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Blog Suds Painting 2019: End of the Year Closing. Thanks Everyone for the support and great community!

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Finally got the gold trim done on the first full platform! Took awhile, but I think its looking great. Now to do the poles, and other details. I am still unsure of the face in the middle, tempted to do a red orange outlined by gold. People have suggested green, which I'm considering I just only have 2 green paints (Sotek and Tan-Biel Greens).

    I also decided to rebase and paint this icon bearer. Im starting to feel maybe my army is too varied and perhaps some sort of "core" scheme is needed...although I do already use a core set of colors (given I am limited atm) so there is that at least. I also love doing these cascading colors....

    Lots to do still 20191207_122848.jpg 20191205_232753.jpg 20191206_005816.jpg 20191206_010036.jpg
    Schwaaah, Cageyblood, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Been painting platforms and other small things and decided to take a break. I found this toy Stegosaurus in our office and decided to just fiddle around and have fun with it.

    I like the Stegadon models, but this may be my proxy one day. Dont have any serious plans for it yet, just having some fun with it, might write up a description for it sometime.

    Edit: For my own purposes I am basing this off one if my own unique creature from my fluff, but for game purposes its just a Stegadon.

    Xalachiosaurus – Fourlegged Herbivore with mighty bone plates and sharp side spikes that line all the way to a flattened blade like tail with large spikes coming out at the end. Native to Ghur these animals migrate in great herds across the red dirt savanah landscape in search of water from its mighty rivers. Slightly smaller than an aged Stegadon, the Xalachiosaurus is smarter and less aggressive, unless provoked. Having slightly more intelligence allows the skinks that command these into battle to maneuver faster with slightly more complex movements. (inspired by Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus)

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    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I posted a picture of some peogress but decided Id rather wait til its further along :)
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
    Nazqua likes this.
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Nice touching up!
    I love the head-crest and 'knee' pads, turns him into a badass :cool: ;)

    Not so sure about the armor on the backscales though...

    Those chains add some nice detail on his body, maybe an extra plaque on chains or robe.

    Gr, Imrahil
    Nazqua and Sudsinabucket like this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I love what I affectionately call her "Hat" lol Gives her a more Stegadon feel for sure, and I do love the leg guards! Though, undecided if i should have made them the same ones instead of different for front vs back.

    I am hoping to add the chains after she's all primed up, I like the color of that chain, thinking of having it go through the plates ontop and around the stomach to connect to the platforms on her side.

    A big reason aside from wanting a more Stegasaur inspired Stegadon is because I love this color scheme from Dinotopia and I want to mimic it. Screenshot_20191208-233757_Google.jpg
    Nazqua, Imrahil and Aginor like this.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    20191209_125605.jpg 20191209_125658.jpg 20191209_125707.jpg 20191209_125718.jpg Aside from possible chain with small icons shes all finished :) Added poles to hold up the platform like the GW model and added large leg spikes as per my description of my fluff creature the "Xalachiosaurus". Little bit of luquid green stuff to fill a few gaps here or there, otherwise....just need a non rainy day and a new can of primer :)

    C&C welcome on my Stegadon proxy welcome!

    Im very excited for what Ive built, even if people think it looks cheesy lol
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    20191209_142909.jpg 20191209_143929.jpg 20191209_143943.jpg 20191209_143953.jpg 20191209_144016.jpg Decided to add two more drum faces to the front of the platforms
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
  8. childishknight
    Chameleon Skink

    childishknight Well-Known Member

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    Looking good! I would recommend cutting off the feathers on some of the drums or twisting them around so they are not symmetrical. They look a little too perfect for feathers and decorations that are supposed to be swinging around as the creature walks :artist:
  9. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Same thougth here.
    Looking awesome.

    One posible extra: some sort of conection/wall-like thing between and in front of the platforms. To shield the riders.

    Looking forward to the painting updates:artist:

    Gr, Imrahil
    Cageyblood, Nazqua, Aginor and 2 others like this.
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Going to be using bandage material for that :) or thats the plan, already brown and probably wont look horrible
    Nazqua, Aginor and Imrahil like this.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Ended up adding some Icons, looks more like a Seraphon/Lizardmen unit to me now. Now to wait for priming. I was going to attempt to make a EOTG but I think ive decided against it as my idea in reality I think would clutter up the model
    too much.

