If you guys had a fixed address I might agree with you. You know it's difficult for delivery men to find your specific sewer grate.
Uhh... A battle starts at 9:16. Not sure if it's still in beta or not, but the tanks seem to be extremely buggy. Then again, the mod is pretty revolutionary; bringing WW2 into Total War...
Lemme get this straight: they had a Super-Secret Lair somewhere in the sewers/subway but they routinely had pizza delivered? How secret could the lair be? ...Not that I have anything against pizza.
My understanding is that they would get pizza delivered to a random sewer grate and then take it home. Also, I remember the Turtle's lair getting discovered and destroyed quite often in comics or TV shows. At which point they pick up and move to a new corner of the sewers. Shredder and most of the Turtle's other recurring villains are big fans of secrecy. If hypothetically the Shredder finds outs where the Turtles are hiding, he will probably try to kill them but he's not going to leak their existance to the entire world, that could potentially expose the Clan of the Foot. Shredder has almost as much to lose as the Turtles do if New York City started actually monitoring their labrynthine sewer system.
Spoiler: I'll take 'Useless Facts' for 400 A Double Jeopardy: The tips of shoelaces are called aglets. The fastener used to secure the loose end of a strap or belt is called a keeper.
Thanks to Justice League Unlimited and Phineas and Ferb I will never forget aglets. Thanks to Animaniacs I'll never forget Lake Titicaca is between Boliva and Peru. Also, I actually tried a recipe I saw on a cooking show, brownie recipe #2, delicious.