Here we see the lesser spotted Imrahil with his son, Elphir, among the remnants of the commonly seen Stegadon and Terradon Grrr, Imrahil
Really struggling to find a picture that isn't my usual casual scruffy look, but this is myself (with my wife from 2018. Still happy today )
Better picture of me in garb from a few months ago. I'm down to 165 lb from 223 over the course of a year and a half.
Well done on controlling your weight, always a good thing to aspire to achieve! I assume you're at a re-enactment there? I must say I approve of the Thor's Hammer talisman you're wearing there, the God of Thunder must be aiding you in your weight loss aspirations (even if it does go against his own mighty appetite for food and wine ).
I look decidedly average. I've decided to grow my hair out again, after a rather annoying haircut. I also need to look into proper beard care and growth. Tired but purposeful. Finishing up some building, before launching into a few work projects. Maybe some sleep, not sure.