AoS 1000pts Vs Khorne

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by A_Reptile_Dysfunction, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. A_Reptile_Dysfunction
    Cold One

    A_Reptile_Dysfunction Well-Known Member

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    So just got done with a 1000 point game Vs Khorne. The Battleplan was Shifting Objectives. Before each battle round roll a D3 and on a 1-2 Obj 1 is primary, 3-4 Obj 2, 5-6 Obj 3. Players score points at the end of their turn for each Obj held 3 points for the primary and 1 each for the secondaries.


    1000 Points Seraphon - Ghyran

    Skink Starpriest [80pts]
    • General
    • Master of Star Rituals
    • Incandescent Rectices
    • Meteoric Convocation
    3 x Razordons [120pts]

    3 Skink Handlers [40pts]

    Sunclaw Starhost [760pts]

    Saurus Sunblood
    • Ghyrstrike
    40 Saurus Warriors
    • Celestite Spear
    • Stardrake Icon
    • Wardrum
    10 Saurus Warriors
    • Celestite Club
    • Stardrake Icon
    • Wardrum
    10 Saurus Warriors
    • Celestite Club
    • Stardrake Icon
    • Wardrum
    1000 Points Khorne

    Skull Altar [0pts]

    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage [270pts]
    • weapon of +1 to hit and plus 1” range in combat
    Gore Pilgrims [630pts]

    5 Blood Warriors
    • Goreaxe and Gorefist
    10 Bloodreavers
    • Reaver Blades
    • had something that gave everyone with 16? +1 attack
    • Also had something that ignored save modifiers.
    • General
    • Trait that gave weapon +1 damage
    • Killing Frenzy
    • Bloodbathed Axe
    • Bronzed Flesh
    • Hackblade & Wrath-hammer
    • Hexgorger Skulls [40pts]
    • Wrath-Axe [60pts]

    He won the roll and deployed his Bloodthirster (BT) in the centre straddled either side by the Bloodwarriors (BW) on the left and the Reavers on the right with his other leaders in the centre with his Skull Altar.

    I deployed a unit of 10 saurus in the centre, the other on the right and the unit of 40 saurus on the left, heroes and razordons in the centre between the unit of 10 and 40 saurus.

    Primary Obj - 2

    Khorne won priority and took first turn.

    Khorne T1

    His reavers and Blood Secrator (BS) ran towards Obj 3 and the rest moved towards the central Obj 2. I’ll

    Scored 4pts. 4-0 to Khorne.

    Seraphon T1

    I failed both my spell and Celestial Rites, Serpent Staffed the central unit of 10 saurus and LoSaT the Razordons to north of Obj 3.

    Centre unit of 10 and Sunblood moved around Obj 2 and created a screen with which he couldn’t charge my big unit with his bloodthirster.

    2nd unit of ten on right took obj 3 while the unit of 40 pivoted around to take obj 1 and to hopefully countercharge in my subsequent turn.

    Razors only took 1 would from the BS due to me forgetting about lookout sir.

    Took 5 points for Obj to make it 4-5 in favour of Seraphon.

    Primary Obj - 3

    Khorne won priority and took first turn.

    Khorne T2

    Slaughter priests both blood boiled my Sunblood causing exactly 7 wounds. Sad panda. He also did some other buffs to his bloodthirster I think but I can’t remember what, reroll 1’s to hit I think. Failed his Judgements.

    Bloodthirster and BW’s charged my centre unit of 10 saurus on obj 2.

    Reavers and BS charged unit of 10 on Obj 3.

    BT ripped my 10 saurus apart before the saurus on obj 3 did 2 more wounds on his BS and ate 7 Reavers! Before being hit back for 5 dead saurus. He used inspiring presence on the reavers and my saurus passed their battle shock. But he only had 4 models on the Obj to my five so didn’t control the Obj.

    1 point for Obj 2 to make it 5-5.

    Seraphon T2

    Failed spell and rites, LoSaT on handlers to get rerolls for razors.

    Moved razors up to be able to shoot the units around Obj 3. Moved my Starpriest out of harms way and moved my unit of 40 as far across as possible to maximise models on his bloodthirster when I eventually charge.

    In the shooting phase I split my razors and shot 1 on the reavers and 2 on the BS and was successful in spilling their blood with a hail of spikes wiping them both!

    Charged with the horde of saurus and got 10 in base contact with the BT with 9 extra spears and 10 in base contact with the blood warriors with 8 extra spears. Managed to get the bloodthirster down to 8 wounds with the bites alone thanks to him failing the 2 double damage bite saves! From the spears he failed 4 and went to change his wound counter to 4 until I reminded him that my spears do double damage to filthy deamons meaning his BT was dead! The rest of the saurus managed to kill the BW’s before being attacked back by the priests and the BW’s ‘No Respite’ ability allowing them to attack upon death. He rolled pretty poorly and only killed 10 saurus. I used a command point to prevent battleshock.

    End of the turn I had more models at each obj scoring 5 to make it 5-10 in favour of Seraphon.

    Primary Obj - 1

    Khorne won priority and let me have the first turn.

