As some fun speculation, what if Tzeench and KO terrain were also announced? The pre-orders go up tomorrow so maybe?
I must checked the gw website and various regions. Many big-ish dinos are not avaliable for order. Including rippers and the bastilladon. Is this a glimpse of tomorrow?
probably just the effect of christmas and GW's inability to actually keep a decent stock. The new StD start collecting box has been sold out for weeks for example. They just take forever to restock.
Just get freaking SoB released already. Are they going to show one new model at time through the whole year?
Got to hope they will show at least small teaser for whatever is coming next for Aos, as the banner doesn't have any aos armies featured in it...
..... talk about milking a release... how long has it taken them? Hell currently there's basicly no soraritas units available.
They only sold the new box as-is. New Sororitas releases are going to fill 40k releases (with Psychic Awakening books) for 3-6 months.
Why do you say that? Could be plastic cats, ogre hunters, and a new range of gnoblars. The art is similar to the Underworld Wolfgitz, but it would not be the first time art has been similar across ranges. See AoS to Underworlds.
I'm not saying they can't release multiple ogre hunters and so on, but the same kind of artwork has already been in Underworld cards where you can see the hunter and gnoblars
That is unlikely - if there was, it would have been announced with the two Battletomes and Aether-War and would be released with them tomorrow. Indeed, the stuff released last year was just a taster, and the main release was to be this year. However, I was expecting it to take just 2-3 weeks as most new armies are. 3-6 months just for one (especially unpopular and niche) army? That is dreary as hell. Please let that not be true, or else I will most likely die of boredom before my next birthday.
If you want to look at old AoS sculpts, the plastic Night Runners/Gutter Runners from the Skaventide army are 5th edition sculpts. Those plastics are some of the oldest plastic minis GW still makes.
Yeah, they're from what Skaven collectors call the "monkey-rat era." I have a bunch of parts for those lying around because I use the heads and tails to convert Cadian and Catachan plastics for my Renegades and Heretics Skaviiri army. And as you can see, they never ranked up well. They were skirmishers even back then, mind you, so they didn't HAVE to rank up often, but still...