Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    I've cleaned up the whole introduction area for any people that may be interested, this highlights the key aspects of the RP along with any rules and systems we will be using. Feel free to skip to the discord link and there Ill be more than happy to help anyone set up a character and get started along with introduce them to the systems.

    ----- Intro -----

    Keep in mind that this will be a rather slow process and is more like us writing a story than playing a game of D&D/WFRPG. We will be starting as a small cohort of lizardmen in a camp of sorts searching an abandoned ruin for artefacts, location-wise, we will be in Lustria, searching the ruined temple of Kara which is near the city of Tlaxtlan, city of the moon

    ----- Rules -----

    Alright with that said, here are some base rules: (some of the ideas for this RP are from this thread - , so thanks to @Craken even though they haven’t logged on for a few years)

    1) If you plan on quitting let me know so that your character can leave, or be killed in an interesting way.

    2) If you are going to be away for a bit of time let us know, so we can try and work it into the story.

    3) Don’t try to kill each other or ruin someone else’s time unless you have to. Infighting is okay but only up to a certain extent.

    4) Try and only post what your character is doing. Don't make decisions for others or the environment/NPC's

    5) If you are new after this is set up let me know you want to play through DM’s so that I can find a way to fit you into the story.

    6) Please keep OOC chat to a minimum. Anything not in character must be done in the following format, "[out of character talk]"

    ----- Stats and Stat system -----

    We will be using a stat lay out inspired by the total war stat range. Each character will have these core stats:

    Health - How many hit points the entity has, if reduced to 0, your character WILL die. If it reaches from 5-10% They will go unconscious)

    Armour - The amount by which incoming attack's are reduced upon hitting the entity. Armour may also affect speed.

    Leadership - The amount of endurance and perseverance the character has in face of fear, terror, debuffs or h
    ard pressing odd's. If the character's leadership is reduced enough they may be forced to run or refuse to take actions.

    Speed - How fast the entity moves, may be different across forms such as air, land and water.

    Melee Attack - The chance of the entity hitting an opponent.
    Melee attack may have certain affect's or aspects applied to it which will deal damage in a different way or apply different effects. Ie, Magical damage, Fire Damage

    Melee Defense - The chance of the entity dodging an opponent's strike.

    Weapon strength - How much damage the entity will deal on a successful hit.

    Charge bonus - A bonus to the entity's Melee attack on their first few attacks after charging

    Ammunition - How much ammunition this entity has for its weaponry

    Range - The limit of accuracy for an entity's ranged attack's

    Missile strength - How much damage a ranged attack will deal on a successful hit.

    - Forumla's -

    The ratio of Weapon strength to Damage dealt is 1:1

    The formula for accuracy of a melee attack is 50 + Attacker's Melee attack - Defender's Melee defense = Accuracy of attack (D100 rolled, if the score is below or the same as the accuracy value, the attack lands)

    The formula for how much damage goes through an entity's armour is, in complex terms, Damage = Weaponstrength * (1-(armour*(random.randint(5,10)/1000) - Dont worry too much about this as I have an algorithm written to calculate it automatically in python code, which I have put below if anyone wants to use it themselves.

    import random
    weaponDmg = int(input("wep dmg: "))
    armour = int(input("armr: "))
    print("Random value")
    for i in range(0,1):
    outputDmg = weaponDmg * (1-(armour*(random.randint(5,10)/1000)))

    mostDmg = weaponDmg * (1-(armour*(5/1000)))

    leastDmg = weaponDmg * (1-(armour*(10/1000)))

    - Example of stats -

    Here is an example of some stat's

    Kroxigor (Quas)

    Salamander (Semi-tamed)

    ----- Class system -----

    Before beginning everyone chooses a class - A class represents the role your character is aspiring to within lizardmen society, and will heavily influence your stat range and playstyle.

    Here are the core classes (Keep in mind, additional custom classes can be made with different stats depending on what you're after, such as the oracle which has now become a core class)

    Skink priest
    (A skink priest will choose a lore of magic or old one to which they are casters of)
    Specialties: Problem solving, Magic in all its forms, Casting on the battle field to deliver powerful debuffs, buff's and a variety of versatile damage spell's.
    Points: Magic, Skill

    Skink beast handler
    (A skink beast handler may choose from a selection of 'beasts' or 'companions' before beginning, these can include but are not limited to animals such as jaguar's, crocodiles, younger dinosaurs ect ect, A skink beast handler's beast will develop with him)
    Specialties: Communing with the jungle, taming and riding beasts, speed and a wide spread of stats which can easily be specialized depending on your choice of beast.
    Points: Beast handling, Skill

