Here's a question i always wanted to ask, the GW lizardmen color scheme is blue. Are all lizardmen blue or can i make up my own color scheme?
You can make up anything you want I'm not sure I like the blue all that much, I have always thought of them as green myself. Although I think red saurus would be awesome!
I dislike the blue scheme too, all my lizards are red underbelly and green scales predominantly. Mind you my painting skills are poor and it was my first army so I dipped my lizards and the effect is quite nice but far from brilliant. Im happy with them!
My first and only painted lizardman. In fact, hes only half painted, the other side is still black. Enjoy.
Well I didn't have all the paint I needed so I was 'winging it' for lack of a better term. Was only meant to be a test model, try something else on the other side you know, but I liked it too much. Couldn't be bothered remixing the paint:/
Ive decided Im going to paint mine as "Lava-lizzies" Im gonna have the skin as Blazing Orange and the scales Chaos Black highlighted with Fortress Grey. All of the weapons will be made of bone. I ordered my paints off and I highly recommend it as I got 6 paints for 9 pounds and they have lots of stuff for 25% off GW prices. Hopefully I can get painting soon and post some picks up.
You can link to the tutorial if you want. In fact I think it would be a good idea to help some people out with their designs
Here's the site: The navigation is weird, as everything on that site is under that page, so you will still have to follow the directions above. I know that White Dwarf has had an article on it in the past, but I couldn't find it in the online archives. There is conceivably a tutorial in the Black Gobbo archives, but I will leave that to someone else to find. I have looked all over, and have been unable to find relevant tutorials. lizards/?action=view¤t=DSCF0207.jpg What do people think of my "Lava Lizards" colour scheme?
I like your choice of colors, it could use a little more work though, the paintjob could use a bit more work, but i like the colors!
These guys have been touched up. It was just a quick look to see how the colour schemes go. Ive signed up for Tale of Painters on LO and might do a similar thing here.
I HATE that blue color scheme. Its just totally against the principle of evolution. Why would anything that is blue survive in the jungle? they would be so easy to spot by enemys. I painted my skinks in rotting flesh with dark angels green scales. the saurus belly is also rotting flesh while the rest is DA green. The thought was The harder the Skin, the darker it gets. My salamanders are orange/red, my terradons brown, carnie is much like in the army book, stegadon is light green and the cold ones are black with yellow scales.. My chameleons are basically camo green but i painted them matching their surroundings. the guy with the red bush on his base god red lines on him and so on...
Well, it could only work if lizardmen are somehow toxic. Mh, i've just discovered an interesting question *goes and posts his conundrum*
I have painted my lizardmen army (which is very very old) with the old fluff in mind. That each unit is a unique spawning and usually has unique colorings or markings. Every unit of saurus and skink I have are a different color and/or pattern. Not only does this allow me to easily identify what model is in what unit, it also let me explore several diffrent options.