tzeench teaser is out we have fairly good almost useless (the only ones who can make use of this already have very high casting rolls) i do want to see what the other agendas are and possibly terrifying
That is amazing, and a great way of improving Tzeentch's frontline survivability. I hope they also improve some of the save values to be better than 5+ then tzeentch might actually be able to hold a frontline for once. That is hilarious, and quite possibly super fun. Though I suspect not particularly competitive.
and turn 2 it honestly depends on how there summoning works this time around and how majic the opponent is
The actual article. Acolytes are now wizards. Their bolt thing is a spell to improve the rend of their ranged attack (much like the SCE that can cast an empowerement spell). Get a bunch of acolytes & pink horrors Get a bunch of heroes. Cast an absolute metric ton of spells. SUMMON EVERYTHING. Just as planned
Looking at they article they seem very effective, and pretty powerful. Let’s just hope that Lord of Change isn’t as busted as the Keeper of Secrets. Their sub factions also look potent, but not as stupid as Petrifex. Seeing how KO and Tzeentch will fight should be interesting. another thing to note is it seems that both KO and Tzeentch are getting new models, which means we will likely get some new stuff
Since the lord of change is first and foremost a caster I suspect he'l always be less problematic than a keeper of secrets. If nothing else a lord of change will always just have the weakness of simply not being the greatest combatant. So long as he doesn't get absolutly insane spells, or inexplicably becomes capable of duelling a bloodthirster, he should be mostly fine.
Seeing how Tzeentch gains Fate Points (by spells cast) got me thinking. How broken would it be if all of our casting became "prayers" of some kind? Maybe we would "cast" similarly to how Khorne summons it's endless spells? We wouldn't generate Fate Points vs. Tzeentch and our spell-prayers couldn't be unbound by any army, except for endless spell we cast. That could represent unparalleled casting, but it sounds too broken, right?
well let’s hope it’s not the same people who wrote the Slaanesh battletome, otherwise it might have some stupid powerful melee ability. If that is not the case then I think you are right and we should be ok in dealing with the lord of change. That does sound powerful... but fun as hell for us
I had the idea of turning out ES into Old One tech 'prayers', and honestly, if they did something like that for all of our spells, I wouldn't bat an eye. Just allow the Slann and our wizards to still dispel and unbind as normal wizards would. Would make us a decent counter to magic armies, while also leaving them without means to stop our shenanigans. On top of us possibly keeping the increased damage output to chaos daemons, we could end up being Tzeentch's worst nightmare. Of course, just speculation and wishlisting...
meh, it'd also mean a lot of modifiers would no longer work. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being worse on account on everything becoming an unmodifiable 4+ or 5+ on 1D6 instead of a 2D6 that can be modified and where casting values can vary from a 4+ to a 12+.
We already giving tzeentch 1-2 fate points at best. Two my last games were against Tzeentch and my opponent could only summon 10 blue horrors in one and nothing at all in another. We spend most our cast attempts on Celestial Rituall anyway. We are already significant anti-magic force, thanks to infinite unbind from the slann and 3 attempts per turn. Unless our opponents have insane bonuses for casting, they can never feel safe.
I didn't say we weren't, now did I? -Edit- misremembered something. It would also mean that the majority of our abilities that do affect spells could be reworked. Take astroliths. They could provide us with a +1 on prayer rolls. Or perhaps it gives a Second die to roll, pick the highest. Slann constellations can be reworked to be more pervasive, providing buffs to defenses and bonuses to prayers. The Skink on chair could even become useful if they had him add/manipulate dice like he did before. Perhaps he could give us a dice pool like Fate/Destiny dice to pull from. The Engine could even be kept pretty close to what it is now, just tweaked to be more beefy, maybe have it's it' prayer that it can use. The sky is the limit with a rework. But to put my feet back in solid ground, it's extremely unlikely.
I like your ideas, but I think the group that needs the most reforming is saurus. I have several predictions on this blood bowl introduced gorgeous Saurus models, and GW would be stupid not to integrate them into AoS Likely they will looks similar to @SirKillingtonIV ’s conversions here likely temple guard will be a beefier and more armored version of the warriors and last up is knights, I think they will get a third wound and a model revamp.
One other thing from the Tzeentch preview that kind of bums me out is the Destiny Dice. I think a mechanic like this could have been almost perfect for the Skink Starseer. It might have helped make the model more interesting and more worthy of including. When/if we get an update, it makes me wonder what our angle/theme/role will be?
in fairness, tzeentch's cheat dice have been around since it's first tome. So not like we could steal that anyway. The mechanic itself makes less sense for us though. Tzeentch manipulates fate, we simlpy predict it and try to act accordingly. So it makes more sense for tzeentch to have cheat dice than it does for us. For us it'd make more sense to "predict' a certain event and then gain corresponding bonusses (e.g. we predict we're going to slaughter the opponent, so we get +1 to hit, or we predict the enemy is going to attack our left flank so we get +1 to saves as we can be prepared)