    Skink Oracle
    Specialties: A skink oracle is one of the more versatile classes, able to go down a large range of routes depending on what the player wants, skink oracles are generally a good all rounder, having access to the widest point spread.
    Points: Battle, Beast handling, Magic, Skill

    (A saurus may choose to convert battle points into beast handling points inorder to have a carnosaur or cold one ect)
    Specialties: Presence on the battle field, strength and endurance. More combat focused characters that lack problem solving skills
    Points: Battle, *Beast handling


    Specialties: A kroxigor's main way of dealing with everything is brute force, and brute force alone. If you thought saurus had it hard in the intelligence and problem solving area, kroxigors have it worse - albeit at a trade off for their amazing endurance, strength and health
    Points: Battle, Strength

    Chameleon skink
    Specialties: Elements of combat, stealth and ranged attacks. Chameleon skinks have a huge amount of utility at the cost of some area's of combat performance such as health and defense.
    Points: Skill, Stealth, *Battle, *Beast handling

    ----- Point system -----

    Point name
    (Description of what point can do)
    - Class: Amount of points per day - Maximum amount of points this character can carry at once of that type


    (Adding large bonuses to stealth rolls, camouflaging, and doing things really quietly ect)
    - Chameleon: 1/2D - 2 MAX

    (Throwing huge rocks, lifting up very heavy things, felling tree's or breaking down structures)
    - Kroxigor 1/2D - 2 MAX

    - Skill points can be converted into magic points with the ratio 3:1, with varying costs depending on how capable your character is
    (Casting spells, doing other generally arcane things)
    - Priest 1-3/1D - 8 MAX
    - Oracle 1/2D - 2 MAX

    Beast handling
    - Skill points can be converted into Beasthandling points with the ratio 2:1
    (Controlling beasts, getting bonuses on taming rolls, removing rampage and generally doing most things animal or mount related)
    - Skink handler 1-3/1D - 8 MAX
    - Oracle 1/2D - 2 MAX
    - Saurus 1/1D - 3 MAX (In exchange for a battle point)

    (Converted into other points, doing complex maneuvers and actions, puzzles, shooting and other skills along with adding bonuses to rolls)
    - Chameleon 2/1D - 8 MAX
    - Priest 2/1D - 8 MAX
    - Oracle 1-2/1D - 6 MAX
    - Kroxigor 1-2/2D - 3 MAX
    - Saurus 1/1D - 4 MAX (Can be put up to 1-2/1D In exchange for a battle point)
    - Skink handler 2/D - 8 MAX

    (Making attacks, doing things combat related)
    - Chameleon 2-4/1D - 10 MAX
    - Priest 2-3/1D - 6 MAX
    - Oracle 4/1D - 10 MAX
    - Kroxigor 4-5/1D - 12 MAX
    - Skink handler - 2-4/1D - 10 MAX
    - Saurus 4-5/1D - 12 MAX

    ----- Example battle field -----

    I also like to give everyone a much more accurate idea of what a battlefield or sometimes area looks like with a map, which they can interact with such as this one


    ----- Map -----

    This is the map of Lustria we will be working from:


    ----- Current situation/recap -----
    Everyone in the party is progressing from their camp in the temple of Kara towards the temple of city of Tlaxtlan (City of the moon) in order to deliver a number of artifacts including a relic priest and a strange, seemingly very important plaque towards the cities chambers and Slann. They are currently 3/4's way through the journey, however their pit stop at the so called 'emerald pools' is interrupted as they catch sight and engage a force of human warmblood interlopers desecrating the forest around the pools in an attempt to harvest its life giving energies for themselves.

    Updated and reformatted the list of names:
    - NPC's back at camp in Kara's ruins -
    Izqux - (Yuxa's Conduit) Starseer Head of camp
    Quelionxi - (Quetzl's hand) Starseer's warden.
    Zuztle - Healer/Elder Talock - Saurus commander

    - NPC's with the caravan to Tlaxtlan -
    Ahuatli (beast)
    Uykar - Head beast handler, Skink chief.
    Omeotl - Head scout

    - Player characters -
    Tezka - Lizerd's Oldblood
    Texcoco - Tezka's young carnosaur
    Xolek-Zi - Suds skink oracle
    Xiuhcoatl - Xolek-zi's wild salamander
    Xlauax - Deathbringer's chameleon skink
    Xahanol - Sevesh's skink beast handler
    Quas - bOdziO's kroxigor
    Tik - Kithmali's priest (Metal)

