thedarkfourth likes this.

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