You haven't been paying attention then The Sororitas release is not a run-of-the-mill Codex release, one and done. It's a complete revamp, with every unit getting a new model and adding new models to the roster. Also, to be alternated with PA releases. And if you think that Sororitas are niche and unpopular, you are either living under a rock, or your local GW scene is really weird, rofl.
Man, I really don't understand the insane virtue purchasing for Sisters of Battle. I really don't like the custodes either. Mainly because of the horrible gold colour scheme. I just find both those armies so boring and so unnecessary. Why not bring back Squats instead? Or update the Eldar models? At this point it feels like 40K is 95% about the imperium, an 95% of people are playing the imperium. It makes the universe seem very small. Only good thing for 40k, will be when the space wolfs vs orks starter sets appear. That's what people need, a cheap way to start an ork force.
People have been clamoring for plastic Sisters of Battle for ages now. It's nice to see GW finally throw them a bone. From what I can tell, they have been very well received.
That's mainly because the Xeno(alien) armies aren't on the same power level as Imperium. Eldar (elves) and Tau are the only factions that are strong enough to face Space Marines right now. Necrons, Tyranids, orks are in a really bad spot, if GW took the time to actually invest in these factions you'd see more players going to them and buying more stock.
Hope.... Also, the Aetheric Navigator got a slight tweak to be able to dispel an endless spell in the hero phase, in addition to the unbind a spell in the enemy hero phase he has. edit: his pistols also got extra range and punch, the Aerherstorm power is multiple effects on a dice roll as well.
So I read all the news, there is an extra bit of news this afternoon so hoping that is more AoS related. I had a small moment about the Soul Wars book, thought it was another Chaos battletome ahahaha. Nah it's another book with some story-related battles and stuff in.
Yeah there's a small bit of hope for this afternoon but at this point I'm beginning to think we won't be for awhile
campaign book..... ok fine not what anyone wanted but fine and the ogre/goblin stuff is indeed underworld no surprises there
As a matter of fact, I have been paying attention, and I am certainly not living under a rock or in possession of a weird GW scene, thank you very much. Historically, Sisters have never been popular, as before this new 8th Edition one the last proper printed codex they had was back in Third Edition. During 4th-7th Edition all they were given was the odd White Dwarf codex or digital codex and no new models. No other army has been treated so badly for so long. If they had been more popular, why didn't GW give them more attention before now? Try explaining that! I for one am really bitter about all the attention that Sisters are going to get this year, because GW showed no such love for Bretonnia and Tomb Kings, yet at the time they deleted them they must have been more popular than Sisters because they had newer books and newer models, with (slightly) more attention given to them during Fantasy's reign. If any army should have been executed for being unpopular, Sisters deserved to bite the bullet. And for anyone who says that Sisters are more original than Bretonnia or Tomb Kings, all Sisters are are female Space Marines with the mannerisms of nuns, accompanied by a load of deranged priests and mutated monsters. They have weirdness, yes, eccentricity, yes, originality, no. True, GW are considering bringing back the Old World eventually, but if they don't give Bretonnia and Tomb Kings the same attention as this new Sisters release, I will certainly consider boycotting it. Only because GW are bloody biased towards Imperium vs Chaos crap, one of the many reasons why 8th Edition 40K is the worst one yet. And as for this New Year's Open Day, what a load of bollocks. GW had already teased the Warcry stuff and most of the 40K stuff aeons ago, the only thing really new being that new Commander Shadowsun (and given that the more humanoid aliens are in the second tier of bias, they didn't really need it). The only thing new with AoS is a poxy campaign book which half of the playerbase won't give a damn about. Sorry for the language, but I am just fed up with the hypocrisy and bias of GW at the moment, which I believe is even worse than that shown by the GW of the past.
I think it was because I'm pretty sure they were designed originally for Mordheim, as I recently spotted a box of Mordheim Skaven that were the exact same models as these. Didn't get them as I have some already and was focused on getting my SPQR rulebook, but I just thought that was an interesting fact.
Im a bit biased when it comes to the Sororitas, because i absolutely adore the models and even got the box when it went up for sale for about 5 minutes, I wanted a Sisters army for years now and i am quite happy. They are the most 40kish miniatures they released for a while now in my opinion, all the gothic aesthetic goodness and so on. BUT! The stuff GW pulls with some of the other factions is absolute nonsense, see the awesome "Orktober". As an Eldar player I was so hyped for the plastic Banshees for example, but then they released them in an overpriced box where I didnt even need 90% of the other miniatures, no single box release, not even the phoenix lord... I mean what? Plus the new book they got was lackluster aswell. Last year I painted some old Rangers from 1989. I know that they have newer ones but yeah they are resin. They could have updated all of the Eldar range that need updates, especially the Aspect Warriors and Phoenix Lords. As I said I love the new Sisters and I am happy that they exist now, but yeah im kinda with you on that. It's one of the reasons I put my Eldar on hold for a bit and started painting up my Seraphon only to find myself in the same Situation... waiting for updates, I tend to love the factions that get neglected by GW it seems. As for the Open Day, yeah somewhat underwhelming for my taste too, lets see what the afternoon brings.
it's underwelming for almost every one the exeptions being tau (it's a fun model) and some ogre players but for every one else this is a big nothing burger.
Yeah, that was a complete and utter farce. Poor Orks, GW see them as in-game comic relief as well as in-lore comic relief. I expect they will release the new plastic Banshees eventually, but I understand and agree with your frustration. GW make them exclusive to the Battlebox for the first few months to force people who want the new models to get the Battlebox rather than getting them separately, which is another of their many Ferengi tactics and is pretty despicable.
Yeah a friend of mine didn't buy the Gloomspite Gitz battlebox back then and is still waiting for the Loonboss on Cave Squig. But i guess the Sylvaneth players are waiting for the Arch Revenant to be released aswell. If its a Tactic, I can't stand it, I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and would say their factory is running at max capacity, and they have to switch out the injection molds to keep producing Primaris Marines.
So summer then lol. Anyone know what time the afternoon reveal is although based on that panel answer I know it's not gonna be seraphon