    Edit: I attempted to strip them of the gold, etc but after 36ish hrs of next to nothing coming off in the rubbing alcohol i decided I'd just prime over it lightly. 20191211_171648.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2019
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Added 2 chains to the howdah, decided painting them over with ret armor after priming might be better, plus i can now put small idols on the chains

    Thoughts? 20191213_134240.jpg 20191213_134249.jpg
    Cageyblood and Imrahil like this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Ran out of primer so ill have to go over some areas again lightly but shes mostly primed! Very happy with the look of my 'Stegadon'! The chains themselves look great primed and excited for all the skins detail...this is going to be a fun (and possibly frustrating) paint lol
    My Xalachiosaurus :) 20191213_151105.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  14. Cageyblood
    Temple Guard

    Cageyblood Well-Known Member

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    You continue to be one of the most inventive kitbashers and modelers on this forum suds. It already looks so good just primed.
    Imrahil, Aginor and Nazqua like this.
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Wow, that is some high praise, I certainly dont think of myself that way! I see myself as an uber noob, ha. Blows me a way someone even thinks that of me, thank you so much!

    One of my next years goals is to do at least one sculpt of one of my imagined beasts, its going to be horrible, but I'm gonna love doing it and learning something new.

    Its been a real rough half a year, this hobby and community has really helped me keep my sanity through all the medical strife. If anything my inventive kitbashes, as you say, are a by product of all of you and your support, C&C (which I value so much), and my stubbornness in not giving up lol

    I'm excited for this upcoming year and what all Ill learn and hopefully achieve. I have some projects planned such as to start painting the Stegadon Proxy and to finish the Thunderlizard...but also some new and I think exciting stuff including some wicked conversions.

    These projects arnt limited to modeling however, I am really looking to expand on my writing, which again I don't feel I'm great at but enjoy doing. I very much want to focus on Xolek-Zi, the Oracle I created for the RPG.

    I really appreciate all of you, and again @Cageyblood thank you for the kind words

    Below are the two color schemes so far I am debating between for the Steggie Proxy

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    Cageyblood, Nazqua and Aginor like this.
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    I think the first one will be alot harder to pull off but could work out really well, But the second option is very nice also....
    Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    This I agree with

    @Nazqua If I were to go with the First option (or a darker theme) it would be a tribute to Huanchi, if I go with the second theme it would be to Chotec. One of Night, one of Day. Honestly may do a second one just to do this theme, the second one having some sort of Moon or Sun Crystal.

    The more I speak of this night and day theme army the more I want to strip a bunch of my minis and start over lol good thing I still need 3ish more SC for more warriors :)

    Second edit:

    Man, looking at my Thunderlizard...this night and day theme is gonna happen... she is kind of the bridge, if you will, esspecially when you look at the howdah platform. Having both The Sun and Moon represented on it is kinda perfect, not to mention her color scheme is that of a dark night sky giving way to a warm sunrise (or a warm sunset giving way to a dark night if you prefer) or that's how I see the colors 20191207_122848.jpg 20191124_163325.jpg 20191124_171755.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
    Imrahil, Cageyblood and Nazqua like this.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    @Nazqua and I were talking about the plates of Stegosaurus and theyre function, and out of that conversation I had an interesting thought...

    What if the plates/spines of my model when soaking up the sun/moons rays they could then convert that energy to somehow power a sun/moon crystal mounted on them?

    Well, already had this made and wasnt sure what to do with it...so guess I now have an idea, I give you my Sun/Moon crystal


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  19. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I like the thoughts and the progress on your works!!

    Great idea about the sun/moon ray absorption :cool: to power a crystal.

    this is my thought as well.
    But depending on the color of all the 'metal' bits, if you intent to paint them gold i think the first colorscheme is a better fit.
    In the second scheme gold will more or less blend into the color of the bottompart of the skin.

    Great work all around.

    Keen to see the progress ;)

    Gr, Imrahil
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    After the first package of 18 crests got lost in the mail (i did get a refund) I decided to order the 5 on the hoard o bits site as a second try and possible final; try especially after being in contact with the owner. Three days later 10 crests arrive like they were supposed to! I am so excited! Once I have primer again I should be able to create the neck armor Ive been envisioning for MONTHS...man, this is such a great great day! I may or may not order from them again, they definitely took the sour taste out of my mouth, but the loss of 18 crests and it taking 2 months to be rectified wont be forgotten, Overall i have nothing bad to say about HOB, in the end I got what I needed and the owner was totally cool about it once he got in touch with me.


    Imrahil, ChapterAquila92 and Nazqua like this.

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