Tutorial GHB2019 - Seraphon overview

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Killer Angel, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Ok, i think i've covered all the bases.
    What do you think? should i also take a look at the artefacts?
    Dr.Doom and LizardWizard like this.
  2. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    you can but most ignore them in favor of relm artifacts
    LizardWizard likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I was thinking that too…. and frankly i'm not sure i want to review also the artefacts from all the realms. :p
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    i can take a crack at it if you dont want to its a good idea for beginners who are trying to learn the game to know why we don't use things not just that we don't use them.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • Zoetic Dial Roll a d6 at the start of the battle. On the turn that corresponds to the number you rolled, you can reroll your failed saves. If you roll a 6 you can choose which turn to use it. rerolling saves is nice but half the time your slann is already doing that and the fact that its random makes it a unreliable whay to prevent damage your opponents are seldom kind enufe to hit you on the one turn it would help.
    • Incandescent Rectrices Roll a dice the first time this model is slain. On a roll of 1 or 2, it is slain as normal. On a 3 or more it heals d6 wounds. it is a good way to mulligan one bad mistake but be careful this doesn't stop the attack faze and your wizard can still die to other things.

    • Blade of Realities Adds -1 to the rend of a weapon your hero uses. this one is fun but you cant put it on a mount weapon so no rend 2 bites pore carnosaur.
    • Light of Dracothion Once per battle, the bearer can automatically unbind a spell used by an enemy spellcaster within 15". i love the effect but why does it have a 15" range storm cast get this on there warscroll at 30" and it doesn't take up a artifact. if your wizard is 15" away from the evil wizard you have a dead wizard on your hands take it in a skink if your opponents have a very scary spell like nagashe's hand of death.
    • Coronal Shield At the start of the combat phase, roll a d6 for every enemy unit within 3". On a 4 or higher, that unit gets a -1 to hit for the rest of the combat phase. i like this one its a good freebe for a suport hero if you have a leftover slot i like to put it on a astrolith bearer and stick him with a thunderquake. that sead don't depend on it 50% chance will not save you.
    • Prism of Amyntok Once per battle, at the start of your movement phase, you can target an enemy unit within 12". On a roll of 1 it is struck with 1 mortal wound. A roll of 3-5 inflicts d3 mortal wounds and on a roll of 6 strikes d6 mortal wounds. ONCE PER BATTLE why do you make ok artifacts bad GW with our spells out now we have better ways to get mortal wounds skip it.
  6. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    ill do the realms at work tonight
    Dr.Doom and LizardWizard like this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Maybe you can just focus on the 4-5 most interesting ones for each realm.
    After all, lists usually goes within 2-3 artefacts, and frankly some of the artefacts will never see the play. So, I'd just do a selection of the most useful artefact from each realm (defensive and offensive ones).
    Dr.Doom and LizardWizard like this.
  8. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    a lot of them do the same thing im going to refer to the first one of each type for the clones but ya mostly ill hit the star players and the horrible disappointments.
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • Weapons
    1. Entangling Blade: Pick a melee weapon to be: if you score 1+ hits on a hero or monster, subtract 1 from hit rolls that enemy makes until the end of the phase in which the enemy was hit. (bad) this only works if your hero atacks first and only for one attack there are much better artifacts if you want the same effect starlight is much better.

    2. Jadewound Thorn: Pick a melee weapon to be: 1 mortal wound on a 6+ to hit. ok for some armies but ours don't have any +1 to hit so skip it

    3. Blade of Hammerhal Ghyra: Pick a melee weapon to be: +1 attacks. there are a lot of weapons that give you a +1 to hit wound or attack for the most part attack buffs are the least impresive you only get better damage with 1-2 attacks and if you only have 1 attack you are not soposed to be in melee. go for the weapon that buffs hit or wound whatever your bad at a +1 is better for a 4 to hit then a 3 to hit.

    4. The Sunderblade: In your shooting phase, roll a dice for each enemy within 9". On a 6+ they suffer D3 mortal wounds. shooting weapons have the downside of only working in half of the turns so you have to take what they do and acound for this inherent downside, they must be very good to be worth it. this one does mortals 1/6th of the time don't take it.