    - Previous/Retired characters??? -
    Kuoteq-ecko - Khemrian Slann's priest (Heavens)
    Hakal - PP's Kroxigor

    -- Discord --
    If you're interested in joining, it would be highly recommended to join the Lustria Online discord inorder to use the Rp channel and roll channel's where we conduct decisions and organise what people are thinking about doing. Not only that, but its a great place to chill and share your models

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    I may have to wait a little bit before starting, this gives people time to choose their character and write their backstories.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2020
  3. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    I would like to play a Kroxigor with a talent for cooking and talking about eating all the time. That is, when he manages to craft an actual sentence as he is a bit earth-minded. I envision him working as a local cook in the barrio or the war-camp (whichever setting we go for).
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Awesome! What weapon does he have? and where was he spawned, how old is he? Give us some back story :p
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    How in depth can we make the back story? can we use original characters or would you like us to make a brand new character? if I choose to be...say a skink priest, can I tame a beast as a mount? Are all species on the table? obviously bigger animals would be harder to tame, etc.

    Lovin it, i'll get back to it with a backstory once I know what all to go for
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    You can and should be as in-depth as you want! you should preferably make a new character that doesn't exist in the law already but if you have a character you have made before feel free to use it.

    If you are a skink priest, you may be able to tame a best but with relative difficulty and you will probably need the help of other skinks and beast tamers. the species on the table pretty much includes everything tameable in lustria, this can even include your own creatures if you describe them well enough. Starting out everyone will be on foot without a mount, but as we progress people will have a chance to tame a creature when we encounter them, steal eggs and stuff like that. Also, you might want say what law of magic the skink priest studies or what his practises are.
  7. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Oh, please keep questions coming. I haven't done an RPG in like ages and I always super struggled in writing characters' past times, so your questions will definitely help to define my character!

    Since he works as a butcher and a cook I think he must wield some kind of blade weapon, or at least, have a small blade weapon as secondary weapon. I'm thinking he needs to be able to prepare stuff that lives in the jungle for food, so a good blade to chop stuff is a must. Not sure what about his actual battle weapon. While assembling Kroxigor models I haven't noticed any blade wielding ones, so this slightly messes up with my vision. There is a "however" in that, and it will be the answer to the third question (Q3).

    Q3 (swapped the order of questions)
    I don't actually know the Kroxigor life-span, but I think I would like him to be a fresh, inexperienced dude that never seen battle (yet). Maybe that will scare him? We do not know :)

    I think Q1 and Q3 already point that he need to spawn very close to the course of events, so natural choice will be Tlaxtlan.
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Oh yeah! one of the most important questions! Whats his name?
  9. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    This is an amazing initiative on reviving a story driven RPG game on this forum, @Nazqua , I think it'll be a lot of fun. Also like how exiting the game is pretty easy too. Not sure if i'll be able to commit fully to this, but i'd be happy to join nonetheless.

    Pretty sure it's the same biologically immortal life-span as the saurus and slann's.
  10. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Based on a tough discussion with subject matter experts we settled with the name of Quas.

    Lizerd, Khemrian Slann and Nazqua like this.
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Awesome! I have already written the first scene for it to start. I think I went a bit over the top as it's pretty long and descriptive but now I'm super hyped to get started. we just have to wait for a few more people to make a character and then I can integrate them into it :p.

    here is a little spoiler of a section that mentions your kroxigor :eek:
    The wild boar has been skinned and its tender, appetizing meat slowly spins on the central fire now blazing with Chotec’s warmth due to the addition of fresh wood, fats and juices from the cooking meat drip down into the fire, sizzling with a gentle hiss, whilst smaller meals of plump berries and palatable insects mixed in with simmering rice are handed and spread out by a warm, large but gentle kroxigor.

    When the boar is fully cooked the kroxigor known as Quas., who surprisingly cooks and prepares the meals for the camp gently picks up it up with ease before slamming it onto a cut stone slab nearby. Now smoothly slicing it with a large and nasty looking cleaver with one hand and sprinkling on large grubs and pungent spices with the other.

    Oh yea, It would be epic if another person could create a skink priest as their character as it would help the story quite a bit. it's it's not super crucial but would be nice.
  12. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    I would like to be a Skink Priest named Kuoteq´eko his AoS reborn Storyline is on the Discord.He is very night active and quiet .He has a Black Skin with blue Warpaintings and a Yellow Crest.He likes reading Storys of the old ones and eating good Food from Quas and drinking heavensherb Tea while it.He lived once in Hexoatl but was moved by the City councile to Itza because of a need of Skinks there.
  13. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal, the wisened, sorrowful kroxigor.


