You can teleport and drop a purple sun right on their face. Also, 3-4 bastiladons?? I did 10 damage to Stormcast 4+ units before in one ranged attack. I think you greatly exaggerate here.
nope this is the avrage output of a unbuffed bastiladon against a 4+ save Luck will change this and a 3+ save so ya 3-4 and we are the pnly onse who can pull of a purple sun and they will just kill our casters turn 1
It’s also probably safe to say that in a thunder quake starhost it will deal significantly more damage with all the rerolls
So buff it than lol. Also, drop a Purple Sun. 2d6 mortal wounds is an average of 7. No more KO teleporting. Also, their rend means nothing and mortal wounds can be ignored. Take two in a Thunderquake and watch em try. Also, gunboats are 5+ save.
Gun boats only have a 5+? That’s pathetic, very easy pickings for our artillery lizards or a deep strike from carnosaurs. A bastiladon should have much trouble dealing with that, buffed or not.
a 5+ save now yes but that will change the new hero has a 3+ save and i cant imajin the ships wount get better. the sun only does that damage on a 6+ it is not a good answer here they don't have to kill the bastiladon just the EotG then your thunderquake does not work
I don't see this as better than our teleport. Sure, they can do it more often (once a turn for each boat), but if they're in combat they have to retreat/disengage. Doesn't that mean no shooting for them? Its good, but it's restrictive in the right manner. The wording makes me worry for LoSaT.
that depends the guys inside will still get to shoot they didn't move and then it only helps if nothing in the army gives retreat and shoot(in a shooting only army id be surprised) and im not worryed about them getting out of combat im worried about them dropping 3 botes filled with dwarves 9 " from your front line droping of skreens and shooting you to death
Which is why you place your starting skinks in such a way to prevent this. People do it to prevent good Shadowstrike drops, do it for KO boats. In a 1k list they are bringing at most 4 (more than likely 3 due to point restrictions). All it takes it good positioning to put your heavy hitters to work.
The actual article for those who haven't seen it yet. Rather curious what's supposed to curtail turn 1 assaults with this though. Several boats loaded up even with even their weakest dwarfs would be pouring out an ungodly amount of fire. Over the course of a longer game it probably isn't as bad as reaching those 7 wounds shouldn't be too complicated (provided they don't get a crapton of healing from somewhere, and provided they don't get to have a 3+ re-rollable save or some such nonsense on their updated warscrolls...). But the potential firepower that they can pour into you at pointblank range is going to be rather astonishing. And since it's all ranged firepower screens won't be all that effective, or at least far more troublesome to use correctly. Plus, anything that's hidden beyond a screen will struggle to touch them in retaliation too.. On the bright side, this might be part of the new flying rules they teased in their previous post. So that could be interesting.
sooo all of your not skinks at the verry back of the board as the skinks are spread out every where to prevent teleportation? yes you can do that but then the big stuff wouldn't get in combat. like at all
Problem with this though is all they need to do is spread out. Sure, you can get one gun boat, but the rest will just shoot and scoot those 5+ 3 wound dinos.
The shooting will be a problem, yes. It might mean more of a reason to take first turn if you're going against a KO army, even if you might want second for objectives. Even then, they'll be able to position just fine to shoot, and counter teleport/move to whatever you do. It feels like the only way to cripple them would be to do enough damage to their ships T1... but that's been gone over. They do have several repair abilities, and the new Dirigible Endrinwhatsit can do it to. This will be an interesting hiccup in the meta.
Only armies without access to magic get something other than endless spells. Kharadron may just clear screen from long distance than go for heroes in the next turn. If boats won't go higher in price and getting additional +1 to hit or +1 to save or both, Kharadron may easily end up tier 1 army. From another hand, 7 wounds limitation is a great balancing factor. If they are got caught, they are not going anywhere. Garrisoning shooting force is what really scary. They can just drop on all objectives they want turn 1 (especially for BP like battle for the pass) and shoot at enemy for turn or two, while they reach objectives. This looks problematic for seraphon, since kharadron outrange thunderquake and DT cannot lock them in their deployment. Massive turn 1 assault, however, can cripple them. The problem is that they can just get in corner, screened by chaff - this won't hinder their movement.
@Nart That's not a hard and fast rule for ES. Its the norm, yes, but it doesn't mean they won't do something different. Look at faction Terrain. Its varies hugely in size and effectiveness, and there are some armies still waiting on it. And as @Canas put it to me, they're just ES anyway, despite not being "spells". GW is consistently inconsistent. Also, I still think it's a better/more fun idea than having more stuff be tossed on the toads plate. Give Sauras heros something to do besides buff Sauras.
I notice that other than a few faction-specific options, they still only have one Battleline unit though...