    5. Ghyrstrike: Pick a melee weapon to be: +1 to hit and wound. the best of the +1 weapons take it on a sun blood and watch him rage

    6. Arboreal Stave: At the start of the combat phase, pick an enemy hero within 3" that is visible to the bearer. On a 5+, that hero cannot make a pile-in move this combat phase. works 1/3 of the time just take a unit of concusers if you realy want this at least they don't have a chance of doing nothing.

    • Relics
    1. Hypersnare Seeds: At the end of your opponent's shooting phase, pick a unit within 8" and roll a dice. On a 5+, they can't charge. same as abouve but worse because shooting

    2. Verdant Mantle: You can dispel one endless spell per turn with this unit (if it's not a wizard) and without using up a cast (if it is). not many endles spells warent the use of this and we have spells to spare if its that bad skip

    3. Jade Diadem: If you roll a save of 6+, heal 1 wound. this one is interesting with most of our heroes this means a third of our saves give health back giving some survivability. despite that healing is weak in AoS it cant keep up with the damage output of most units(unless your sylthveneth) and so its better to prevent damage then mitigate it, something that a few artifacts do very well we will get to those.

    4. Greenglade Flask: Once per battle, in your hero phase, heal D6 wounds. taking to heart what i just wrote this one does enuff healing to un profile a carnosaur just before a counter attack and isn't dependent on being hit to work if you took ghyran for Ghyrstrike this is a good second artifact for your slann or a different behemoth just don't pick it first.

    5. Ghyrropian Gauntlets: You get an extra 3" for pile-in. this one is fun put it on a carno and surprise your opponent who thinks he is safe descent board control

    6. Wand of Restoration: In your hero phase, heal 1 wound to a model within 6". bad the worst of ghyrans healing artifacts
  10. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • Weapons
    1. Stonehorn Blade. Pick one melee weapon. At the end of a phase where a wound was inflicted by the weapon, roll. On a 5+, pick an enemy unit within 3" and do D3 Mortal Wounds. this has 2 requierments you have to do damage with it and roll a 5+ skip.

    2. Anraheirs' Claw. Pick one melee weapon. All wound rolls of 6+ do an extra 2 damage. if you could pair artifact weapons or if we had +1 to hit this could be fun. you can't and we don't so don't.

    3. Amberglaive. Pick one melee weapon. Add 1 to hit rolls and 1" to range (up to 3"). +1 hit is fun and 1" to range lets you hit thru walls take this second it's not why your from Ghur

    4. Blade of Carving. Pick one melee weapon. Hit rolls of 6+ automatically wound. limitid to 6+ and they still get a save worse then Jadewound Thorn and we skipped that

    5. Rageblade. Pick one melee weapon. Add 1 to Attacks. same as above skip

    6. Rockjaws. During shooting, pick a target within 8". On a 3+, do D3 mortal wounds. shooting low range and die dependant don't

    • Relics
    1. Beastcaller's Bones. At the start of the combat phase, roll a dice for each monster within 3". On a 5+, the monster can't attack. If it's a mount, the rider can still attack. you arn't often in combat with more than one monster so once maby twice a game one unit can't attack we have better options

    2. Drakeforged Plate. Reroll saves of 1 if the attack has a random Damage characteristic. why the condition reroll 1s isn't good in the first place and now it only works 1/4th of the time this is baaaaad realy baaaaad

    3. Gryph-feather Charm. -1 to hits targeting the bearer, and +1" to movement. this is why you are hear with one eception this is the best defence artifact - 1 to hit is a evil debuff paired with starlight and you cut offensive power by half if not more some units cant hit you at all now. and 1" to movement seams small but this game lives and dies on movement is the most important stat you have.love the gryph-feather charm it won't make you invincible but still love it.

    4. Gargant-bone Dice. Once per battle, you can roll 3 dice. For each 5+, each enemy unit within 6" takes D3 mortal wounds. 2 mortals ONCE A GAME GM why.skip

    5. Shardfist Pelt. Each time you roll a save of 6+, the attacking unit takes 1 mortal wound. this one isn't ok because of what i dose its ok because of how other players treat the unit it makes them think and the more they think the more likely they will overthink and make mistakes. still the feather and glave are better don't rely on the other player being dumb.

    6. Tuskhelm. After you charge, roll for each enemy unit within 1". On a 4+, they take 1 mortal wound. you don't want to charge enough units at once to make this do anything skip
  11. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • Weapons
    1. Aiban's Hidden Blade. Pick one melee weapon. On a hit of 6+, add 1 damage. Anraheirs' Claw wasn't worth it this isn't worth it

    2. Flowstone Blade. Pick one melee weapon. On a hit of 6+, get +1 to wound for that attack only. there are +1 wound weapons this is a mutch worse attempt.