    Hakal had always known love, kinship, and hard work. Ever since he was spawned, it was his smaller kin who taught him these ideals he held close to his heart. He always remembered the days when his muscles buckled while carrying what others could not under his skink friends' caring eyes. When darkness descended upon all after a day's hard work, it was his skink friends who hummed their tunes of comfort whenever he was scared. And when his senses whirled in the heat of battle, the all so familiar skinks' chirping and hissing eased his mind. He had served the Great Plan well. He had served his friends well...

    So was his heart pummeled, and was it so viciously torn away, when he had learned not a single one of these skink friends returned from a scouting patrol. It was near unfathomable to remember hearing their hums of comfort, and on the next night's rest, not hear them at all but silence.

    Sleeping became harder. His muscles strained more during labor. He was even almost slain during battle due to confusion.

    Even still, decades onward from that dreadful day, he refused to acknowledge the gaping hole that was once his loving heart. Only looking around, and seeing the value of every lizard's life. Every death was every commitment lost to the Old Ones and all lizard kin.

    Now, he found himself ordered to duty north of Tlaxtlan along with an array of other skinks, sauri, and kroxigors...

    Edit: I think it would be pretty cool as a personality trait if my kroxigor character hums rhythmically from time to time. Probably won't have any real effect, though.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2019
    Nazqua and Khemrian Slann like this.
  14. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    @Paradoxical Pacifism buddies! *slams fists with other Kroxigor (an ancient symbol of unity taught by the Old Ones during the process of spawning)*

    @Nazqua I love it!
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Nazqua like this.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Alright, Awesome stuff! Nice back story @Paradoxical Pacifism

    So, I was thinking we could start when we have 5 or so people, we currently have three, so it shouldn't be too long :)
  16. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    I will read some cook-books in the meantime :)
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek-Zi: Skink Oracle

    Description: A bit larger than other Skinks Xolek has dark obsidian black scales with a cascading sunset of oranges, reds, and dark pinks that transforms into the color of the rising full moon down his side. Aside from his odd coloration the skink also has a tail that splits into three all with 2 orbs each towards the ends of them stands out where ever he goes. Although not the most graceful of tacticians Xolek-Zi makes up for it with his agility, quick mind and quicker blade work along with his magical prowess when needed.

    Xolek-Zi is a smart, sarcastic, lustrian medical plant loving skink who loves to eat when not in the thick of battle. Often alone he isnt great at conversation, making group efforts awkward and often done in a smokey haze has his Twin Tailed Serpent pipe is often Lit even when in battle.

    While in battle laughing is often heard as the Oracle slaughters all around him, smoke and flame erupting from his pipe and the feathers of his headdress covered in the blood of fallen foes. Hoping that with more kills and sacrifices given a vision will be given to him once again...

    Temple City of Origin: Axlotol

    Primary Old Ones Worshipped: Sotek, Tepok

    Melee Weapon: One 1h machauitl carried on the skinks back and a whip with obsidian edges. His tail has twin thagomizers made of metal and Obsidian

    Ranged Weapon: Blow Pipe

    Back Story -

    Dark clouds ascend above a ruined city, wind creeps through the crumbling buildings while it speaks whispers to any who would listen. Lightning flashes above with thunder crashing soon after, four skyward reaching pillars are shown for a moment before disappearing into the dark once more. Red eyes from the black look up, lightning again illuminating the sky, nothing but clouds can be seen from below. High above however four godlike beings sit atop their pillar throwns meditating and gazing upwards at the stars above, all in separate directions.

    Below sat many spawning pools, all of which had last been used over a thousand years ago sat quiet, large fish and other animals about the the swamp grass and cattails growing from them. Slowly something different began to take place, steam began to rise from the most central spawning pool. Fish begin jumping out of the water trying to find relief, the lucky few jumping into neighbouring spawning pools. Soon boiling with the heat of a volcano the pool turns a dark black, and then a bright red to a purple and finally to a moon silver. It was then that the first Mage Priest took his gaze off the stars and peered down, and at that moment a gargled scream let out...which was then followed by the chittering of skaven...and then silence.

