What has been seen cannot be unseen. This is true. That said, I don't recommend it. They're a bitch to steer from that side, stop DEAD if you hit so much as a grain of sand, and it is really easy to run over your own foot with one. Not telling you how I know, because I'm pretty sure you already figured that out.
Thanks for killing my dreams. I have always wanted to use one as a scooter, now I am sad and alone in this world.
Why go with regular ones when you can go rent one of those electric ones that go 15 MPH and can send you flying head-first over the handlebars into a stop sign?
As someone who worked with jacks for a living for four years, I can concur. This too. My boss got pretty good at steering himself around on the electric jack. That thing stopped on a dime. I tried it. I'm sure OSHA wasn't happy but riding an electric jack like a power scooter is actually safer than you think. Still, I am a firm believer that ambulatory people should not use powered devices in lieu of walking.
If I already saw the movie and my friends have not seen it yet, this is me 100%. I think this is why my friends don't want to watch Alita Battle Angel with me. I got friends who are hard core anime fans who claim to be soured on live action anime adaptations. I am a casual anime fan. I want to here want a die hard anime/manga fan thinks of Alita Battle Angel. Is it really the first good live action anime adaptation?