Hi guys! Just a quick question, we don't have to have a slann to summon units and gather conjuration points? A Saurus Astrolith bearer is enough? We collect less but in low point games it is still something.
Yes, an Astrolith Bearer creates points even when there is no Slann on the table. Not a lot but theoretically it should at least be sufficient to summon a unit of Skinks in turn two (if you are very lucky) or three.
Also important to note that if your Slann is slain while you have Celestial Conjuration Points you can use the Saurus Astrolith bearer to bring summoned units on field.
Given it's low value & random nature I wouldn't use it as a replacement for summoning, even at low point values. I mean, it's better than nothing, but it's entirely possible you're not going to summon anything at all. Maybe if we could take 2 astrolith bearers (or give our priests a prayer that gathers point or something..) But as it stands it's either use a slann or just give up having anything resembling decent summoning.
Agreed. I wouldn't take the Saurus AB in a Slann'less list unless you already wanted to bring one for the rerolls. View the summoning as a bonus affect.
Actually it might not even be worth it, as a sunblood fulfills the rerolls but for whole units. Although that casting buff is nice.. Really the saurus AB is only useful with a slann to boost summoning and giving buffs
meh, a AB can potentially buff more and saves up some CP. Also it can affect some units the sunblood can't. So there's some cases in which the AB would be better (for example, supporting a bastiladon)
I asked the question because we are playing a narrative campaign with some friends, and wanted to play something different. but I actually noticed that Seraphons are not that good in 1000 points game, even with a slann. Talking about Razordons, I was sure that we could teleport the unit of Razordons and shoot straight away in the shooting phase. But having a closer look at the rules, when we teleport a unit, it has to be "more" than 9" from ennemy unit. The Razordon have only 9" range...can't shoot... huge dissapointement...
I didn't try Shadowstrike so far. I tried a Firelance starhost for the first game and Bastiladon + slann + Saurus AS + Starpriest + purple sun on game 2 and 3. Purple sun was fun, but I faced twice Idoneth with 2*6 eels and Nurgle with 40 plague monks and Rotigus. It didn't go very well...
Here is the list I run for 1k events. It is not very friendly and can take a few games to understand the ideal targets for the Ripperdactyls. Allegiance: Seraphon - Mortal Realm: Ulgu LEADERS: Skink Starpriest (80) - General - Command Trait : Master of Star Rituals - Artefact : Miasmatic Blade - Spell : Meteoric Convocation Skink Priest (80) - Cloak of Feathers - Artefact : Betrayer's Crown UNITS: 6 x Ripperdactyl Riders (280) 10 x Skinks (70) - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers 10 x Skinks (70) - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers 3 x Razordons (120) 3x Razordons (120) BATTALIONS: Shadowstrike Starhost (180) TOTAL: 1000/1000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 1 WOUNDS: 64
meh, seraphon in general are fairly weak at 1000 points but 1 or 2 lists are all but broken though. Makes it quite difficult to get an interesting game going. It's either crush or be crushed for the most part.
I think that's the nature of the game in 1k matches. AoS is quite deadly, so with those smaller games it can tip into one direction or the other very quickly.
That and at 1k you simply have to go all-in on a certain strategy. You simply don't have enough points to bring multiple options to counter different things. So it's very easy for 1 unit (or battalion) to become super oppresive as you simply don't have the counter with you. It doesn't even need to be a super powerfull unit for it to be noticeable, as long as it gets free reign.
A good example is Ironjawz using a Maw-Krusha against Seraphon Shadowstrike. If the Shadowstrike fails to kill the MK in the first turn and the IJs get the double turn then it is basically game over. My buddy and I tried that a few times and then decided to go 2k or just use other lists since it wasn't fun, it just came down to the results of very few rolls.