Hello all. I am running the first ever AOS Escalation league at my LGS. I have it basically all worked out, but was wondering if yall would take a look and let me know if anyone saw any glaring issues. the points are purposely lower than usual to foster play with some newer players, and to avoid excluding any new players that may not have the funds to field a full 2k army within a month (especially since its the first such event and we need to build the community). let me know what you think. there may be formatting issues, I originally had it as a word document but had to xfer it to pdf to upload here. I am not worried about those at this time. thanks!
well this looks like fun it's a shame im probably not in your aria i've been meaning to start a cities army, oh well
@Erta Wanderer Im located in Southern New England, USA. @bOdziO Wolf one of the guys that will be judging is a self taught painter that came in second for a golden demon with his work on the giant spider for the grots.