    All aroused from their meditation all four mage priests descend from their pillars through the storm clouds and mist, their protective barriers burning bright as the storm crashes against it. As they get closer to the ground all they see are dead skaven and serpents everywhere, though serpents they had not seen before. Attributing it to Sotek the Mage Priests evoke his name and soon after come across a single skink, his markings unique but not entirely visable, all they can make out is the black of his scales with what looks to be rays of light on his side and a tail split not twice but three times. Naming him Xolek-Zi, the slanns determine him to be a Oracle of Sotek before returning to the tops of their pillars...though his coloring and tail strange...perhaps pointing to a spawning of another....
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  18. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    I an help you a Bit with cooking Tips Or Recepts but it is very easy
    Nazqua and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Huh, okay.

    Tiqxoltiq: Skink Priest, Lore of Metal.
    Tiqxoltiq, or just "Tik" for short, is an apprentice alchemist and herbalist. Originally from Tlaxtlan, he wanders through Lustria at the direction of his superiors and the Slaan, gathering the herbs and ingredients required for his work, trading with fellow alchemists in the other cities, and crafting the occasional potion or poison. He enjoys his work but is prone to wandering off to look at interesting plants or insects. Deep inside, he is more interested in his plants than other Lizardmen, but is on good relations with those he trades with, having gained a reputation for reliability. He has met outsiders a few times in secret at the guidance of the Slaan, and knows the speech of the ones from a place called 'Tilea.' At the moment, his opinion of these outsiders is not high. They seem obsessed with gold. Tik has begun to wonder if, perhaps, they eat it? He is not sure.
    He carries a wide variety of pouches and bottles for gathering ingredients, and always has a few useful potions or poisons on his person for emergencies or to trade. When necessary, he carries a hooked sickle that doubles as both weapon and a machete for clearing undergrowth. Instead of a blowgun, he prefers to use a variety of tiny throwing darts made from plant spines that he coats with a variety of toxins or odd herbal concoctions. His skin is an unusual yellowish tone, like dried grass, with tiny red spots. His crest, by comparison, is a rich orange tone like the flowers of his favorite jungle plants. At some point in the past, he obtained the cracked skull of a terradon which has been modified into an odd kind of hat with the addition of a hole for his crest.
  20. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Our journey Begins!

    The day is old and the sky is clear, but in the distance ominous storm clouds gather ready to bombard the jungle with another blast of rain. It seems the dry season is soon coming to an end, the dried swamps and crisp ground now becoming saturated with new life-giving water. Thick humid air wafts its way through the abandoned buildings and shrines within the temple of Kara.

    It’s been a good day, several new underground chambers had been discovered allowing the camp to excavate two new plaques, written by the old ones several decades before the great catastrophe. The camp scouts have returned with a reasonable size boar and several pouches full of cooked berries. Everyone will be well-fed today.

    The hammering of kroxigors pickaxes against ancient stone and rubble reverberated maddeningly within the central temple, whilst chirping skinks darted around between buildings with small tools, recovered trinkets or handfuls of rock. Meanwhile small bands of saurus hefted heavy logs and other materials towards smaller buildings on the outskirts of the ruins. work was well underway. A recent vision from Tiqxoltiq one of the camps leading skink priests had led him to believe that there was a series of undisturbed chambers and cave connected networks below the original site, so without question the excavation work had begun earlier that day, kroxigors and skinks alike had relentlessly worked to uncover a small rock-filled vault, the mining efforts lead by Hakal, a beast of a kroxigor, his smooth scales rough with age and covered with scars, his large eyes sorrowful and sparkless.

    Soon another chamber was unearthed, despite its impressive size it was already empty, All that remained within was a collection of golden coins, wooden rods and other mundane trinkets of no interest , Tiqxoltiq already knew that these seemingly useless gold coins would fetch a high price with the humans, perhaps he could trade them to get hold of a vial of star venom, legends say that one drop could down a stegadon in minutes.

    With the sun slowly disappearing behind the horizon, the sky splayed out in a multitude of hues, oranges, reds and yellows that were now forced to bow to the onyx of dusk, the noise of hard labour quieted and an exhausted Tiqxoltiq and Hakal retreated from the chamber, joining the other lizardmen as they began to gather around the central campfire on the edge of the ruins.

    The quick clicks of skinks mixes in with the orchestra of birds and insects as the camp’s residents gather around a blazing fire pit hidden amongst stray trees and a maze of raised wooden huts. The wild boar has been skinned and its tender, appetizing meat slowly spins on the central fire now blazing with Chotec’s warmth due to the addition of fresh wood, fats and juices from the cooking meat drip down into the fire, sizzling with a gentle hiss, whilst smaller meals of plump berries and palatable insects mixed in with simmering rice are handed and spread out by a warm, large but gentle kroxigor.

