I continue to see this term bandied about on the forums, but I am not familiar with it or how it is being used in terms of this game. I have a somewhat logical expectation of what I think it means, but would rather not be called out for an "inconceivable" misunderstanding. Could someone break it down Barney style for me?
the activation wars is when a unit can attack before any one else like in the charge phase(see night haunt) or can just be chosen to strike first like with FEC. it also refurse to forcing a unit to attack last like all of slanesh
ah so "activating" a unit in combat to go first. not quite what I had thought but not out of the realm of making sense. I'm a former Magic player and was thinking activation of abilities stacking until someone runs out and then the last in first out rule happens and lots of things get dead quick lol. so effectively the "war" part is when two units both have an "attack first" ability and you roll off to determine who actually goes first, and the outcome of the game is reduced to dice rolls instead of strategy and planning AND dice rolls lol thanks for the clarification
not quite if you both have strikes first then it becomes a second combat phase where the strikes firsts fight as if it was the normal combat phase and then every one else gets to go. the war part is mostly just hyperbole but also works as a lot of the strikes first language has weird interactions and they can counter each other. like how slaneshes ability cancels strikes first or how iron jaws smashin and bashin lets them ignore slanesh
I'm fine with it as long as it based on a unmodified roll that needs some luck (the nighthaunt charge), but i hate it when it's an automatic ability that just screws you. Armies without those abilities are severely hampered in cc.... yeah, the issue could be mitigated by doppleganger's cloack, but obviously GW nerfed it because why not. Stupid activation war
i like iron jaws myself it requires clever play... or at least it did before they became so strong. out side of that i don't even like the night haunt one it's just so powerful it can change intire combats and you cant account for it. and the rest are worse it's the mane reason Slanesh is so strong
Why? it is powerful, yes, but as you said, you cannot rely on it, as it triggers only on a 9+ on a charge. You cannot plan strategies around it: it's basically exactly as when you give the sword of judgement to the scarVet on carno, or use the serpent's staff upon the Dread Saurian: you just hope to be lucky so you change that particular combat, but you cannot count on it. Plus, the selling part for me, is that it's an ability that can be triggered only when NH charge. So, in their turn. It's not something as the strongest abilities that can just totally negate any advantage you may have in your turn, when it's you the one that charges (FEC, Slaanesh, Fyreslayers...)
because i also can't plan for it. i like to know if the unit im blocking with will live to see the next turn or not so that i can plan accordingly. and with night haunt you cant 1 good roll can tear thru a flank. they all fly and it's a 10" charge so you have to screen for it even if it's unlikely. i would rather it be a command ability so that it isn't like pulling a slot machine. NH players would love it they get to chose when to use it and i would like it because it means i know when it's a threat. but that might be to strong but it's also very common for a command ability to alow a extra attack so meh.
I wish they would get rid of all of it. It was one of the things that drove people away from fantasy. They never should have added it to AOS.