That guy

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Kempak, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. Kempak
    Jungle Swarm

    Kempak New Member

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    So.... I remember as a kid one of the main off-putting things about 40k/wfb was it was full of "that guys". Since I've got back into aos/40k past two years been fun people have been chill and nice to play against, even when using cheese.

    Had an experience yesterday which has generally put me off playing in a group with that person again.

    Tantrums were had, hypocrisy shown.

    So playing a 4 way free for all open play 1000pts match. Anyway I'm still fairly new to actually playing. Two guys in my group played against them before. Really good, okay they stomp me but there's some patience. The guy yesterday and one I haven't played against before,bendless spell first turn against me a horn which has -1 hit to surrounding area. Charges me etc.

    Now what unfolded was just wow. Okay so they attack first, now group of 4, 3 of us catch him Trying to pass of blatantly cocked dice. One or two times I let it go just wanted to get on with it. Anyway even though they cheated they don't do to much damage.

    Then when it came to me piling, in whilst they attempted to free hand everything they checked pretty much everything I did to the mm. Oh can't move there because the space is half a mm to small for your guy to fit in.

    Okay fair play. Rules for one 'ey not the other. No worries play on. Anyway after some moaning and discussion about allocation of wounds etc I take out a respectable amount.

    My turn comes I despell the endless spell. Comes to my attack I take out quite a few soldiers wipe out a unit, his activation turn he kills a few but no whole unit. He is getting frustrated then I make a comment about it's good hitting on these. To which point he goes "oh with my endless spell last turn did you minus the -1s from the attacks. Now it was 38c yesterday hottest day of the year barely any sleep knackered there to chill out. My reply "honestly not sure, I did for some may have forgot for a couple".

    His face drops, you can see the butt hurt in his face. I say sorry next time remind me as I'm rolling I'm still new.

    Generally he wanted to go back to the first turn chucked his book on the table and started kicking off. The other two in my group were like whoa okay come on it's a mistake let's play on. We were at a store. The store manager who is a legend anyway and one off the main reasons I've got back into the game is like what's going on.

    The store manager quietens him down and we begrudgingly play on. At this point he is stewing we play on. We finish and part ways.

    Now I mean I know I messed up a bit but it's like my 4th game, but it's really put me off playing against this guy again as they like to do group matches kinda makes me feel like have to give the group a miss. Probably overreacting myself guess this is more of a vent.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    To me that sounds like he just can't handle new guys.

    Just continue the way you did. Do your best to play by the rules, that's all you can do.
    And don't let this first negative experience drive you away.
    If that becomes a common thing, just leave.
    Kempak likes this.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    You do get scumbags like that who are a disgrace to the hobby, but I think the simplest thing would be to just refuse to play him. If he asks why, say because he was a bad sport and bad gamesman in the previous game. If he really wants to play you again he’ll probably say that he’ll try to clear up his act - if he does then give him a chance to do so by having another game with him, if not then he just won’t play you again as you know what he’s up to - no skin off your nose. If he behaves better the next game then by all means build bridges and patch everything up between you - perhaps you just had a bad start. If not, he obviously can’t keep his promises, so never play him again as he had his chance to improve and blew it. If he calls you a coward for refusing to play him, just tell him you can choose who you want to play - there’s no law that forces you to play someone if you don’t want to play them.

    And as @Aginor said, keep playing by the rules - don’t let him affect your sportsmanship just because he’s a bad sport. If you keep on playing honourably as you currently do, you’re proving you’re better than him without saying or doing anything to him.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2019
  4. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    I play entire days of 8th edition and forget to roll my predatory fighter rolls. Meh it happens. I play warhammer to enjoy myself not to win.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    My sentiments exactly :D

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