    3. Rune Blade. Pick one melee weapon. It has a Rend of -3. this is why the Blade of Realities is not worth taking -3 is better then -2 have fun killing heroes.

    4. Crucible of Molten Silver. Once per battle, during your shooting phase, pick a point within 9" and draw a 1mm wide line to it. All units other than the bearer that line passes over takes D3 mortal wounds. this can be good in a killing pit no roll is good but its limited to ONCE A GAME (sigh) at least this one can hit hard enough to warent that restriction

    5. Chamonite Darts. In your shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 8" and roll 6 dice. For each 6+, the enemy takes 1 mortal wound. we have a better spell and its still not worth casting most of the time.

    6. Argentine's Tooth. Pick one melee weapon. Reroll hits of 1. Reroll hits of 1 is a bad buff don't spend your artifact on it.

    • Relics
    1. Gildenbane. Blocks enemy Artefacts of power within 3". tjis can be very good a few heroes live or die on there artifacts so being able to turn them off helps a lot keep this in mind for etherial amulet, the feather and meismatic blade.

    2. Argent Armour. -1 to melee hit rolls targeting the bearer. only works in melee a worse form of our feathered buddy.

    3. Hydroxskin Cloak. Grants fly. After the bearer moves, pick a unit that the bearer passes across and roll a die. On a 3+, they take D3 mortal wounds. fly is good (none of our monsters can) mortals are good 3+ is not bad and it works every round consider this.

    4. Godwrought Helm. Negates wounds on a 6+. shrugs are always fun but this isn't a good enough roll to out class -1 to hit

    5. Bejewelled Gauntlet. At the end of the combat phase, pick an enemy unit within 1" and roll a dice. On a 3+, they take 1 mortal wound. every turn but only 1? really? skip

    6. Alchemical Chain. Bearer can unbind 1 spell. If they're already a wizard, they get 1 more unbind. we have 4 unbinds already if your opponent has more then 4 spells they also have the bonuses to casting we don't have +unbinds so it won't help us much
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • Weapons
    1. Ruby Ring. In your hero phase, you can pick the nearest enemy unit within 18" and a die. On a 5+, you do D3 mortal wounds. If two units are equally close, pick one. you don't get to chose a target and its on a 5+ so .67 damage a round skip

    2. Magmaforged Blade. Pick one melee weapon. If the wound roll for that weapon is 6+, that attack inflicts 1 mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. 6+ is a pore buff but it is mortal but there are much better toys here skip

    3. Magmadroth Blood Vials. In your shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 8" and roll a die. 4+ do 1 mortal wound. shooting bad roll ok damage bad skip

    4. Purefire Brazier. In your shooting phase, roll a die for each enemy unit within 9". On a 5+ do 1 mortal wound to that unit. shooting bad hit all units within 9" good roll bad damage bad. skip

    5. Onyx Blade. Pick one melee weapon. It gets +1 to-wound. better toys but best weapon in aqshy take home your bronze medal

    6. Exile Torch. At the start of the combat phase, pick an enemy hero within 3" and roll a die. On a 6+, that hero takes a mortal wound and may not fight or be chosen as the target of an attack. the roll is baaaaad and it only hits heroes concusers are still around skip

    • Relics
    1. Essence of Vulcatrix. Once per battle, at the start of your hero phase. Roll a die. On a 1, take D3 mortal wounds. On a 2+, get +1 to hit and wound until next hero phase. +1 to hit and wound is very good it works with all of your attacks and the chance of damage is fairly low..... but its ONCE PER BATTLE takeing a very good artifact and making it just ok.

    2. Thermalrider Cloak. +4" Movement and can fly. movement is great flying is great you are now feilding a flying 14" move carnosaur your almost as fast as a terergyst have fun.