    Seraphon T3

    Failed my rites again but managed to deal 2 wounds on one of the SP’s with Meteoric Convocation. LoSaT the razors towards the Slaughterpriests.

    Ran the handlers to within 3 of the razors for those sweet rerolls and moved Starpriest onto Obj 1 and the surviving unit of 5 onto obj 3.

    I split my razors shooting 1 at the wounded SP and killed it and the other 2 dealt a wound or two to the other.

    In combat the big unit of saurus killed the last slaughterpriest. Leaving him no models left.

    I controlled all 3 Obj again for another 5 points for 5-15 to Seraphon.

    Khorne T3

    Even with no models left on the board he used his 8 Blood Tithe points to summon another Bloodthirster next to his Skull Alter 9” away from my unit of 30. Failed his charge but got exactly 9 with his command point reroll and wiped out 26 of my saurus in one swing! And did 8 wounds to my starpriest because of outrageous carnage, I passed with retrices but with only 1 wound. I think I managed to do a couple of wounds with the 4 guys that hit back.

    He controlled no Obj so still 5-15

    I won priority and took first turn, the priority Obj moved to 2.

    Seraphon turn 4

    Finally passed rites, although almost pointless at this stage, and used staff on the 4 saurus. Starpriest also dropped some meteors on the BTs head causing 2 wounds and few more were dealt by the razors so by the time I had attacked with my saurus bites it was down to 2 wounds left! I hit with my 4 spears, 3 miss and 1 hit, 1 wound! Due to double damage he needed to save this to stop his second BT from hitting the dust... but alas he rolled a five and hit back clearing the remaining 4.

    I collected another 5 points to make it 5-20 and we called it a game there.

    When I got the charge with my large buffed unit I wiped his BT and Blood warriors, when he charged my unit he wiped out 26 of them. Really seems like whoever gets the charge with their main threat has a major advantage that dictates the outcome of the whole game. Had he taken out 26 with his first BT the game would have been different.

    My intuition tells me that if you have no models left the game is over, but he still managed to summon a BT once all his army was dead, is that how it works?

    All in all a good game that gave me a little bit more respect for our saurus however i still think they are sub par. But pretty nasty in a horde with the Sunclaw Starhost.
    Niels and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Thanks for the battle report!

    The game goes 5 rounds. It doesn't matter if anyone has models on the table or not. Tabling your opponent also is not an automatic win. It does however mean that you should be able to score objectives unobstructed.
    A_Reptile_Dysfunction likes this.
  3. A_Reptile_Dysfunction
    Cold One

    A_Reptile_Dysfunction Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I ended the game with 20 points so I was happy with that. I’ve come to understand that AoS isn’t the most intuitive game, and it was quite fun to have a second Bloodthirster come down and shake things up.

    I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to take down the second time with a few wounds here and there from spells, shooting and combat. Although that being said I’m not sure I’d like to face the 3/4 Bloodthirster list at 2K!
    LizardWizard likes this.
  4. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    yeah Bloodthirsters are nasty, but they are more glass-canony then they look on paper
    that 4+ save kinda sucks.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    it's worse in the battalion that lets them smash and bash
    LizardWizard likes this.
  6. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    oh yeah, Wrath of the Everchosen gives them a subfaction that lets them bring 5 Bloodthirsters in a 2k game instead of 4
    LizardWizard likes this.
  7. Random Lizard
    Cold One

    Random Lizard Well-Known Member

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    The 16" aura has been errata down to 8" (although the one that makes you reroll successful casts is left unchanged).
    He ignored save modifiers thanks to an artifact that prevents the save from being affected by rend or friendly effects.

    I tend to use a fight first or argrath (2+ to hit on heroes and monsters) on BT to give him 2+ reroll 1s 2+ reroll 1s vs heroes and monsters.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  8. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    what???? i thought it was wholly within 16"
    i could be wrong tho.
  9. Random Lizard
    Cold One

    Random Lizard Well-Known Member

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    In the battletome it is wholly within 16" but if you check the errata in the FAQ it is changed to wholly within 8".
    LizardWizard likes this.
  10. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    oof, so is the app not right? and where does one find this errata and FAQ?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  11. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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  12. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    ugh that is so lame
    it sort of makes the BSC useless. because if you have big units it'll be almost impossible to get wholly within 8"
  13. Random Lizard
    Cold One

    Random Lizard Well-Known Member

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    Bloodsecrator is among the best units on the Khorne roster. The successful cast reroll has a big impact and 8" is a decent bubble.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  14. A_Reptile_Dysfunction
    Cold One

    A_Reptile_Dysfunction Well-Known Member

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    The Errata is to a rule named Crimson Haze whereas the rule on the Bloodsecrator is called Rage of Khorne. So his aura is in fact 16”.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  15. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Yep, the range change was to the Wrathmonger's aura.
  16. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    AH, that makes more sense
  17. Random Lizard
    Cold One

    Random Lizard Well-Known Member

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    Interesting.. i was sure there used to be one for the bloodsecrator also. I might have been wrong
  18. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Goreprilgrims got a range reduction when the BoK book came out back in may.
  19. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    yeah true
    LizardWizard likes this.

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