6th Ed. Monster Mash - 2000 points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Gary_M, May 29, 2019.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    OK, so I'm hardly an expert having played a grand total of four games of sixth, but really enjoying the lizardmen.
    Something I never got to do in 7th/8th was a monster mash list, but is something that I think I can do now, although I have no idea if this would be effective or not, but hopefully it will be fun to use.

    Oldblood, Light Armour, Shield, Carnosaur, Spawning of Itzl, Spawning of Quetzal, Aura of Quetzal, Sword of Striking
    (This chap is on a 2+ Armour save, has a 4 + ward save against Strength 5+ attacks, and has a +1 to hit thanks to the sword).

    2 x Level 2 Skink Priests, each with a Dispel Scroll.

    3 x 10 skink skirmishers
    (barest minimum!)

    4 Kroxigor
    4 kroxigor
    (I've used a single 4 base unit in a couple of games, which have done pretty well for me, and are thematic for the list)

    5 x saurus cavalry (inc champion)

    2 x stegadon

    Total 2000

    If (and its a BIG if), I can get the charges off, then hopefully happy days.

    D6 + 1 impact hits from the stegadons - if both hit the same unit, that could be fun!

    The Krox swinging first on the charge could be devastating (effectively str 7!)

    And then there's the saurus cav plus oldblood on a carnosaur. With +1 to hit sword, he's effectively WS7.

    No idea when I will get to use this, but I am desperate to try it out.

    Any thoughts from the slann, oldbloods and scar vets gathered here?
  2. Lord_Thorsen
    Jungle Swarm

    Lord_Thorsen New Member

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    Looks awesome! In my opinion, the lizardmen exists so that all dino-lovers can field monsters in WH 6th. Have you tried the list out?
    Terradons could maybe take out some artillery that could harm your big monsters and cavallery. And there are also salamanders...
  3. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Played it once, lost against VC. Needs a bit of tweaking. Probably drop on stet for some sallies. Also want to have some terradons, so need to squeeze them in somehow.

    Will use it again at some point.
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