    3. Smouldering Helm. During the combat phase, each save of 6+ deals 1 mortal wound to the attacker. we've seen this see above

    4. Ignax's Scales. Negate mortal wounds on a 4+. this is so helpful on a slann mortals are his biggest weakness and now only half of them matter

    5. Crown of Flames. +1 Bravery to allies wholly within 9". we are seraphon skip

    6. Cleansing Brooch. Once per battle, at the start of the hero phase, you can heal D3. a worse form of greenglade flask skip
  13. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • Weapons
    1. Blade of Endings. Pick one melee weapon. When the hit roll is 6+, add 2 Damage. we've seen this before see above

    2. Banshee Blade. Pick one melee weapon. Each hit roll of 6+, roll 2D6. If 2D6 > target's bravery, the attack does D3 mortal wounds in addition to damage. mortal wounds are good and with a low bravery unit this can work i don't like the fact that it has a requirement at all thou.

    3. Lifebane. Pick one melee weapon. Add 1 to wounds. +1 weapon see above

    4. Sliver of Decrepitude. Pick one melee weapon. Allocate wounds inflicted before any other attacks by the bearer. If 1 or more wounds by that weapon are inflicted on a HERO or MONSTER, they get -2" movement until the end of the battle. if this stacks it good if not its oookkkk a melee hero is trying to kill its opponent and your weapon should help with that not take procations for if you loose

    5. Wraithbone. In your shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 18" and roll 6 dice. Each 6+ is 1 mortal wound. shooting bad range good roll bad damage bad skip

    6. Splintertooth. In your shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 8" and roll 3D6. If two dice have the same roll, do D3 mortal wounds. If all 3 are the same, the unit takes D6. equivalent to a 5+ roll skip

    • Relics
    1. Cronehair Fetish. Can adjust the Shyish Realmscape by 1. not shur what this is need help on this one

    2. Ethereal Amulet. Makes the unit a Nighthaunt unit by making them immune to save modifiers. ethereal is another of the really good defense artifacts it works best on a 3+ save and we don't have those but keep it in mind for other armys.

    3. Sepulchral Plate. Negates wounds on a 6+.we have seen this see above

    4. Amethyst Blindmask. When the bearer dies, roll for each enemy unit within 6". On a 3+, that unit takes 1 mortal wound. no just no the damage is 1 just 1 and its roll dependent skip.

    5. Ragged Cloak. Once per battle during the opponent's shooting phase, you can activate this. If you do so, the bearer may not be chosen as the target of an attack until the phase is over. shooting is becoming more common in AoS so this can save your bacon at times still doppelganger cloak is the better version of this.

    6. Goblet of Draining. If 1 or more wounds are inflicted on an enemy hero, roll a dice. On a 5+, the enemy hero takes D3 mortal wounds. hero only you have to deal damage and roll 5+ i'd skip it.
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • Weapons
    1. Miasmatic Blade. Pick one melee weapon. Attacks that target the bearer get -1 hit. all attacks prity good you take this over the feather because of the other artifacts in Ulgu

    2. Blade of the Thirteen Dominions. Pick one melee weapon. Allocate wounds by this weapon before other wounds inflicted by the bearer. If 1 or more wounds are inflicted on an enemy unit by this weapon, that unit gets -1 to hit. good but all of ulgus weapons are this is neer the bottom

    3. Blade of Folded Shadows. Pick 1 melee weapon. It gets +1 hit. same as above

    4. Blade of Secrets. Pick one melee weapon. Allocate wounds by this weapon before other wounds inflicted by the bearer. If 1 or more wounds are inflicted on an enemy WIZARD by this weapon, that WIZARD forgets a spell. this is good for hiting gods in the face do a damage they forget a spell most wizards will die first but it can help

    5. Dimensional Blade. Pick one melee weapon. Its Rend is now -3. we have seen this before see above

    6. Sword of Judgement. Pick one melee weapon. If the hit roll for this weapon against a HERO or MONSTER is 6+, that attack does D6 mortal wounds and the attack sequence ends. this weapon is dumb its realy good but it's dumb and the mane reason i pased over all the other + damage weapons

    • Relics
    1. Spellmirror. If a friendly unit within 6" is affected by a spell, you can choose to roll 1 die. On a 5+, they aren't affected. On a 1, the mirror breaks and can't be used again for this battle. love it great on support heroes its a shame that it breaks.

    2. Trickster's Helm. Reroll successful casting rolls for enemy WIZARDS within 8". you will never be this close and if you are you have done somthing wrong.