    When the boar is fully cooked the kroxigor known as Quas, who surprisingly cooks and prepares the meals for the camp gently picks it up with ease before slamming it onto a cut stone slab nearby. Now smoothly slicing it with a large and nasty looking cleaver with one hand and sprinkling on large grubs and pungent spices with the other.

    The other camps priest Kuoteq’eko, who was adorned in jade bracelets and golden rings that glinted in the evening sun, the adornments and sigils contrasting with his aquamarine scales and yellow crest gently mutters some saurian honours to the old ones and slowly walks to the fire, with a notion of priests head the camp fully ceases work and falls silent, allowing the cacophony of howls and buzzes to go on without interruption. The mixture of saurus, kroxigor and skinks softly bow their heads and close their large reptilian eyes. Meanwhile, a light and warm drizzle of rain started to fall from the heavens, Tzunki was pleased.

    All in communion the kroxigors and saurus begin a deep grumbling murmur lead by Quas. meanwhile, skinks begin to recite prayers and chants to their lost gods. During the invocations, Kuoteq’eko orders Xolek-Zi, A mysterious and quiet skink oracle that had mysteriously stumbled onto the camp days before to lightly pour a small gourd of strange, potent herbs and crushed flowers collected by Tiqxoltiq into the fire. As Xolek-Zi stood up with an exaggerated effort he placed his small, inscribed wooden pipe down on the log benches, his necklace of razordon spines and other curious spherules clinked and rattled as his large and solid club that dangled from his waist dragged along the floor. As the white powder trickles into the flames they ignite with a new burst of magical vigour, the fire leaps upwards, forming into a series of flickering images, the rising sun over the emerald jungle in a shimmering haze. an overgrown temple basking in the subtle light of the moon, constellations of intense stars that seemed to glide into shapes and symbols above to eventually form a huge writhing serpent that swirls and swims in the air, its four huge wings formed from constellations and stars burning bright as it swoops down seemingly leaping out of the fire where it glides between huts and buildings with an unnatural ease, it's orbed tail glowing with an aurous light before it slowly fades as nothing more than an apparition of light… As soon as they started the images disappear once again. The camp roars with delight and begins to tuck into their hard-earned meals with gusto, As Xolek-zi returns back to his seat, placing the hefty jug of ponderous powder on the sand next to his bench.



    Without warning the jungle suddenly explodes with birds and creatures scattering in all directions as howls and hoots piece the air. Through the trees darts a feeble Parasaurolophus, bleating with anguish as it flies through the undergrowth, tripping and stumbling on the sprawling webs of tree roots that make up the forest floor. It bounds from the canopy in a blur, without thinking it races by the campfire and begins to veer off into the sprawling maze of abandoned buildings and labyrinth of weak thatch huts. As it passes, the fire it immediately extinguishes, the ashes billowing up to slowly drift on the thick wind, falling down into the newly made meals and food. The creature’s eyes show only one thing as it whizzes past, its pure desperation for survival.

    Tiqxoltiq stopped slicing herbs and organising the array of leather pouches he had laid out in front of him, standing to join the Several skinks already stood up in alertness, their crests raised. Saurus clench their weapons with anticipation, Hakal whined, He recognised this chain of events all too well, he grabbed the large working pickaxe he had at his side with great strength. He would protect his fellow cold bloods with the fury of a thousand warriors if he had too.

    The frenzied screeching of the young Parasaurolophus echoed throughout the encampment, soon a quick and rhythmic thudding came to join the screaming. The heavy noise punctuating the eery silence that had come over the normally deafening jungle orchestra. Despite the alarm Xolek-Zi’s Eyes seem to light up, he begins to walk towards the thumping as if something was calling him. As the sound increases in speed and loudness, Kuoteq’eko reaches forward to grab Xolek-Zi by the shoulder, tugging him back with him as he begins to sprint in the other direction, whilst shouting a singular word to the rest of the camp



    Instead of getting more definitive set options as you would in combat it's up to everyone to describe what their character is going to do ( The more detail the better!:p), whether thats do as Kuoteq’eko says and run, or perhaps sprinting to grab all of your valuables from your hut before doing so o_O. Or even grabbing a weapon ready to stand your ground against whatever comes from the trees. (Keep In mind your actions may take a skill point )
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019

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