    3. Wristbands of Illusions. Negates wounds on 6+. we have seen this before see above

    4. Doppelganger Cloak. The bearer cannot be chosen as the target of an attack with melee weapons unless the bearer has made attacks earlier in that phase. this one is good wins you the activation war on a melee hero or saves a wizard from your bad dissensions once.

    5. Betrayer's Crown. Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, pick an enemy unit within 3" that has two or more models. Roll a die for each model in that unit. For each 5+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. this one is beter then all the other mortal artifacts becouse its anti hord hit the right unit and it dose 6 times as much damage as the next best and its a part of the fun skink bomb.

    6. Talisman of the Watcher. If the bearer is not in combat at the start of the combat phase, pick a friendly unit within 9". They reroll save rolls of 1.
  15. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    and there you go have fun with that tell me if you need anything else or if i got something rong
    Dr.Doom likes this.
  16. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Coronal shield isn't just good on a support hero. It's fairly good on full-blown melee heroes that get into the thick of it as well as long as they go into combat with some support and don't just roam around the battlefield on their own as not only will you protect the hero, but also its support. It's especially good if the hero carrying it is relativly small and hits more models than can possibly hit the hero back with it (e.g. a sunblood hitting 40 bloodletters with this guarantees that the 35 bloodletters not capable of piling in on the sublood can't hit something else effectivly either)

    The only issue is that most lists are obsessed with making melee heroes as choppy as possible so it often gets overlooked in favour of something like ghyrstrike for those heroes.
    Dr.Doom and LizardWizard like this.
  17. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    that's fair i was trying to be breaf and left out a lot of options in lue of a paragraph per artifact.
    Dr.Doom and LizardWizard like this.
  18. Boshea

    Boshea Active Member

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    You missed the realm of Hysh
    Dr.Doom, trungmi102 and LizardWizard like this.
  19. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    shoot your right give me a bit ill fix that
    Dr.Doom and LizardWizard like this.
  20. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    • Weapons
    1. Blade of Symmetry. Pick a melee weapon. Add 1 to Damage. the sword of judgement exists skip

    2. Gleaming Blade. Pick a melee weapon. If this weapon does at least 1 wound, heal 1 wound. Do this before allocating wounds from any other weapon. at best this is one health a turn five a game skip

    3. Luminary Rod. Once per battle, pick a visible point within 9". Each unit other than the bearer between it and the point suffers D3 mortal wounds. ONCE PER BATTLE and pore range it can hurt in a mosh pit but i would skip it.

    4. Sunblade. Pick a melee weapon. If this weapon does at least 1 wound on a HERO or MONSTER, the HERO or MONSTER gets -1 hit until end of phase . Do this before allocating wounds from any other weapon. you must hit first and wound them for this to help and it only works on heroes and monsters. take our shield if you want -1s its a lot better.

    5. Crystalline Blade. Pick a melee weapon. +1 to wound.

    6. Prism Amyntok. In the shooting phase, pick an enemy unit within 8" and roll 4d6. For each 6+, deal 1 mortal wound. this one is weird its shooting witch cuts its damage in half and deals .66.. damage an attempt so skip.

    • Relics
    1. Aetherquartz Brooch. Each time you spend a command point, you get it back on a 5+. command points are fun but we don't need them and have better ways of getting them.

    2. Lens of Refraction. Each time a friendly unit within 6" would take mortal wounds from a spell cast by an enemy WIZARD, roll a D3 and reduce the number of wounds by that amount. this is damage only spell shield i like that it always works and can't break.

    3. Mirrored Cuirass. Negate mortal wounds on a 5+. On a 6+, pick an enemy unit within 6". That unit suffers 1 mortal wound. this is better than the last shrug it has a psychological affect and it works the whole game. if your playing an army from hysh this is your best bet for artifacts.

    4. Lightshard. The bearer explodes when it dies. Roll for each enemy unit within 6". On a 3+, they take 1 mortal wound. you don't want dead heroes and the effect isn't good if you want a suicide death charge go betrayers crown or alie in a stormcast wizard for his flasks.

    5. Guardian's Coronet. Once per battle, at the start of the hero phase, you can activate this. Until the next hero phase, 4+ save vs wounds
    4+ shrug is great but it's ONCE PER BATTLE so now its bad might keep you standing against a heavy hitter but doppelganger cloak dose this better

    6. Sash of the Ten Paradises. Add 2" to movement. movement is there anything else? no ok maby take this third hysh has bad artifacts
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019

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